
Welcome to running general. Didn't see a thread about running so I decided to make one. All things running related post in this thread.What's your mile time Veeky Forums? Mine is 5:45 atm.

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9 min mile. I usually run for an hour 6 miles.

I'm a beginner looking to run 6 miles at a 9 min pace

I weigh 230 @ 6'2" and I'm cut enough to see abs without flexing. Is this a good starting program?


2 mile run (easy effort, conversational pace)


OFF running day, other workouts, strength etc

(good day to ride 60 - 90 minutes)


Hill Repeats: start with 10:00 easy jog as warm up

then 7 x 50m hill sprint, walk down


OFF running day, other workouts, strength etc

(good day to ride 60 - 90 minutes)


Track: start with 10:00 easy jog as warm up

2 miles (8 laps) sprint straights, walk curves


OFF running day, other workouts, strength etc

(good day to ride 60 - 90 minutes)


4 mile run (easy effort, conversational pace)

Does anyone else get a problem with teeth hurting when they run?
>have good shoes
>run on grass where I can
>brush teeth twice daily
>dentist says teeth are fine

I get that issue if I'm very congested - the sinus pressure puts a lot of stress on the gums, then running makes my teeth hurt quite a bit

Feels bad man. I find it helps if I brush my teeth right before I run. But I also blow my nose after I brush my teeth so maybe it's a sinus thing like you say

If your goal is 6 miles at 9 minute pace, I would cut back on the sprints and focus more on distance. you want to be building slow twitch muscles. Start by trying to get the distance, and maybe mix in some fartleks. Once you can do the distance, start pushing the pace to where you're out of your comfort zone, but are still able to maintain it. 2 days off per week looks about right though.

I've heard of people having this problem because of the air passing by their teeth so much while they're breathing through their mouth. does it happen with other cardio stuff too?

Once I reach my ideal weight can I just run and do light cardio to get leaner, or do I have to reduce my caloric intake?

I get gassed out quickly(probably because I'm 230) and often can't maintain focus for the whole hour. Running is usually extremely boring and im often unmotivated, is there anything I can do to improve stamina or motivation? Maybe extra runs in the morning of my training days?

Only running.
I do get extremely nauseous while I swim though.
All other sports are fine. I play squash and volleyball regularly

I usually make a play list and don't stop running until the playlist is over. Kinda helps "just one more song"
"just one more verse"

Don't have a mile time but my half mile was 3:04, is this okay?

I strained a muscle training on Weds and I had to miss all my runs since then. I normally do about 15 miles a week and this week I am at 6 miles.

I feel like a lazy slob for having 4 rest days in a row. Going to do an easy 3 miles tomorrow morning to get back in to the swing of things and start my week off right.

Fastest mile is 7:04. Average mile is 9:10.

Tbh if you really push yourself and you're only doing a short run you could get half mile time to 2.00 or 2.30.
If you're running long distance though 6.00 mile is v respectable

find somewhere interesting to run if you can. makes life way better. pic related was earlier this week for me.

anyway, double days are a good, common way to up milage if you can fit in the time, and it'll help with endurance. It's not going to give you all the same benefits in the end, but it's definitely still helpful. You could also try cycling to increase endurance, seeing as you can typically go to more interesting places that way.

The best way I've found though is to get a running buddy. getting out the door when I'm on my own is a pain in the ass, and running with someone means you can talk and help motivate each other on shitty days.

I'm 5'11"
Haven't ran since highschool.
Managed a 6.30 mile on my first run in 3 years. My job involves walking swiftly for 10-12 hours a day though.

at my uni's running trail my usual run is 4.5 miles and the fastest i've ever done it is a little over 32 mins

I got my heart rate down to 47bpm last winter is that good

are you continuously breathing through your mouth with squash and volleyball though?

I always get that feeling when I take off days for nagging injuries. I usually end up doing lots of core, rolling, and stretching, which is annoying enough that I stop feeling bad about it

I like the random addition of your height.
good job user.

I'm a pretty serious runner, don't limit my calories, and am below my ideal weight, so I guess so

I left the couch about a year ago and finally got my mile down to just under 5 minutes today. Took a shitload of work to get here though.

47 bpm is pretty good. for reference, I think most adults have a resting heart rate of like 70-80, and most of my team mates are low to mid 30s (uni team)

I just run. I got my 5 miles down to under 35 minutes recently by just running 5 miles 2 times a week and 1.5 miles 2 times a week.

what did you take away from your training?

Like what would you tell yourself as a total noob to running to do?

I wish I could run as fast as you user, but I cant seem to break 9min/mile easy runs, im not fat at all either

I mean on top of all the generic advice (sleep hygiene, good diet ect) running is really just about going for it. Make sure you have good discipline both in your schedule and in actually running.

You've probably heard this all before but warm up properly, stretch 7 days a week and use a foam roller on your quads, calves and dem der IB bands. Also don't neglect leg strength.

>Make sure you have good discipline both in your schedule and in actually running.
Gawd, I would say this is my biggest problem. I try to run 2-3 times a week, recently that has been once a week but I do swim 4X (MTWTh) and lift EoD (SL).
>Also don't neglect leg strength.
What workouts in the gym do you recommend I do for legs and running gains?

To state the obvious if you don't run you won't get better.
As far as strength is concerned just squats and cleans man. I run 40m, 400m 1.5 miles and 8kms so there may be some benefits from those as well.

i decided to go serious with runing so i did 26 miles in last week , but still not pacing where i want to sit, i want to do 4:40 km average to sit at 1:40 or lower half mar till september

Any tips for keeping breathing down? I seem to always start breathing heavily and quickly after a mile and it continues for the whole run. I'm 5'9" and 150lbs or so. I only run 1-3 times a week for 3-5 miles each time I go.

Does anyone have experience with running barefoot on the beach?
Did it fuck with your ankles ?
Does your feet hurt?

I'm a minimalist runner
6'2'' 90kg with a 90 minute half marathon time. Running barefoot/minimalist changed running for me, I never get injured anymore. The key is to build SLOWLY and use proper running form, but after a few months running barefoot your joints become steel

Threadly reminder

I went running yesterday and now both of my knees hurt. What do?

If you're not used to running, its better to start with c25k.
But for now just don't go running until they stop hurting. Also, watch a few form videos and see if you're doing anything wrong. From what i've seen, the most common cause is usually overstriding.

>wake up at 11
>decide to go for a "morning" run
>bpm through the roof and pace slow ass fuck

where my other idiots at

I use "zombies,run!" its basiclya audio book that is made up out of small clips(6-7 for most missions more for the races and the later seas ons tend to have more clips) that interupt your playist based on the time or miles ran there is now narroter the characters all talk directly to you either tru a headseat from mission control or as if they where running with you every story is about YOU having to run somwhere fulfilling your duty as runner 5 for a small comunity of surviors during the zombie apocolypse.

Its amazing how real this shit can feel when your running.

What kinda clothes should I run in. The mornings here are about 14*C so if I start in shorts and t it's a bit chilly but any more and I end up getting too hot

don't worry if its chilly you will warm up very fast once you start to run.

I'm starting to get a cold. Congested nose and a little achey/tired. Should I still run?

>had to wait until today to call plumber because fuck paying them at a sunday rate
>tfw can't run cause can't shower

hold me

Typically under 7, depends on the day.
I prefer running barefoot when I can or wearing very light shoes while running but recently my girlfriends doggo tore up my runners, any suggestions on what to get next?

Shitty excuse Tbh user.

Stand in shower with bucket of hot water, wash yourself with a sponge, when finished rinse with fresh bucket or bottle of water.

Don't fucking tell me you can't get a bottle of water.

If your sink works you can just gather water in a bucket and hop in the shower and wash yourself with that.

Not at excuse.

The problem is the water won't drain, not that it won't come out of the shower head

I get a weird klicking in my head when I jog and it feels like my brain isn't properly mounted inside my head
Is that normal? Seems to only happen when it's colder outside though

Stand in front of sink, wet body, lather body in soap, wash soap off with water, dry body with towel.

I wear just enough to be a bit cold when warming up but warm during the run.

My trips have motivated me. Gonna get my room mate to blast me with the garden hose after

Ayy that's the spirit

Good good

New to running and have been don't jogging for a week. I haven't experienced any DOMS though. Is this all right or should I increase the intensity?

Fuck my life
>Racing 21k
>On pace for sexy PR
>Take wrong turn
>Cut about 800m
>Fake PR of more than 7min
>tfw would have PR'd anyways

I don't know how I should feel.

Got a PB at the Southend HM yesterday. I was a bit annoyed because I wanted sub 1:28 and got 1:28:06 but it was roasting and I still knocked over a minute off my time so it's all good. My dream is to one day get a sub 1:20 and I'm now edging in the right direction.

You should have run an extra 800m right after and added that on to your time.

>Been lifting for a year making gains
>havent ran in 7 years
>fucking 24 min 2 mile roflmao

This is what i get for neglecting cardio. If i lift Mon/Tues Thurs/Fri is running only once a week on Saturdays sufficient for cardio? My goal is to be able to run a 5k at a reasonable time for general health/wellness reasons and the athleticism. I'd do Sundays as well but I dont think i'd be able to do sat sun back to back.. also wednesday is perfect rest day for me due to life schedule. Thoughts?


one of the great things is that cardio is so easy to progress so all those years of neglect aren't that bad

I dont think you'll get enough cardio gains running once a week. I'd suggest having a very easy run on wednesdays anyways. nothing strenuous

jesus christ didnt realise gimmicky shit like this actually exists. Just run, you know.

Won't change the official time though

I hit 13.5 on the Beep Test/MSFT/Pacer test??

I did it bros, I went from a 2.9 to a 13.5

You most likely tense up your jaw etc, probably through your neck and shoulders to running fucked up with your hands.

Hurt my knee somehow yesterday. I was running on a trail I've done at least 100 times. Slow pace that I can easily handle any day of the week. Only thing I can think of that might've caused it is my shoes. They have probably 400 miles on them but they still felt fine and the fight was perfect.

>Is it possible that worn out shoes can cause knee pain?

I've never experienced this with any other older shoes but I've also put the most miles on these ones.

Yes, old shoes get worn out and affect your step.

However there are 1000 other reasons as why you might have hurt your knees.

Just rest until you run again.

you seem upset about a fun little twist on on running aps

How do you monitor your cadence? I feel like I take too few steps compared to the recommended 180 spm, but counting every second step while using a timer during running seems too awkward. I guess I could put some 180 bpm hardcore on my mp3 player and run to the beat lol.

Looks like a great way to break your ankle.

Start getting your breathing ready before you run. A few minute before you head out, inhale all the way, as much as you can, and push all of the air out of your lungs. Do this a few times, and then see if you can breathe around 6 breaths per minute by breathing very deeply and exhaling entirely.

Your lungs are a huge muscle inside of you that will be worked pretty hard from you run. If you've been sitting all day or breathing fairly shallow from lack of exertion your lungs need to warm up before your run also.

try a metronome, that music idea isnt too bad either

Check your form and your shoes.

Your shoes are most likely shit. Things to look at while running shoe shopping:
>arch support (do you need it)
>Stabilization (Do you need it)
>Wide shoes (do you have wide feet)
>Elevated heel
>Do you naturally roll your foot inward or outward

If you have a running store near you go to them and ask them to fit your for a pair of shoes.


Do you feel too shitty to run? Apparently running can raise your immune system so it might be able to help you get better but if you're feeling really shitty and it'll just make you miserable don't go.

Go to a chiropractor. Your spine is probably a little misaligned.

>best time is around 12:30 2 mile
>get into serious car crash
>car stabs me in the knee
>have to wear a brace and can't bend my knee for a week
>even when my puncture wound heals my knee hurts when I bend it
>end up not doing any cardio or any kind of leg exercise, nevermind regular exercise
>first try running again a month or two after
>really difficult run that I used to be able to do
>lungs start throbbing and have excruciating pain
>have to walk the rest
>try running again a month later
>do 100m sprints no biggie
>first few times I'm fine
>my lungs start to throb again and I can't catch my breath
>my vision goes blurry, ears ring, and everything goes bright

I want to die

Best bloggers and vloggers to follow for running?

Cool thanks i'll do a light run on wednesdays and maybe just do some walking on sundays

Is it better to run in intervals or just run until you cant run anymore.

I'm /unfit/ and running more than 1km is pretty difficult. Not that /fat/ though. Not sure what is best to stsrt off with and build running strength fast.

I'm so sorry, I would honestly not know what to do, I got a shoulder injury during high school from my coach that threw me off for a bit nothing bad but couldn't do pull ups flies ohps sku crushers etc it drove me crazy if something like that happened I would probably just kill myself man

That doesn't make me feel better at all :(

so I don't understand, is that lung thing because of accident or just because you're really really out of shape ?

Thanks for the metronome idea, I wouldn't have thought of that.

I like no nonsense stuff, that is all. Dont need to make pretend I'm escaping zombies to keep fit

The zombie chases bumped to max really add some nice intervals to runs, although they fuck up my average pace. Suppose it'll be beneficial on the long run.

It's 100 degrees outside. I have to be able to run 2 miles fast as fuck and I'm lazy. I actually have a pretty decent aerobic base.
Will focusing on 60/120s improve my 2 mile?
That is 60 seconds all out sprint 120 seconds walk.

I also incorporate a 3 mile jog with hill sprints in the middle usually twice a week

Gym days I do hiit on the stair master

Good enough if I don't care about running a marathon?

You mean you run 6 miles at a 9 min pace. Your mile time is if you do just one mile.

Probably (hopefully) because I'm really really out of shape

>I have to be able to run 2 miles fast as fuck and I'm lazy
passing the apft does not require you to be fast you fat fucking faggot. i fucking hate softbody lazy fucking joes like you so god damn much.

>i have to run 2 miles under 16 minutes it's so hard
fucking kill yourself

My guess is he wants to max it(sub 13:00)

Depends on your metabolism. You can cut calories but make sure you get carbs couple hours before each run and protein afterwards

>Depends on your metabolism
fuck off retard

Nike plus. Kevin heart congratulates you n shet.

I lift 6 days a week, rest on Sundays. Will I be able to incorporate running into three of those days a week? Should I rather do my running some time after lifting? I was thinking of couch to 5k as a good start.

Also are these shoes shit for running?

It only takes 3 weeks of no cardio to start effecting your cardio endurance. Try doing the C25K to build it back up again. You will probably only need to get to week 7 before you are back at it

Correct. I put on weight when I started lifting. I used to be able to run sub 14:00. I'm looking to get back to that or better.

I don't use miles so I don't know actually, but I've run 10k with a time of 4:12/km.

I ran in terrain (without a path, so pretty rough) today and it was amazing. I also tried running on some cliffs by the water which was fun but hardly effective as far as training goes. What are your favourite running places /run/?

>decide to run through the fields today
>can literally hear myself crunching snails the whole run

Cadence is important to avoid injuries. As long as it's quick enough to reduce impact it should be fine so I usually just think about my feet and pay attention to the force impact - if you feel you're stomping your feet then pick up the cadence.

Also, listen to the strokes while running.

Went running in terrain first time the other day and it was fun as fuck. Your mind is kept busy trying its best to manoeuvre across the roots and stones that litter the ground.

Definitely beats the monotony of running track/road.

Came across a lake during my run and took a quick dip, was godly.

I actually took a dip after my run as well, it felt so good. Summertime running is the best