Mom is asking me why I go to the gym but don't have abs and look chubby

>Mom is asking me why I go to the gym but don't have abs and look chubby
>She's asking me if maybe I should reconsider my program as clearly it's not producing results

J-just strength training, m-mom... the a-abs will come l-later thanks to squats and d-deadlifts...


Stop being a parasite to your parents and move out already

tell her that she should reconsider her parenting methods. they obviously didn't work

Fuck u normie

The best thing to do would be to get results. Prove her wrong by getting huge then go on a cut and get some washboard abs

My dad recently told me "you need to get your metabolism going". I stopped exercising for a while. His statement got me to get back into lifting and cardio. I hope my strength comes back fast.

My mom is like this too. I've started recording the hurtful and undercutting comments she makes. She thinks I don't know what she's doing but I know.

Before my mom even mentioned something like this, I explained in a minute bulking and cutting. Neither my mom nor I are retarded.

Not him, but houses in my area on average cost over 700K, and rent is ridiculous. Sometimes it's not so simple to just 'move out'.

>"Why are you eating so much, you dont need that much food"
Reeee my maintenence calories are at 3500, i dont care if its unfair that i get an extra serving

your mom is secretly trying to motivate you so she can use you as her personal fucktoy

She's actually secretly trying to make him feel like shit so he ends up not improving himself. She doesn't want him to be happy. She wants him sad and dependent.

>Sometimes it's not so simple to just 'move out'
>houses in my area on average cost over 700K
>rent is ridiculous

>in my area

Hey, I found the solution. Move to a different area. Wow, it really IS that easy to just 'move out'!

Selfish as fuck, user. Grow up man. Pay for your own servings, leech.

>hurr durr I come from some small town shithole in no-where where rent is under 600 or the average house value is under 200k

OP, don't fall for this functional strength bullshit. You don't need it. For anything.

Abs are literally one of the few muscles worth having, so get them.

>supports his mom economically and physically via chores

Up is down and war is peace

Nothing in the OP implies that he lives with his mother, just that he talks to her/sees her.

Yes Goyim, pay me rent and put your parents in home.

So both of my parents got into their careers not too long after highschool, they jumped from job to job doing menial things like construction and bartending and that payed the bills pretty easily. Eventually they both landed in lucrative government jobs, one in an agricultural lab and the other in an government IT department. They've there for a couple of decades and the pay is now well into 6 figures.

Well they did it, moved around getting jobs in menial labor and service and then started a career, why can't you user, why can't you not be a lazy leach?

Well, there's a few catches. One, neither of them ever had a University Degree, the one who works in an actual agricultural lab doesn't even have a community college program, just 10th grade science.

Two, when one did go to uni for a year it took them only a summers work to save up the money, whereas that very same uni would cost you a whole years salary at minimum wage for 2 semesters. These days you need a degree just to be considered to mop the floors at that same lab (wish I was fucking joking).

Three, housing was way way cheaper relative to income in their day, and the prospect of moving out wasn't so ridiculous.

Not staying at home at least until you've got a degree is setting yourself up to be a debt slave for a long part of your life desu

Good goy post on /pol/ all day and save funny Jew memes instead of becoming an adult and moving out from your parents you don't get along too well with

Nice Jew meme idiot

t. A neet that doesn't really understand that to live somewhere you need a job and it generally isn't easy to drive 100km for an interview to an area you want to live in.

t. A pathetic manchild looking for excuses by pretending every place with jobs is as expensive as New York City or San Francisco

>He doesn't try to ease the life of his parents in their old age

If you have strength to back it up you can easily win that argument and what the fuck is a while?

She probably hasn't worked out a day in her life and thinks since you committed 3 months you should be lean with a huge upper body.

Your goal doesn't even need to involve abs, I would say obviously but if it was you would have used that.

Also your a bitch OP taking what from your mom


>he doesn't realize that not leeching off of them he will ease it a lot more

Found the amateur fatass powerlifter.

But I'm a 6'3 dyel with abs user

You might also want to look into a speech therapist.


> NEETs actually believe this haha

Your mum lays awake at night wondering where she went wrong as a parent. Sometimes she wishs you would die, but then catches herself and feels guilty

You're retarded my dude, where I live if you leave big cities you won't find any job unless you have a degree in a very specific field
Grow up man

I'm in California and pay 300$ a month with 2 roommates.

Anymore excuses faggot?
>inb4 don't got friends.

Where do you live and what is your field?

>inb4 im an investment banker

I did it immediatly after army at the age of 20

> smalltown retards actually believe this

Enjoy being trapped in the same town your entire life because you're too paralyzed to take a chance and improve your life.

>yanks push their sons to absurd amounts of debt by making them leave
>i stay comfy at my parents' house because i know that they will support me until i can pay my own
why are yanks so heartless?

Mine never says the second part sincd she's horrified of me touching weights but
>doing any task overhead that requires bending arms at elbow
>"ooh look at your """"huuuge"""" arms! Show use those abs! You've got to have abs by now, right?"
>left fat mode in January
>still a little too much fat to see abs
>makes me even more self conscious about my body
Th-thanks mom

>until I can pay my own

Ah yes at that rate what's another 10, 15 years?

Nigga truth

At what point did OP say he's a NEET?