/fph/ fat people hate

>no fph

bring your fucking game

Fat people stories were better


Why do fat people exist?

>work in a ramen shop in a hipster city full of sjw femenists
>weebwhale group of 5 and one token thin girl walk in and have to wait for table for 6 to open up, we're busy, huge line
>we've got an opening at a bar height community table
>largest of the lot claims disability, can't lift her enormous mass onto a stool, wants to wait for a table
>they'd have to wait much longer because they wouldn't fit at a regular table so they'd have to wait for two parties to finish, estimate maybe 20 minute wait
>she begins to cry, friends console her and assure her she can do it
>can't tell her we've seen people her size make it even with themselves spilling out over the edge
>they proceed to the table which usually seats 8-10
>they take up the whole table because they have to have so much room for their fat to hang over
>we're all the same mixture of horrified, amused, and disgusted
>less than 10 minutes later I'm delivering 3 bowls with extra noodles, pork, egg, and Naruto because omg so kawaii
>tons of appetizers on the table already and coworker arriving with me to deliver more
>every fatty has a rice bowl with pork that we eat as a full meal if we're not craving that ramen or the lbs
>next tray up and I deliver two of our thickest, heaviest (admittedly delicious) ramen. Both have extra noodles, pork, egg, naruto, and one has an extra noodle on the side. These are our thickest noodles with a very very thick, condensed dipping broth
>I ask if they've had it before. One hasn't, one has. It was the tearful titan from earlier and the extra noodles were for her. She'd ordered for her and her much smaller but still fat sister.
>I explain how to eat it and why it's done that way (genuinely care that people appreciate this food)
>Mastodon dismisses me and dumps the broth in the noodles and encourages her sister to do the same
>last run. A single veggie bowl for the qt.

Why are we still here?





>>I explain how to eat it and why it's done that way (genuinely care that people appreciate this food)
>>Mastodon dismisses me and dumps the broth in the noodles and encourages her sister to do the same
Go on, how does one eat noodles and broth then?



I'm genuinely interested.

Doesn't the noodle go into the broth?

Is that a picture of Zyzz's suicide note?


Because there is no shortage of lazy and stupid people out there

yeah you deep the noodles in the broth before eating them

I dunno why though.

I'm down from 230 to 203. My heaviest was last summer and since last December I've been working out 4-5 days a week. I've been intermittent fasting 16/8 six days out of the week for the past month and the fat has been flying off. My pants are becoming looser, I've been able to go further and higher intensity on my runs, biking, and swimming, and am only 28 pounds away from my goal of being back to 175.

It fucking sucks to be fat. I fucking hate the fat acceptance community with a passion. My ex was one of these people and it is fucking awful. She is 29 years old, on the borderline of hypertension blood pressure, chronic fatigue, can't run more than 20 seconds without being winded, can't climb stairs without being winded, etc. Yet she is a huge fat acceptance movement person.

When I hit 175 near the end of the year, the thing that I am worried about is what people will say who are close to me and on my social media shit. I'm afraid I will fucking explode at the first person who tries to tell me that there was nothing wrong with being fat. I'm 31 and when I was 230 I had all these physical ailments that have gone away as I get closer to my goal weight. I am so fucking tired of fat people and their fucking bullshit.

No need to get IRL autistic, user. Just tell them that you feel better.

The ramen style they were eating is a dipping ramen. You fucking dip it. The noodles are cold and porous the broth is hot so if you dump it in you make cold soggy garbage out of a man's life's work. Soba master turned ramen god with a legacy that will survive in Japanese food lovers' world. It's a damn good bowl even if it's not his.

The balance, change in texture, temperature, the thick chewy noodle coated with the undiluted rich thickness of the sauce-like broth is an experience worth having. The broth thins out and cools down, the noodles lose bite as they swell in the now cold, soupy conconction.

I'm a cook and server. I care about these things probably too much but if you're going to try something new, try to experience it as it's meant to be because the people creating these things have put A LOT more time, effort, money, experience, and very likely real love into it. For sure hard work. Appreciate it.

That's how you eat tsukemen.

Portlandia did a bit on it.


>The broth thins out and cools down, the noodles lose bite as they swell in the now cold, soupy conconction.
I missed saying this is the result if you just dump the broth

>6 minute mile

Sounds good. I'll try it if I'm ever on the West Coast

Based cart guy
Always gets me


She misspelled milk, cow can't read

>6 minute mile
Your waddle path is not one mile long. Proof needed.

Where can I go to get so called, broth and ramen?

Is your ramen place in Seattle? It has been a while since I had genuinely good ramen and I want to find a place.

There's ramen somewhere near you. All major cities in the US have ramen shops. They're not always good and I work at one of the best in the country but ramen is a worldwide hit. It's in every continent but Alaska. I eat it in every city I visit. If you're in the East coast, you'll find some of the biggest names in the ramen scene working there who brought ramen into the culinary scene out here in the west. I met a British guy here on Veeky Forums and he told me he was out in the city. Googled it and found a shop walking distance from him in Manchester. He ate it for the first time and completely understood. He loved it. One day I'll eat there and know that was his first bowl and that will mean something to me. I know it sounds super gay but I have legit love for this stuff. What you eat matters.

They have places like this in Korea and the Koreans told me to dump the water in

>every continent but Alaska

From her blog. So why are landwhales such hypocrites?

>you must accept my morbid obesity, but I deserve a man who is ripped and shredded like pic related!

Closest place to me is just over an hour away in Epcot.

Not all ramen shops serve tsukemen. It's a Tokyo specific style but you can find ramen in most major cities. Google it. /r/ramen will have something to say. Yelp isn't a good measure because only idiots, and white ones at that, tend to use it. They won't know what they're talking about but overall popularity will mean there's generally something making people flock there so just look at the number of reviews. A lot, even with a 3.5 will mean more than 5 from 50 people.

Try Hokkaido Ramen Santouka in Bellevue. I ate their spicy miso Tsukemen there and it was honestly the first time since eating our ramen that I was excited by another bowl. And I'd been on a road trip with a cook from our shop and we were hitting as many spots as we could find on our way there.

So tell one

It's cool that you're passionate about where you work user.

You made me fucking hungry, I might have to stop by a ramen place today.

Lol my bad I meant Antarctica

Koreans do ramen, or ramyun, differently if it's their own style but even Tokyo style tsukemen places have hot water that they'll serve after you're done with your noodles so you can dilute the broth and drink it at the end. They'll also bring out hot stones to keep it hot while you're eating it.

I'd road trip for it but maybe just head in next time you're in the area. It's a fast meal. Shouldn't take long to be made or to eat. Best times are happy hour times from 2-5 at just about any restaurant. You could be in and out and satisfied in 20 minutes. Slurp your noodles loud and proud. It aerates the broth. Like wine. It tastes better and cools the noodles. Nobody would look at you strange unless they don't know. Hope you enjoy it man.

I'll stop posting about ramen guys. Fatties suck so enjoy this beautiful meal as a reward for your moderation and hard work. Appreciate it.

Noodle dreams do come true.

>implying I don't roadtrip to Epcot anyway
I'm a WDW annual passholder. My kids love going to Didneyworl

Keep posting ramenbro, just throw in more stories about ridiculous fatties.

Has she been reported to child services?

Just to lift?Every night, I can feel my leg... and my arm... even my gains. The gains I've lost... the hope I've lost... won't stop hurting... It's like they're all still there. You feel it, too, don't you? I'm gonna make them give back our past.

>acknowledging my flaws is painful, so I'm going to lie to myself and say that doing so will cause mental health issues, then bury said problems, which may actually feed REAL mental health issues

Reverse progress time


>I'm going to delude myself into thinking I can change the entire world when I can't even change a harmful habit that is probably going to kill me


>I'm so fucking lazy that i'd rather change deep rooted psychological instincts than put down the fork



>I have forced myself to confirm my biases and force myself to accept failure before I even try

saddest of them all desu








What's a MIOLF?


Her belly button is the O user









Indian got so fat she became white

She looks like a mexican to me


sitting across from this specimen at airport

Why do so many women get fat in their late teens and early 20s?

not cool dude we all had to start flying at some point i at leadt give him props for having the courage to go inside and hey maybe in a few years he'll be on a flight to Denver like the rest of us

They pick up drinking and eating out more and whatever exercise they were doing gets stopped


>3.53 MB
Nice camera
Took a few secs to load



Can anyone cosign?

Same with a girl i know
Short af and used to be hot as hell and make fune of little me who couldn't spell r.Now she looks absolutely disgusting,sounds like jabba
became a tumblrete and recently tried to hit
me up.Gained weight in her teens because
she was a slut who drank


Hate this desu

What can be done to stop this?



>thesis defense next week
>watching weight loss surgery videos despite not needing it at all

That is a question for /pol/. They would love to go on and on about the degeneration of society.


Just leaving this here


What's the thesis on?

>You need to get over it
>Easier than getting around you i suppose
I can image some Veeky Forums user literally climbing over her while she tried to confront him in
a tight space

art history

i miss 2000s fashion

Its because they were raised by daddy to be a perfect princess who is never wrong and always loved by chad.When she looses the pretty woman card she fails to understand
that her worth is only in her looks so she
joins tumblr

Me too. It was cute af on grills

Pregnancy fat
I can get that to an extent tho soccer moms thinks
Its a valid excuse while my mom lost all that in 9 months