/fat/ "never give up edition"

Previous thread
>Who is /fat/ for?
for /fat/fucks who want to better themselves through meaningful hard-work, strategy, and dedication

>This is not QTDDTOT, ask questions about fat loss but use that thread for general questions
>Calculate your Body Fat Percentage
fitness.bizcalcs.com/Calculator.asp?Calc=Body-Fat-Navy (Gonna need waist/neck measurements)
>Calculate your TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure)
sailrabbit.com/bmr/ (complex)
fitnessfrog.com/calculators/tdee-calculator.html (simple)
>Plan your weight loss week by week
>Track your calories and macros with MyFitnessPal, works best on smartphones

Other urls found in this thread:


>still in 220s
One day I'll just be overweight

>This is not QTDDTOT, ask questions about fat loss but use that thread for general questions

>This is not QTDDTOT, ask questions about fat loss but use that thread for general questions


hey anons

i have had no progress in the last couple weeks and not noticing any progress after i hit 110kg should i rearrange my routine?

>tfw almost 199
>only a lb to go
I haven't been in the 100s in years, been fat my entire life

Who keeps making these fat wojak pics, they're fucking amazing.

Nice pic op

They make me so happy


Confess, me fellow fatmons

your pic is low effort but your digits is good.

9000 hours in ms paint to make a Rastafarian wojak

Hey fatties

I struggled with my diet for years but about 3 years ago I found the key and now I use it regularly to go down in weight for boxing matches, usually dropping 12-13lbs.

When looking to lose weight; I count my calories obviously and I eat a high fiber diet while cutting out bread and rice/pasta. A typical meal might be chicken and a shit ton of veggies adding up to a total of 400-500 calories.

For tea tonight I had lazy tinned chicken curry and some peas (I'm at work), it was 550calories (200 calories were peas) and it filled me for a good 4 hours. For you guys struggling with your appetite eating small portions; get some peas/carrots/broccoli on the go with your food and it'll help you feel full. Also lots of water.

Works for me and I'm already pretty thin; but for boxing matches I get lean as hell to the point of clear visible abs.

God bless you guys.

Congrats m8. I have the exact same goal, though I still have about 32 pounds to go. You made it.

I'm down 70 pounds since February, but I seem to have hit a pretty long plateau. Any good advice for breaking through a plateau? Ivory calculated tdee, lowered my calories a bit, etc. I'm thinking of stepping up the cardio.

>15lbs under ideal weight
>still fat
if this is a joke, it's not funny

Thanks for the advice.

Your ideal weight was either not low enough, or you didn't work out extensively like everybody told you so and now you're skinnyfat


courtesy of Summer Games Done Quick, she's the announcer.

I'm going through the same shit right now. I'm 232 pounds, and I just stopped losing weight out of nowhere. The first month I was working out, I lost 30 lb. Now I would be lucky if I lost 2 pounds in 3 weeks. And I usually eat less than 1000 calories. I don't know if I'm not consuming enough calories or if I just need to eat less. My physical activity has been the same too.

the one announcing for the current block(mario kart rn, after will be tetris)? Good for her, though she will now have a lifetime of mouthbreathers calling her a "grill"

No problem bro. I tried high protein, I tried low carb/high fat, I tried a balance and managing my macros.

I was still hungry ALL the time and not feeling satisfied after meals; eventually caving into binges after days of never being "satisfied" and feeling my willpower drain.

Once I replaced my carbs with vegetables I found that satiety I looked for; I eat a lot of garden peas now. I use them as a replacement for rice or potatoes when I make a meal; since I really like garden peas anyway and they're fairly starchy so you're getting some decent carbs in there; but the fiber will expand in your stomach and move slowly through your gut keeping you full.

It really works for me; I have to get really lean to fight and my family usually tell me I've lost too much weight. I'm a small in all my t shirts and they're loose fitting when I'm at fight weight.

Once I reintroduce alcohol I tend to slip up and put weight back on again. I'm a firm believer you can't be skinny and drink alcohol; because it's not even the alcohol that really fucks you up; it's being that drunk that you forget about the diet and go and eat a large pizza to yourself and then the next day you get hangover munchies.

Good luck fellas, fill up on fiber.

My TDEE - 500 is only 1k. Happy to say my fatass survived today and that I look forward to more success in dieting. Wish me luck!

Manlet or?


>I found the key to weight loss
>count calories and eat vegetables

fucking stop the presses everyone

Teenager with a 1500 TDEE?

Unless ur 19 and 5'2 maybe

Will I end up with loose skin from losing 13 pounds?

little present for all you /fat/ties.

Never give up.
One day, your fat will turn to fit.
Keep it up mah frens

Why won't my love handles go away?
Lost 19kg and aiming to lose 4-5 more. Love handles have barely decreased in size tho...

Younger than I'd like to admit and and 5'7

What's up party people? We're about an hour and a half from the Friday weigh-in window so I will take this opportunity to remind everyone...


Bracket match-ups for the July tournament are established. IF FOR ANY REASON YOU CANNOT WEIGH-IN YOU NEED TO NOTIFY ME RRRRIGHT NOW! I'll give you a pass in the main contest but not in the tournament so consider it a wash if y'do, at least for this month.

All of that aside, everyone new in the contest (there's at least 15 of you) are required to check-in or else you're out of the contest once the weigh-in window clothes.

With all that established, good luck tomorrow and I look forward to seeing all of you there for the grudge match of the century.

That's right. Round One is Gitch vs. Kaz and I am personally super hyped to see how it plays out between our previous winner and our motivated shit talker.

As always, happy cutting. See you all tomorrow.

Im 5'7 and my sedentary tdee is 2000.
Youre using the wrong calculator my underage friend.

gonna go with the former

Yeah, I don't think it's physically possible for someone your height to be under 18 and have a TDEE under 2k

Don't be so bitter user

I'm talking about replacing your carbohydrates with vegetables and filling up on them; not just as a side dish but as a main dish.

I eat a meal of vegetables with a serving of meat; rather than meat with a serving of vegetables. My main food source would be vegetables; anything more than 100g protein a day is overkill if you're not Bane; you can get that from a few chicken breast.

Replace your rice with a starchy vegetable like peas for your carbohydrates and see success, avoid fruit. Volumetrics.

I'll have to recheck that. Thanks

>Don't be so bitter user
Settle your jimmies. He wasn't being bitter just mocking you for saying painfully obvious things.

How do I kill my big butt?


Just use your giant booty to please some men.

Sounds hot but no thanks

my m8 im a 5'7 grill and my sedentary tdee is 1900, plz at least eat 1400 calories a day, especially if you're still going through puberty

>tfw no chubby trap bf

Hi all, i need to lose 10 to 12 kgs. Would like to ask help while using myfitnesspal. Like, when i eat brown rice, i just eat 30-50grams (one small spoon) though I'm not sure if that's the weight so i assume it's always heavier (despite It's not).

So, how do you measure this?

Btw diacovered fitnesspal here, thanks guys, much morr easier to track.

They really are.

buy a food scale

quit eating sauce and ketchup. I tried to tell my roommate that, but he fucking won't stop drenching shit in BBQ and ketchup

Woah. It's surprising considering when I stayed at 1500 my weight didn't seem to change at all after 2 weeks. I guess I'll start eating more?

Weird.. would like to know an answer to this too.

>My physical activity has been the same too.

Well there you go, you've lost the weight you needed to now you need to increase your exercise

I've been lifting/dieting for 6 weeks now.

Started at 235 and now I'm down to 210 and i am so fucking happy. life has been shit but at least i have this to look forward to

we're all gonna make it fattys


you can stick with 1500, 2 weeks isnt nearly enough to see any change.
for me personally i plateaued at 166 for 3 weeks, then it suddenly dropped to 163. keep going, you'll see results


One meal and a protein shake a day

doing good so far

Do you think garden peas plus corn and carrot, all steamed/baked.. would bd better than Brown Rice? With brow Rice i honestly eat well and not much, like 70g max. And feel well after, Far more than normal rice (not that very White one though)

How to eat healthy is so easy

Swap out refined carbs/sugars for more fiberous carbs

oh that's pretty much it

And stop using vegetable oils

>lose 140lbs
>feeling good
>take physical test for firefighting
>just decide fuck it one day candy is too good
>1 year later 30 pounds heavier
>new job that has me in public speaking
Fuck fuck fuck every day I think about what I need to do but don't have the willpower to do it

what does that have to do with losing weight

I've noticed that just living day by day makes the pain go away.

Hey guys, my first time here!
I'm 6' and weigh 90 kgs.
High fat %. Have started doing weights and cardio recently. I downloaded the myfitnesspal and it has set a goal of 1500 cals for me + the calories I've burnt from the excercises. Is it better to get that exact cal amount or is it preferrable to getting lesser cal intake by eating just enough?

Sugar makes you more hungry
Fiber makes you less hungry, and slows the uptake of carbohydrates, which helps regulate blood sugar and insulin, and insulin is involved in fat regulation.

So if you eat like this, you will feel less hungry therefore eat less.

Likewise something like keto makes you eat less, fasting makes you eat less.

You could of course go full willpower and just try and eat the same but less, but most people fail that because hunger gets worse.

Vegetables oils are polyunsaturated fats mostly, and omega6, which cause free radicals which are linked to all sorts of chronic diseases and being healthy is generally good.

>the calories I've burnt from the excercises

stop this

I was in the same spot you are now, knowing exactly that i needed to stop being lazy and eating too much. i never did what i should have done and ended up right back at the start being fat, unhappy, 250 pounds

This, althought I register tge exercises, I eat up to 1400 cal a day, even if it says I can eat a thousand kcals more.

I take this kind of stuff with a pinch of salt
using such terms like 'more' and 'less' could mean anything from 0.000001% to 100%

if it takes completely overhauling your diet to one of these low carb, high fibre, or whatever the last medical journal to be published says (before another comes out to contradict it) is 'more likely' to stave off hunger then it's not worth it

you get hungry when you don't eat
when you eat, you stop feeling hungry
no need to dissect it any further than that

but you do you.

Yeah that happens but then what do you do when the bad stuff comes back again

I'm so close to this, 209 atm. Can't fucking wait.

1600 cals today. Doing all right. Up in weight since July 4th. Nearly lost my shit making a grocery list for next week with family coming into town. I'm doomed. In laws are huge eaters. It takes one week of CICO and 6 days at the gym to lose 1 pound and literally one day to lose all my progress. Husband still not interested in sex with me as per usual. I am hopeless. Also, fuck periods.

I'm not saying completely overhaul your diet, I'm saying eating healthier is better. It's basically tautology but if you look around the world, people who eat healthy tend to be thin, people who eat unhealthy tend to be fat. I'm not making a case for some radical diet change, just basic common sense and observation.

>you get hungry when you don't eat
>when you eat, you stop feeling hungry
>no need to dissect it any further than that

different foods make you stop feeling hungry at different calorie levels, which seems to be the point

but as I said, the amount they do is necessary info

>only 88.000 kcal to go

I have somehow ended up in a leftist facebook groups, I am really starting to think /pol/ is right and leftism is a mental illness, here is an exemplary of the specimens I have found during my time there

I hate how people are mistaking weighing more or having a high BMI due to muscle and being a lazy fatass.

so.etimes I think pol is as delusional as the sjw snowflakes , I try to avoid both

Leftism, in it's current state, is just low quality people trying to justify their lack of an attempt to improve themselves.

Hey Apple it's Disco. My current weight is 253.6 pounds.


Decided to binge today, but really only had fajitas that I didn't track in MFP, plus this dessert.

First one updated. Thanks, man. Good work this week.

Body loves storing fat there because it's at a perfect center of mass. It will be the last fat to go.

I'm gunna do my first carb cycle day on Saturday, how do I do this? I'm 3 pounds away from my weight goal (185, im 6'1) before I put the weight back on as muscle. Figure within next week ill hit my goal, or if the meme is true ill hit it saturday.

My heart is telling me to have a cookie dough chocolate brownie, but my brain tells me theres a smarter way to do this.

i've almost weaned myself off sugary foods, instead of getting frappes at starbucks i just get a cold brew or tea, and now i enjoy the natural taste of food more.
lifting feels good too
life status: currently gucci

You are miscalculating your BMR or calories ingested. There are no free lunches in the Universe. Stop making this complicated.

Best way to burn calories.

Why do people do this? You lose all that weight. You know what it feels like, yet you go back? Fuck you. Fucking loser. I'll never be like you.

...i'm sorry

Don't count exercise calories.

What group? I love a good freak show.

You should be losing around 2lbs a week at a 500 calorie deficit if you are obese.

For those who have lost weight and are doing good now. How do women treat you differently?

>be me
>skinny fat as a teenager
>girls gravitate toward me, date, fuck around
>get fat around 19
>girls start avoiding me like the plague

Now I'm getting thinner, and girls are liking me again, but I never thought about that until now. It kind of makes me angry at them. Like, what is the point of being with one, if they're just shallow whores?

So uh... you gonna tell us wtf that is?


Looks like apples with ice cream.

>be pretty fit as a teen
>no attention
>be fat as an adult
>no attention
Maybe when I am really fit things will finally click. I doubt it though. Grils don't have a fetish for inexperienced adult 99.99999/100
"i-it gets better" "life finds a way bro just be a good person"

tip for you user:
1. everyone is shallow, not just women
2. most people like people that take care of themselves (i.e. not fat fucks)
3. stop thinking so much and get the pussy man, you're young, enjoy yourself

Because girls are soft, pretty, and generally pleasant to every sense. They are the prize that we work for. (At least what I work for.)

you're either ugly or an autist

try not to confuse left wing with liberal

unless you don't feel the same way about wanting the best looking appearance in a girl, then we are all shallow sluts and that's just life

also, just get the sex faggot, you're sounding like a redpiller

>losing like 2 pounds a day

mite b bad

granted I am 5'10 and starting at 320 lbs

I craved chocolate so desperately today that I bought a 90g pack on my way to work.

Buuuuuuuut Veeky Forums prevailed and I have given out 13 out of 15 candies to my colleagues. I will feast on remaining 12 gramms of delicious chocolate later, after some proper food.