What does masculinity mean to you?

What does masculinity mean to you?

To me masculinity is being challenged and overcoming that challenge in a never ending game to conquer your nature, or you could say nature itself. To me women are like a forest, you must continually interact and conquer to survive

not being a pussy

but manly men like pussies

To me it means my son thinks I can beat up all his friends dads. I don't let him have friends with step-dads.

Being able to affect change. Whether that means I want to get a job so I GO and get a job. Provide for my family, so the job gets done. Do what I NEED to do and do it. To not be passive and make sure that my life is ever moved forward my a momentum that comes from my spirit and willpower. To be self aware enough to know my limits and where I can improve and be humble enough to help others through my strength. When my time comes to leave this place, I will be happy in knowing I have EARNED my peace in death rather then being merely being claimed by it.

In short, to live an active life worth dying for.

Masculinity to me means the women around you are subordinate to the men.

This can be as simple as a family dinner, where the women (of all ages) do all cooking and cleaning, while the men (of all ages) sit around.

After all the men by default are providing protection to the women by just existing, protection the women wouldn't otherwise have if all the men decided to leave.

If a group of women want to feel safe and secure the best thing they can do is make sure their men don't have to do basic bitch tasks.

this is the cuckold definition of a man, made by a woman, the famous "BE A MAN!" phrase, this man is meaningless just like his life, I pity you so much

Fuck man that was surprisingly inspiring

Oh btw.

I'm Australian-Greek.

On my Greek side all the women are actually women and the men are men, I'm not expected to do ANYTHING like cooking, cleaning or anything that's traditionally the female role. On my Australian side there's very little difference between the men and women, the men are very feminine and subordinate to the women.

This is my personal experience.

Yeah man, gotta be sure to protect our ladies from wild animals or some such shit

The only part of that which could possibly be construed as cucked is providing for a family, but surely the given is that you find a wife who respects you and is faithful.

pay debts

What said.

Masculinity is having your shit together enough to live well so you can uplift those in your life you care about. It's the repeated completion of the hero's journey, basically.

I'm guessing your senpai came over post ww2? They still managed to protect their way of life throughout the generations without adopting the clusterfuck that is modern Australian values.

Good for you guys. No sarcasm.


Too bad that masculinity can be taken away from you in an instant the moment your woman no longer "feels" like being in a marriage with you, and the legal system and society in general will support her.

This is why women ask where did all the men go? They didn't go anywhere, they just don't want to risk their masculinity being taken hostage by a corrupt system that favors women.

So what are you, ignorant? or just a cuck?

Me personally I want to get as close to perfect as I can get

In Australia yeah that's valid.

sounds like greek women are traditional, what are chances an american has with the non thot women

That implies that all women will do this all the time which isn't true. Why do you lads focus on the extreme negative of every situation in order to be right about something?

Reading the majority comments on this and other sites it just seems that the most unbalanced types of views are being presented in order to create a scenario that makes you right.

Life isn't as bad as what you're projecting here, you should stop focusing on all the extreme negatives of everything, there is a middle ground and not all women are scum. Most are, but so too are most men, just because your childish notion of them being these pretty, demure little things that don't play up has been crushed it doesn't mean the whole situation is as miserable as you see it.

Whoever hurt you man, just let it go.

My grandparents brought my parents over in the early 1960s.

My grandfather fought with the British during 1944, his entire village was destroyed and had the option of leaving Greece to work in England, Australia or New Zealand.

He picked Australia, and never went back home. Good choice though, considering he now lives in a multi-million dollar home by the beach in one of the most luxury neighborhoods in my state.

>implying i give a shit about women

Have fun being a curmudgeonly beta who can't develop himself enough to attract a decent, well adjusted person that won't "steal ur masculinity". If you are secure with who you are and wise about your life choices, that should be impossible.

This is the best answer in this thread

Thats baller as fuck man. keep on doing you

>it's the guy who thinks so highly of himself that he believes he is impervious to all women

Some broad is going to take you for everything you've got, and you're not even going to know what hit you. Fucking KEK. Your type is the easiest for women to swindle.

after all everyone knows women are better at multitasking than men. It's only natural women do the busywork thats directly tied to her families happiness, as they value relationships as the center of their lives anyways. This way the man can put all his attention into his purpose and mission which generally men value more than relationships

You're so fucking cringy.

When I think of "being a man" I think of being unwavering.

Whatever situation you find yourself in, you don't show emotion, you just do what you need to do. You don't complain or worry or let your nerves get the best of you. You just calmly take control of the situation and do what you're supposed to.

Safe to say I'm not there yet. Maybe one day.

Dono bro, seen a lot of parents friends divorce, it goes poorly for one party and it's always the same gender that's poor and living in a shit hole alone

>being this dumb

I am impervious to all women. It's called homosexuality and it's why i'll never have to deal with any of those problems regarding women you seem to be so mad about.


Masculinity is the set of behaviors and physical characteristics that are influenced by androgens and secondary sexual organs.

Women don't respect providers. They view providers as betas. This is why they ultimately cheat. Marriage for a woman is never based on respect, it's based on getting what she wants out of a man who will provide it to her.

Women respect alpha badboy types who have no cares in life.

>I would like that as well user.

I bet you have a McMansion in the suburbs of Western Sydney, with several different cars all parked at jaunty angles across your front lawn

>caring about definitions of a cultural concept about a biological phenomenon
I personally think caring about these things are pointless and you should try to be the person you want to be. The person you'd respect and love.

Real answer though, guys without girly voices and mannerism with some muscle and roughness to them. Masc dudes on Grindr thinking they masc when they ain't lmao.

Nah my old man is too autistic about the grass to ever allow cars on it.

>I'm Australian-Greek.
do you wear a polo and a chain? australian greeks are the worst, they think theyre the toughest dudes despite dressing like fags and being obese lazy fucks

Masculinity means nothing to me.

I'm not the poster but as an aussie I fucking love Aussie/greeks. They are the friendliest cunts unless you get on there bad side pretty much like fobs, lebs on the other hand are scum

And they’re manlets.

>historically, masculinity refers to 'what it means to be a man'
>for a man to be man, his first and foremost capability has been to extend his genes to the next generation
>any man who was not capable of this, ended up being no man, since his genes was lost to history
>women selected men for their 'masculineness'
>women decide what it means to be masculine depending on whose male genes they want to carry on to the next generation
>the only edge case is rape, where the male forcefully brings his genes to next generation

There it is, your definition. Hope you're happy now.

Masculinity can be making people respect you without doing something that demands respect
or it can mean that you're strong enough to up everyone in the room but you don't use your strength for such things

beat up*

Edgy Teenagers: The Thread

>t. no wife, or girlfriend, in the last couple of years

And you are what you eat, so is being manly.. being a pussy?

let Reddit dangerous animals meme xD

>What does masculinity mean to you?

Absolutely nothing

Provide, protect and Propriate.

Telling user he's a cuck.

exerting my influence on the world.
physically through lifts/whatever
mentally through career
and spiritually through emotional stability and deeper understanding of the nature of existence

to not only acknowledge limits, but realize they are merely illusions and destroy them.

to become a god of my reality.

that's what my definition of masculinity is.

it's not about being aesthetic, or rich, or sagelike.
its about being all of them and redefining all of them in accordance with perception that the mere recognition of those things are what limits you.

so in essence, its not about any of it. it's just about limitless will, but then its not really will anymore. its just experiencing the totality of existence.