My girlfriend just told me I have no idea how to make a woman happy

My girlfriend just told me I have no idea how to make a woman happy

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Time to get a new one, this one clearly is broken

Which body part does she think needs work?

She's just noticing that you're not tipping the gym receptionist.

be assertive, don't let her lead, throw her down, choke her, slap her ass, can 100% guarantee you're being to much of a gentleman for her some girls just need to be dominated

you're welcome

sounds about right.
you can't even make yourself happy.

I think you might need to work traps, mate.

Thats a clear sign of small lats

She thinks you should stop browsing Veeky Forums.

>girlfriend just told me I hav eno idea how to make a woman happy
>not freaking out and getting in her face yelling "I FUCKING KNEW YOU WERE TRANS!"

pic of your lats so we can judge

Quit being a latlet and work on your rows and pullups.


Veeky Forums - Fitness

Its probably your lats. Or maybe your calves. Did she specify?

For real though, if a girl ever told me that I'd ask what she meant by it. If she wouldn't tell me or it was something stupid, I'd start looking for an exit.

Pussy ain't worth mind games, and companionship is pointless if the person doesn't respect you.

Just need to work your lats, mate

I was going to help you then i realize this can be bait and there are people you can't fix

Find another person who find you interesting

is it possible you don't have a latspan to show off to her?

she won't respect you unless you have lats man

Have you been skipping dick day?


You spend time working on your body, spend time working on your relationship dummy. Put your pride aside and listen, be fair and communicate your side too.

>spending time on making a woman happy instead of yourself
>being this much of a fucking cuck

hey op heres how to make your slut girlfriend happy: buy her a bunch of gifts and always tell her how beautiful she is like the cuck you are

She means your penis is small.

confirmed for having no lats

To be fair my late are pretty small


Just broke up with my long term girlfriend and i'm so fucked up from it. I honesty don't think i'll ever love anyone again

>implying its possible for a woman to ever be happy

They're LITERALLY biologically programmed to leech resources from every male in their vicinity.


Helped me

May cause a dangerous loss of gains and life progress tho

fucking latlet

That's because women don't know how to be happy

That's what you get for wearing basketball shorts to the gym.