Goal body thread?



dont derail my thread faggot


Joe Delaney is my hero.


how do I get this

Kratos is my type of body shape far away tho

i just want the generic thin body

>tfw I reached where I wanted to be aesthetic wise and am now regressing due to lack of interest in lifting now

Just lose weight until you look like that.
Don't forget to lift, even if you want to be thin, to make everything tight.

I unironically want fridge mode :3

eat less and "run"


how do i lose weight then? with push ups, squats, pulls up?


holy fuck, who is?

fridge mode?




you look like saul

If you're looking to lose weight, I'd first glance at dieting and overall eating better. You'd be surprised how much it helps if you make simple cuts out of your daily eating.
If you are trying to lose a few pounds and aren't terribly overweight, I'd also look at cardio. I mention this, after, diets since some cardio (jogging/running) can be hurtful to your joints if you have too much weight to begin with.
Lifting/exercising is better for gaining muscle so I'd say to throw that in too if you're willing enough and dedicated.

Listen little baby, your gonna get a lot of hurtful and degrading comments.
Let me just say, your perfect the way you are.You hear me sugar? PERFECT.
Don't ever change, you deserve everything and anything you want.

Stay safe for me baby girl.

> Mfw you hurting

Pitt in Fight Club.

I think this has been posted before, but source me on this dude. Goal legs identified.

How much do you think his bench is?

I say 2 pl8s

I am fighting for this body after years of anorexia. It's so far from my former dreams but I know it's attainable or close

I want this butt

How close are you? Can we get some progress pics?

This is also mine. Let's race.

I always thought Chris Evans was the perfect human specimen but god damn, he might have some competition. This guy is a hunk.



he looks like the dude from prometheus

Don't know

Is that joe Rogan


How does one get this body....

Adam Charlton

That one light skinned guy that gets posted every once in a while with trimmed body hair

Stop eating bread. Bread is quite possibly the worst food for you. It's just empty calories. Over the years, the flour we've used has slowly become more bleached and refined. Whereas before it was actually healthy and nutritious it is now akin to poison. I'm no healthfag, I smoke weed, do MDMA, and ketamine. But you know what I don't do? Eat bread

>lift weights
>do cardio
>eat nothing

>roiding for this


He is also goal strength for me

> Just be confident and learn how to dance

He doesn't dance but does very impressive stuff


met big z, his a big guy

>those pecs
>those arms
>dat adonis belt
>those abs
>dat dick
need to step up my game

Naked Snake is best Snake

>hairless except for crotch

200% gay

that's a problem how?

Because there's a line forming and you aren't cutting, faggot.

Damn, that's some serious bloat and gyno.

>dat APT

waist, hip and shoulder ratio are all pretty close to 1:1:1

who is dis?

thats not gyno


> Women like to laugh
> Don't give a shit about what people think of you

Fuck you buddy. Bread is awesome.

enjoying Auschwitz?

(((NO HOMO)))

4 u

>dat manlet


Will eating strictly meat, veggies and whey for 6 weeks at a caloric deficet get me lean? Currently 5'6 155lbs 15%bf

Definite proof that muscles won't make a kike look like a human. Look at that schnozz!

Not sure what you are talking about, he is from Italy.

Dmitry Trubin

Famous armwrestler.

You're welcome bitches.

>have a body like that
>completely invalidate it with numale hair and glasses

Manlet version of this for me- mostly working toward those thighs. And also some mass for my ass.

Jean Claude Van Damme was NATTY

Just look at what difference in gains 1 year made between Blood Sport and Cyborg. Dude got off cycle during the latter.

Seems similar in Cyborg to Bloodsport desu

He just looks older and heavier as you do with age and unlike people who drop off cycles you see the body change and get smaller but van damme's body has been pretty consistent till today(compare his 18 year old bodybuilding physique)

t. nignog

Can someone explain how I would go about obtaining this body?
Is it just mainly cardio and having low body fat?
I'm naturally pretty thin
Im new af go easy and soz for potato pic

Chloroform soaked rag. 1xF

You horny piece of shit kek
