How can I break free from my Spaghetti addiction

I love carbs so much.

I really like meatballs too.

Marinara sauce, not meat sauce though.

You can keep it in your diet as long as you are getting your other macros and nutrients. It's great pre-workout desu.

make whey+oat based spaghetti

who is that woman

Angel Hair pasta especially.


>just ate 4 peanut butter sandwhichs a few hours after I was given a large plate of freshly made and glazed yeast doughnuts

At least switch to whole wheat noodles.


MJ is like an extra girlfriend, gently nagging you into eating better, in your own voice. Then you agree with her and take better care of yourself, and get fucked.

At least that's what it's like if you are a grown man with responsibilities, I guess.

Bro that is fucked advice. When i smoked weed i would regularly buy 12 crispy cremes. One time i took the last 12 from the servo and this nice old lady asked if i was really taking them all because she wanted just one. Well suffice to say i didnt give her any and i ate them all in one sitting.

Weed isn't your problem....being a fat, selfish faggot is.

user mein sides

portion control faggot.

you can have spaghetti. Just stay under your calorie limit for the day.

A water fast will kill cravings. 3 days should do it.

Buy some whole grain spaghetti. That's just 350cal/100g and tomato sauce is 80cal/100g. Add some meat to it for protons, you can easily have a filling delicious meal for ~700 calories.

>did a 5 day waterfast last week
>never have i craved carbs that bad before

didn't stop until i ate some rice

>That's just 350cal/100g
Dried you mean. When cooked it's around 120-150kcal/100g

What really. Why? Is THAT much waterweight added?

yeah man. google it

6' @ 68kg. Im hardly fat cunt. And if that bitch wanted crispy creme she should've come earlier than fuckinng 2.30am when stonets come for munchies.

hahha what the fuck, people posting broscience should be banned

I love pasta and will never give it up. It's so versatile and works with so many different dishes.
Whole-wheat pasta+self-made tomato sauce with lots of extra ingredients - that is my Holy Grail.
I hate spaghetti, though. Can't eat it with a spoon.
I like to mix pasta with lentils or buckwheat, for more varied taste and of course, dem protons.

Switch to lentils.

it's not bro science you fucking retarded idiot, look it up

Sure whatever you say loser.

You do realize that when you cook 100g of dry pasta, it becomes much heavier? It goes from 100g to over 200g. Therefore, the amount of calories doesn't change per serving.

yes, i.e. 100g of cooked pasta is around 150kcal. are you not understanding?

What's the point of it, though? When I cook, say, 100g, then the dish still has the same number of calories, with simply added water weight.
Seems to me like pointless calculations.

i usually cook loads and save it. obviously it is easier to count it as cooked when i weigh it.

When I make spaghetti I load the sauce with ground beef. That way I get more protons with my meal, and can substitute less pasta for more sauce, and still be full in the end.