If you use any of the following while deadlifting, your lift doesn't count

If you use any of the following while deadlifting, your lift doesn't count.

>mixed grip
>no shoes

Other urls found in this thread:


I deadlift barefooted, amI fucked? tell me wilfred

OP is deadlift policia. Also, is humongous faggot.

Try deadlifting with shoes on. That will show your actual max

Nothing wrong with chalk or straps.

I unironically agree and mixed grip pussies will get assmad itt

I know you're memeing, but what is your meme-explanation as to why deadlifting barefooted is easier or doesn't count.

Chalk is fine, but using straps is beta as fuck.

>I want my back and leg development to be limited by my grip strength development

Using no shoes results in the person having to pull 1-2 inches less compared to an actual deadlifter that wears shoes.

>I have bitch hands
>I'm a manlet
Thanks for letting everyone know. Women hate you and real men are disgusted by you.

>not training grip for 20 minutes a week

but doesn't it make more sense that shoes make it harder? and barefoot is the standard

>mixed grip

>no shoes

partially agree

No shoes clause is retarded. You're literally saying you need assistance to get your lift. No shoes is better.

what does it even mean for a lift not to count outside of a competition

Barefoot and overhand is the best for your body.

>limiting your deadlift to your grip strength

If you use any of the following while deadlifting, your lift doesn't count:

> Two hands
> Basketball shorts
> Hamstrings
> Moment arm
> Trying

Post deadlift then big man

Shit bait is shit. Just stop posting or get something more original

Deadlift is picking something up and lifting it.
For that reason i'd say straps are cheap (you only need to use them if you can't hold that much weight), while mixed grip and barefoot are perfectly fine. Why wouldn't you take advantage of a great method to stop roll-momentum that doesn't require breaking your thumbs?
Belts I'm kind of on the fence about, since they're obviously assistance but it's still you doing the work.

I wear sabos and a multiply suit also. Plus a mouthgaurd and hit an ammonia cap. Also on about 500mg of test cyp and equipoise. Come at me.

Hook grip also doesn't count of course if we're waving around disabled memes.

>>mixed grip
No, this is fine
Not really a big deal, it just helps your hands, it doesn't actually make you lift more
Sort of. It's an indication of weak grip, yes, but that isn't what the deadlift is testing. You're still lifting the weight, using the muscles the deadlift is intended to work.
>>no shoes
No, shoes throw off your balance. That one extra inch is irrelevant for anyone actually reading this.

i'm going to do all my deadlifts with straps, chalk all over my body, no shoes, and two belts from now on

get fucked nerd

What's your DL then faggot

i don't think you should be allowed to make a deadlift related thread on Veeky Forums unless you have deadlifted 500lbs

regardless of stance, belt, chalk, grip, whatever, if you have not achieved this basic milestone you are not qualified to speak on the topic

Its just some retarded neckbeards circlejerking in the internet

Shoes hold your foot together and enhances stability, reducing the risks of injury. You should never deadlift barefoot.

wow this

if you let your full body development be compromised by your finger strength, you are unintelligent and probably not very strong

if you care that much just do dedicated grip training afterwards like most strongman competitors (who train strapped and compete strapped, yet are renowned for their grip strength)

>i have a sub 5pl8 dead

not that that's even hard to accomplish without straps. sometimes you just want to do some fucking reps and not worry about your form breaking down over some dumb shit like your grip. act like you're actually strong, fucking faggot.

I deadlifted 5pl8 barefoot recenlty and I'm doing fine

except that there are plenty of great deadlifts who pull barefoot

unless you are a collapsed arch beta male with inferior genes who will never breed (you), pulling barefoot is not dangerous

My granddad smokes 4 packs a day and he's doing fine.

Good point, but I still think you're being a pussy-ass-bitch, and dont see how a fucking shoe will 'stabilize' me. Your feet are feet, not a liquid that spills out without shoes.

unless you're an aborigine and you've walked this earth barefoot your entire life, the natural biomechanics of your feet have been compromised. also, it's not really the norm to suddenly load your feet with hundreds of pounds of extra weight.

I'm mostly barefoot in asutralia, if that helps. Good thing there's something called progressive overload.

i exclusively deadlift double overhand, raw, and in oly shoes. i also run the bar between my legs to make it extra hard

Hate it when my foot explodes into small bones when I forget my deadlifting shoes

Thank G*d I always wear deadlift slippers in competition, wouldn't want my feet to explode or anything

>bragging about a 5 pl8 dead

>1-2 inches
nigga you're not supposed to deadlift in heels

Now I can tell Mom that according to my anxiety/alcohol support group who occasionally talk about fitness think my 2pl8 do counts

Sup weaklings please post your deadlift.

You forgot


I deadlifted your mom last week

>not eating the chalk

daily reminder if u deadlift even with perfect form i GUARANTEE U, ur gonna have an arthritic lower back down the line, its rly not worth it fellas

What if you used to DL over 500, burned out, became fat and weak over 3+ years, but are back in the gym for a month and recently DLd 430
I feel weak as fuck

>Chad thinks he's so strong
>Impressing Becky and Stacy with his 5 plate deadlift
>but he's doing mixed grip and those stupid whores
>my superior double overhand 2 plate pull is far superior

>pretending to have an over 5pl8 dead

fair enough. it's still not a bad idea to have extra stabilization when pulling heavy loads. i guess it might be more applicable to weightlifting than powerlifting, considering a lot of powerlifters do so in chucks and wrestling shoes anyway.

post yours without straps or mixed grip.

You forgot

>Suddenly Chad's bicep explodes
>Becky and Stacey get grossed out
>Start screaming and hide behind me as Chad has a mental breakdown
>9 months later Chad still can't deadlift and Becky and Stacey give birth to my kids

Post your stats before sucking this hard.

terrible explanation lol.

Boardshorts can unironically warm up with 95% of Veeky Forums's max deadlift without any of that.

>no shoes

I'll do you one better

This is double overhand

Also I usually pull hook grip so now you don't know what the hell to say

user what happened you were about to post your rebuttle

why shoes? honestly curious

Based user, giving me strength to continue with my autistic double overhand

if you haven't uncut raw cum in vagina, you're a virgin.


user on suicide watch

>having to pull 1-2 inches less

do you wear those manlet lift shoes to the gym that give you a few extra inches. Converse shoes is where its at...

when will they learn?

That is absolutely legit, unlike the thing about deadlifts.

holy shit, fat faggot eddie hall's 500kg deadlift DOESN'T COUNT


>1-2 inches
>doesn't wear converse


>dem calcium gainz

Whatever helps you sleep at night, weakling.

absolutely blown the fuck out, there can be no recovery from this

nothing wrong with straps or chalk. if you are worried about grip train it other ways, like farmwrs walks and dead hangs.

gains goblin warning

Mixed grip counts and you're a faggot.

And then you wake up and see that Chad doesn't even deadlift because he lifts for aesthetics and functional strenght

>tfw deadlift in heels
It's like none of you want those killer calf gains

there's nothing more functional than picking something up off the floor, which is what a deadlift is

Functional in the 21st century means showing off to girls

gg faggot

so deadlift a lot, bench a lot, curl a lot, do a lot of pullups, and have a low bodyfat

how do you train grip? do you just do all your deadlift warmups with DOH?

No, no girls care how much you can deadlift, you just gotta look good and if you wanna show off, just show you can do calisthenics and yoga poses

post body so i can laugh at you

I don't lift for girls, I'm just telling how girls behave btw. I deadlift 5pl8s, u mirin?

if someone falls for this i leave Veeky Forums once and for all i swear to god

What's the big deal? He looks like a big guy.

Holy shit, """"""natural"""""""" graham

is that really you? mirin

the fact you suggest someone who looks like that deadlifts a paltry 5 plates indicates you don't lift at all


ok, you got me, he looks a whole lot smaller on video

i'm still surprised he only pulls that much


Fuck ay. Or thongs

Additionally if you
>hook grip
>use a belt
>are /fraud/
>take pre workout
>wear baskebtall shorts
>are under 6'0
Your deadlift DOES NOT COUNT

I warm up to and including 4pl8 double overhand unless I'm really focusing on fast reps

I do my SLDLs and RDLs double over as well to get some time under tension and occasionally (like every couple months) attempt a 1rm but my grip fatigues really quickly (I think it's just the nature of forearms) so it has to be my first exercise of the day

That said, I've always had good grip, probably because of my big hands and having worked on engines and general machinery as a teenager so I can't help you start from scratch if you follow me

I think I'm going to start doing all my RDLs DOH as well, and the warmups

I've been pulling mixed grip for years and neglecting my DOH so it's a specific weakness, but my grip other than that seems to be ok on DB rows and whatnot, thinking of including static holds at the end of both of my deadlift days

>under 6 feet
>deadlift not count
It ONLY counts if youre under 6 feet. Lanklets have a significantly easier deadlift. If you are over 180cm, your deadlift doesnt count whatsoever.

everyone knows manlets are stronger. They don't have to bring the weight as high

>extending the range of motion makes your deadlift easier

tall men are just much stronger than short boys