Posting more need advice on how to gain weight please

6'3" 145

GOMAD and lift heavy.


This OP.

You can make it and you will look good, too. Pick a program, lift 6 days per week, GOMAD in addition to what you are already eating, and sleep 8 hours a day. You'll make it.

>eat butter


you look like that intelligent idiot from donald duck

holy shit how old are you

You can eat whatever you want since you are young, just EAT MORE. If you can't eat much more drink milk or whey.


If you start lifting right now, by the time school starts again, people will be asking you if you started working out. You're young enough that muscle will come pretty fast

Now now tell us OP, what did that kid do to you for you to post him on Veeky Forums trying to get people to make fun of him


legitimately trying to help him and he told me that if he ate more he'd just get fat

>Implying that is you

Well first off, anyone can make it

Going for a certain look? why, you can make it either way

i've met plenty of people at my age and making it and being successful having friends, having a gf/wife is much more than how you look

You're single, because you really have nothing to offer and you never actually tried to meet people....

you dont know if hes single or not

Yeah bruh, start eating a 500Calorie surplus and lifting and you'll be joocy

Then what is the point of posting him here? If you wanna start a bullying campaign you'd be better of in /b/ with other 16 year olds

shut up bitch

does not look like 145lb. I have a friend thats 6'2" and he is 140lb. My friend looks less skinnier than this kid.

Why don't you post your own body so we can see what kind of broom stick got beaten up by the kid you try to get back at

he has a really big head but i asked him he lies ab his weight sometimes - said he was 155 at the time of the first pic

nice tits bro

his head looks proportional with his body so I don't believe his head is carrying an extra 10lbs. The 2nd pic looks like 135lbs. But whatever, you need to stop trying to get revenge on the guy that stole your girl

Is this your ex or something?


Wait am I too old for this place now? this looks like a fucking 12 year old. Shit, what is the avg age on this board?

18 my guy


My dick says otherwise.


What the fuck is wrong with you op. I think /r9k/ is more your speed.