What do they mean by this?

What do they mean by this?

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she wants to fuck u with a strap on

summer is almost over

Glute bridge is best exercise you're not doing.

>meme thrust
Ask me how I know you deadlift bitch weight.

How do you know?

Can we get more webms of women improvising stupid exercises?

Just go to your local Gold's during its busiest hours.

I go to an Anytime Fitness :/

Not a really good movement but people still do it...

>I go to anytime fitness
turns out that you are the meme

because the alphas she fucks are able to thrust their hips with strength and vigour she decides she too can be an alpha female by imitating them. same reason women get jobs and university degrees, imitating the alpha males they fuck to signal their fitness for coupling with.

>ex wants to do meme excessive in pic related
>wants to lift more but weights to heavy for her
>asks me to go with her to lift and help her out put weights on her hips
>as I go in to lay the weights on her hip, get a glimpse of her camel toe
>forget myself for a moment and nearly put my crotch on her face as I lay down the weights
>tehehehe user what are you doing
>she starts doing her meme hip thrusts
>lol and tell her I will do the exercise with her
>start swinging my hips back and forth
>air humping like a retard
>she can't stop loling
>nearly drops the weights

I can still hear her qt laugh brehs...

I don't think these are a meme, hip strength can be useful, moreso athletically which this board can't handle

it all makes sense

How so? I had muscular imbalance from an overdeveloped squat which caused dehabilitating pain. Did these for 3 days and the pain was gone.

that's how they prep for pegging

how do i find qt gf who does hipthrust?

Please get help

I once saw a guy using the assisted chin machine as a leg press with like 60 pounds.

I see chicks do it all the time but never a guy.

Why is it always women doing those?

BRO. STOP. Don't remind me :l

>it's a meme it's a meme!!!!!
okay meme bros tell me what's wrong with this exercise

exercise science bro here so i want scientifically valid explanations or don't even post, thanks. Go.

>five minutes pass
>0 responses

Veeky Forums in a nutshell.


they think it'll give them a bigger butt because it targets the glutes

it's 3am... Veeky Forums is anything but a dead board

It's 4:37pm for me bro

she is fitter now,
and her booty got tighter

>five minutes is a long time on Veeky Forums


>exercise science degree

What's it like working at McDonald's?

There's a girl in my gym with a huge ass who does these with lmao 3pl8, still good looking too. I think she has the strongest legs of any chick in my gym.

Fuck them though, they hurt my hips and I don't think they're worth it. I get enough bridging in jiujitsu




Wh-where is this from?
A-asking for a..a... friend...

it's the best exercice for glutes

Just do kettlebell swings, for fuck sake.

holy fuck. are you me.
pls kill me. i miss her so much.


This isn't a stupid improvised exercise.

How are your first 2 months lifting treating you by the way.

>attentionwhore tripfag outside of a general

this shit gets mad glutes m8

>attention whore tripfag not understanding that women doing this meem exercise are also attention whores

its ok bro one day he will get it

Would people think I am gay if I do them?

These are not good as you think, do some research online its pointless

No clue but it's Katy Perry

It's not improvised. It's a valuable assistance exercise for working the glutes.

Because you haven't hit a high enough weight on deadlift that you need assistance work like hip thrusts to aid your lock out.

DESU Weighted back extensions and good mornings are much better for your deadlift than hip thrusts. Safer? No, but much more effective.