Why are pectiddies objectively better than tiddies?

why are pectiddies objectively better than tiddies?

They aren't.

My nigger.

OP how can one be so gay?

They aren't.
Big, full breasts are the end-all be-all of glorious chests but big, square pecs are not far behind.


Bear mode girl > shredded cunt

>he doesn't like the shredzzz

To be honest, no.
Doesn't do the trick for me.


I find this creature strangely attractive.

women are even better at being attractive men than men are, is there no end?

>people actually choose to look like this


Mad landwhale

from Veeky Forums qt3.14...

to beastmode alpha female

I'd rip off my dick and throw it at her just so my genitalia could have physical contact with her once.


how many roids must you inject to look this freakish

Nathalie is natty.


yeah I can totally believe that


I want her to bully me.

>wanting subjective data to support an objective claim



I didn't think a shitty capeshit succeeding would actually BTFO your fetish enough to where your ilk flees an entire board. Come back to /tv/.

You be fair they have pumps and great lighting. Beta orbiters will fuck fat girls why wouldn't they become pusy slave also?

>the musclefag cancer came from /tv/
What a surprise.

Are you the fucking pusyposter? Are you the one spamming roid cunts you faggot?

what the fuck is this creature? I work so hard natty and her arms are that big? Fuck

she's still growing

Then I'll get bigger too.

I really want to know what pectiddies look like outside of a bra.

you're obviously wrong and you have yet to learn about delicious flatness
but you're right about square pecs being fucking gross

pectiddies ftw

god, i wish i had that pic of what it looks like shirtless

like this obviously

If only

They look like pecs with gyno.

Theyre earned not freely given
Makes them better

cass martin got a pretty glorius pair

google katka kyptova nude pecs

Cass is still a peclet.

>katka kyptova nude pecs
am I objectively gay if this turned me on?

I never liked men, and am turned on by natty girls with big butts, small butts or small boobs or big boobs. For some reason I also like muscular women. I tried to fight it, but the brain wants what it wants. Especially if they have very feminine faces, but their body is muscular, that is the shit. With prolonged roiding, their face goes to shit usually, so muscle girls that just jumped on their first cycle are the hottest.

enjoy it
it's a god tier fetish and you can use it for motivation

yeah, compared to most fetishes its pretty god tier

but it still lingers in the back of my mind, big muscles are obviously a sign of high androgen levels, a sign of masculinity, like wtf? Its fucking weird.

the dedication is what makes it sexy

any of these girls do fully nude?
I need to see the giant clenis

Angela Salvagno

Is this the new face of mental illness?