You fucks think lifting weights makes you into a man? Fuck yo kiddy shit play...

You fucks think lifting weights makes you into a man? Fuck yo kiddy shit play. Sacrificing your life for freedom shows you're true character. On this 4th of July, you better stand your ass up and salute the American flag

Good troll mate, I rate it 7/10. Room for improvement.

Thanks for the laugh, I'll be sure to subscribe and upvote all your future work. I'd buy you gold if I could afford it haha

Its a free country I dont have to stand up for shit.

>Please go to war for me I'll pretend to care about you by giving you """benefits""" except not really because there's a shit ton of homeless and disabled veterans
If you actually gave a fuck then vote for politicians who give ACTUALLY care (i.e. investing in aid programs)

those niggas are dead and im alive

>proud of being fodder for the Great Satan

> retards died for Israel
> "we protect america!"
> still POCs everywhere

Thank you for your service.

FUCK England

Doing ROTC in college and commissioning as a 2nd lt. Did I do good OP?

You mean sacrificing your life for an anonymous mob that doesn't give a flying fuck about their freedom, as long as they live comfortable.

all these 'hur dur die for israel' posts...

plenty of people just want to shoot sand niggers and get paid for it, and don't give a fuck about the reason.

i suspect a lot of the 'israel' spouting spergs secretly want to do it, but just don't have the balls do throw away what little they have.

Meanwhile, the military it toppling secular dictators that are protecting Christians from being slaughtered by jihadis. The U.S. is Isis' best friend.

>You're not a man unless you go and die for some old white dude's geopolitical feud

Top kek

lol i poop on the us of gay flag


>Sacrificing your life for freedom
I think you mean "FreedomĀ®", or being forced to use the American system when no one in your country is dedicated to having a democracy. Every American in the mid east is another reason to turn a peaceful Muslim into a terrorist.

>being enough of an idiot to make yourself cannon fodder and get shot at by third world goat herders for 4 years is more alpha than lifting for personal health and fitness

The cherry on top? Military has you do a CARDIO routine

Enjoy your lmaon0gainz :^)

It is the 5th of july.
>time manlet

>Dying for rich guys
>Being a strong man

Pick one

>(((White dudes)))

Our foreign policy is absolutely insane and incomprehensible, unless you look at it through the lens of what's good for Israel.

You mean to say "die for old jews".

>living in a backwater 7th world shithole

More like
>dying for Israel

at this point i even wonder if this country is even worth dying for

Thanks goyim for your service to Israel!


The ones in your picture were mercenaries. They were not doing it for the country but for the cash. May they RIP but you need to see things for what they are

>dying for israel

This is so profound. I am speechless.

really makes u thingk

Yes Goyim ... Sacrifice your life for the ZOG. Good boy.

Not to mention the Founders WARNED us against "foreign entanglements"... You are a dumb dog. I doubt you have even read the Constitution of the USA.

1 liek, 1 respek

You're a fag. You'll get no respect since you weren't prior enlisted and have done less than most E2s

Thank you for your service.

Semper Wi-fi