Veeky Forums destroyed by Wimps

Are...are they right, Veeky Forums? Do we lift for nothing, out of delusion?

Is this written by the same faggot that said women are stronger than men but their body uses the energy towards pregnancy and menstruating instead of actual feats of strength?

>Comparing Arnolds lifts to the average man on symmetric strength
>Arnold btfos of them

Hm made me think

> Bodybuilders are stronger because they have more muscle mass

well shit nigger you really got me there

>bodybuilders are only strong because they have muscles


>bodybuilders are only stronger because they have more muscle mass
No fucking way

>Bodybuilders are stronger because they have more muscle mass

really activates my almonds

I just read the article and according to scientists or something a gram of muscle from a nogains is stronger than a gram of muscle from a gainsmaker. But since bodybuilders have multiple times more muscle mass than normal people they are still much stronger. So typical fake news. Some study somewhere said something and they spiced it up and click baited the title.

never read the news for science information

add this to other groundbreaking studies such as the one that said 90% of prison inmates don't like to be in prison

>Bodybuilders are only strong because they have muscle

>Individual muscle fibres were isolated and tested to see how fast and powerfully they contracted. The results of these experiments allowed the team to make an assessment of muscle quality.
>In contrast to bodybuilders, power athletes appeared to have an improved level of muscle quality, the researchers found.
Literally just that old line about bodyweight training having plenty of benefit even if it doesn't produce hypertrophy to the same extent.

>it's a "No, really guys you don't have to work out to be strong athletes and body builders can't really use their muscles" article #13531

This shit is just written to make fatties and skellys feel better about themselves and they eat it up everytime.

Why don't you believe the jewsmedia?

So what would happen if someone had the muscle mass of a body building but with nogains muscle?

It's something about "essential" muscle. From my rather basic knowledge of anatomy, muscles more closely attached to bone gets better leverage. So when muscles get bigger and more mass is away from the base leverage point, there's a diminishing returns to adding more muscle further from the point of push. Does that make sense?

first time an actricle game me a kidney stone.

the clickbait is real. telegraph actually used to be an alright newspaper, it's website is now huffington post tier. the mainstream has completely given up on substance in favour of clicks.

Bodybuilders build for mass over strength. Most of strength is neuro connections. If those body builders took a 2 mo strength focus. Their gram for gram could easily reach untrained activation amd theyd be extremely strong because more muscle.

dubs speaks the truth

its literally just diminishing returns on muscle growth



training for mass has diminishing returns and is not a linear correlation with strength? you don't say.
still everyone knows its better to be muscular to your natural ability.

>strong because they have muscles
>less muscle = stronger
>ignore doublethink
>therefore spooky master race confirmed

>bodybuilders only strong because of muscle mass
If you are killed you are dead.

Wew, that infallible logic.

>Bodybuilders are stronger because they have so much more muscle mass

>Bodybuilders are only strong because they have so much muscle mass, research suggests
>research suggests

>Spend years working toward a PhD in biology and physiology
>End up less intelligent than the most retarded half-repper in the gym

>bodybuilders are only strong because they have so much muscle mass, research suggests
they needed to conduct fucking research to figure that one out? are powerlifters strong as well because of all their muscle?

I don't know, we'll have to do a study. Get back to us in a year for the full scoop

How is that a cycle if it doesn't loop back to the start

Somewhere after newswire organizations comes food documentaries

Small brains and small calves.

So basically these scientists have little understanding of simple physics. Great.

This can't be real

of course it is. There have been hundreds of examples of media corruption / bias / retardation this past year alone.

Everyone, Fox News included does this. Veeky Forums and reddit users do this. Everyone does this. What exactly are you complaining about again?

Just wait until you see the giant collage of them

So you condone it?

pls post

Since it's something I can't personally change I don't care for it. You sound really young, under-23 easily.

>Everybody lies
>So revealing lies is pointless
>You're immature if you disagree with this

Don't have, ask around /pol/, it's beautiful tho

>Yes, everyone lies to advance their agenda. Most people have an agenda
>You can continue to point out hypocrisy, just be aware everyone including your favorite sources are guilty of it too
>You're not immature for disagreeing with it, but you're displaying idealistic/immature behavior by caring about these sort of things (ie. pointing out hypocrisy)

Not him, but being idealistic isn't always bad, and I don't have favorite news sources.

you think pointing out hypocrisy is immature behaviour?


lel, mine were activating as well on the same excerpt

So we should just not hold our media or our government or our education system or our law enforcement or fucking anyone at all in a position to withhold or manipulate facts and evidence to any sort of standard of integrity or ethics or any sense of responsibility because... why? Because you view the world in terms of opposing ideology to such a ridiculous and exaggerated extent that you believe that raw information is a weapon to beat your fellow man down with and not a tool that we can and should use to find objective truth regardless of personal bias?

I hate to admit it but you're right

The fact that anyone, regardless of politics, would actually agree with this fucking indefensible and morally abhorrent rhetorical pig shit makes me want to set a car on fire.

>/pol/ anything but a bunch of ugly virgins lying about literally everything because they cannot accomplish anything

I want you all to leave Veeky Forums is a place for smart people who wants to improve themselves. It's probably shopped like in

I've got a few

>Veeky Forums post makes me want to set a car on fire.
Maybe he's right. You are immature.

>ants are stronger than humans, study finds
>humans are only stronger because they have more muscle mass

Fuck off faggot

>Not aspiring for truth

How many you want, senpai?

Holy shit more senpai

>It's probably shopped


I just want to talk about lifting




how are your lifts going?

>bodybuilders are only strong because they have so much muscle mass

Jesus Christ, he's made the greatest scientific discovery of human anatomy! Give this man a Nobel prize!

It's not that they don't like trump, because everyone is allowed to have an opinion, and silencing people isn't right, but it's the fact that they flip flop on everything just because their opponents do it. It's disgusting.

>full scoop


>bodybuilders are only stronger because they have more muscle mass
People are only dead because they died.

Agreed. And I think you underestimate how much they loathe trump. The only people working in these propaganda mills are the ones without integrity and/or need the money for the family because those with real values and options would not put up with lying like this.






I've got heaps more, but this is a fitness board.

You should come join us over on /pol/ friend(s). You'll have fun!

Have you never heard some normie say something like, "Omgggg noooo I don't eat butter because dairy is bad for you," then a month later say, "I heard a study say that butter isn't as bad as people thought so I stopped using margarine."

This is the cycle. People don't know what the fuck they are doing so they rely on the latest meme on facebook. You really think Stacy and Chad are reading abstracts on NIH or something?

There is a huge push for globalism in these days. Anyone who goes against this direction is vilified by the media and fellow politicians.

I know bra. I've been on this ride for a long time

Veeky Forums and reddit don't get paid to report the news.
Why do people make excuses for media propaganda?

I would, but /pol/ is a pit of depression. Any notion of "live well and improve yourself" is met with endless "yes goyim don't pay attention to us lol FUCKING SHILL"

They've forgotten the number one rule of changing minds: Make it fun.

This is consistent?

>Bodybuilders are only strong because they have so much muscle mass

People die when they are killed.

In the second article the perpetrator was a black man. With that in mind, read the headlines closely.


Lol no way this one is real

Pretty good, almost at my old strength for squats and I'm a ways off for deadlifts. Still keeping at it though. You?

but /pol/ is for retards, and I'm not retarded


>race cars only faster than bicycles because of their engines

Really makes you think

you faggots giving visits bait tabloids are the reason they write this shit, you literally give them money with your time

>we shouldn't hold people in the public media eye accountable for their actions
There's literally a documentary on Netflix about condemnation of people bringing down a website that hosted a celebrity sex tape that simultaneously condemned the leaking of nude celebrity photos. The phrase "voting with your wallet" is prevalent

Anybody have the 5 SCOOPS gif?

Taxpayers money well spent

>Average horsepower of a car : 150
>Struggles to get above 140km/h
>140:150 ratio = 0.93333
>Average Horsepower of a bicycle : 0
>Can go up to 40km/h
>40:0 ratio = ∞

>Bodybuilders are only strong because they have so much muscle mass, research suggests

Research also suggests people die when they are killed

Imagine getting so swole that you can't even move. Your arm is weighed down by so much lean muscle mass that you can't flex your 'cep.

>you're immature if you point out blatant hypocrisy

really makes u tink