Why does every guy look better with a thick neck?

Why does every guy look better with a thick neck?

Why do you post this thread every single day?

You come here too often

He posts the same photos, too. He's like that obnoxious vegan guy.

neck theory comes from sluthate lookism and the misc

Neck-poster saved me. I didn't why why I looked so good in some stances, because when you lift your chin up a bit your neck gets thicker for a moment. Thick neck is aesthetic.
do you neck curls

neck theory comes from life

Was this the final piece of the puzzle?

Have you ever noticed how all the things that Veeky Forums uses to put people down are out of their control?

I don't even have a good jaw line but neck harness training has made my facial aesthetics way better

>making someone have a disproportionate neck makes them less attractive
gee no shit sherlock
what's next, women not being into synthol abusers?


You can definitely build a thick neck lol.

Just look at football players. Do you think some of them get necks that huge because of genetics? Yeah partially but they fucking trained that shit.

it's the only leverage to insult someone here. in turn they become completely unlikable dicks.

Neck exercises (like calf and forearm exercises) are incredibly tedious. Rather than clocking in the man hours, a lot of Veeky Forumsizens just prefer to chalk it up to genetics and let it go.

It's stupid, but it's understandable. Not everyone has 18 hours a day to exercise.

Are you retarded? Exercising your neck takes about 7 or 8 minutes maybe. Get a head strap fag

I exercise my neck, fag. I'm telling you that these exercises are tedious and that is why many people don't want to do them. And so what if they don't want to do them, it's their neck.


a lot of people on fit are DYEL dudes or people whose only fitness knowledge comes from doing starting strength for 1 month and giving up lol.

Veeky Forums: you can't spot train

Veeky Forums: you can train your neck to be bigger

pic 1

How do I get a neck thicker than my head anons

You can't spot reduction, retard. Nobody claims what you said.

That's not what spot training means retard, first of all it's called "spot reduction" not spot training. Second of all when people say you can't do it, it means you can't target a specific area for fat loss when you cut, you fucking idiot.

fuck he would of been saved

>would of

this guy disproves neck theory

It's summer.

Jesus Christ you are an annoying fuck.

this is Veeky Forums so it makes sense to encourage others to work their neck muscles for maximum attractiveness and aesthetics doughty

>It's too hard Durr
Jfc get the fuck off Veeky Forums with your shitty unhelpful negativity

You're a pretty stupid guy... For you..fag.
Did you ever think that maybe not everyone trains like you?
Shitty attitude.

Do you guys ever to side to side neck excercises? How about rotational ones? Is it just forward / backward curls?

I've tried to do side stuff but can't seem to get it right

Get lost, dumbfuck.

that looks like a tumor

football players are genetic snowflake like bodybuilders. any normie can improve, but results will vary.


Since this is a neck thread can you guys answer my question?

neck yourself

>Not everyone has 18 hours a day to exercise.

I do them every other day, and I do light neck curls and extensions off a bench. You can use a bed or something.

>Big necks matter!
Nope, big pecs do.

Who is this irresistible incubus?

He's now dating the daughter of a billionaire



Just some dipshit the /look/fags jerk off to

>daughter of a billionaire

he's based tb.h

idk why but i definitely got more female attention when i was bulked up at 245lbs. i remember my neck looking thick as fuck on my bus pass photo

Jeremy could do better desu..

That daughter has SHIT TONS OF CASH, but she isnt that attractive

And millions of women and gay dudes jack off to him.

your point?

His neck is way too long. He'd also look a lot worse if it was thin.

Christ almighty you're a sperg

Thanks OP, reminded me to do my neck bridges.

You can build your neck just like you can build your calves. If you have shit genetics, you could work out for years just to have 1/2 the neck some dude was born with.

t. amazing calves and never even work them

Can I get a quick rundown on who this is, I've seen his picture for years but never got the story

Jesus christ have some fucking patience and work ethic man

Some people have shit genetics and insertions

This is easily the most retarded post I've seen on Veeky Forums in a VERY long time. You think curls don't work your biceps? You think Bench doesn't work your triceps, chest, and shoulders? What the fuck are you talking about dude? Spot reduction has nothing to do with building muscle, only fat loss.

Attractive guy with a long criminal record got famous on the internet because a whole bunch of people thought he was beautiful in his mug shot. He got out of jail and landed a whole bunch of modeling gigs and has even walked on runways. Recently he left his wife (who is actually attractive too) for some billionaire's daughter. Dudes living the life and it's all because he committed crimes.

some dude whose mugshot went viral cause he looked like a ffucking magazine model



This shit doesn't happen overnight though. It's not like you have to keep building your neck once it reaches ideal size. This dude does it for the sport that makes him rich.

stop posting this thread you cunt, you will make neck training common place with normies.

He becomes a legit slayer after the neck change

Wrong. Every guy looks better when black.

>Your neck has muscles
>Muscles gain in size when trained through the concept of progressive overload
>Your neck can be trained

Some respond better, some worse. Like with every muscle, certain people have beautiful insertions while not doing that much work while others slave away and look subpar after years of lifting. Such is life.
But your neck can and should be trained. How this is even a question people get all railed up over I dont know. To the crabs in the bucket cancer, fuck off.

Low quality bait

Thanks man. That's the answer I was looking for.

He was a legit slayer





you're thinking of spot reduction

Nobody in this world has a neck as small as on the right haha

>Why does every guy look better with a thick neck?

The quickest way to get a wider neck is to fix your posture. A forward head posture will make the neck thin and thinner looking because of its position.

Pulling the spine upright using the muscles on the sides of the neck (*n0t the back*) will flex and strengthen them.

For some people this makes their jaw press on their throat, which feels uncomfortable. Relaxing the jaw and moving it forward will fix that, and make the jaw look naturally bigger, (*actually the way it is supposed to be*).

Can I train my neck with "bodyweight" exercises, or do I have to do them weighted in the gym?
I've done this once a day for the past few days and I definitely feel it in my neck:
>lie on back
>lift head off ground
>"yes" motion for 20 reps
>"no" motion for 20 reps
>ear-to-shoulder for 20 reps


Most bodyweight exercices are bad for your spine and it's very hard to do progressive overload

You've taken a normal neck and made it look smaller. This only shows us that having an unusually small neck looks bad.

pencil necks are common on sedentary dyels