Is Mr. Reddit man right?

Is Mr. Reddit man right?

This isn't a joke, why the fuck are you lurking reddit? Go back there and stay there you tourist.



At the very least don't post here. Why do you Reddit fags think you are welcome here, we unironically hate you.


SS is the standard for a reason.
"Eat more and don't fuck with the tried and true" isn't a meme.

Muh interwebz rivalry


>we unironically hate you.

>taking the internet this seriously.




>inb4 "muh reddit spacing"

>implying most people don't use both sites in 2017

the advice here is mostly terrible anyways, why do people act like Veeky Forums is a better resource? it's only good for shitposting and my HIGH TEST folder

Reddit please go

lol this ^


Go back.

Youre completely missing the point. If you like reddit then stay there. Why even come here?

He's right.

>for shitposting and my HIGH TEST folder

He is

But isn't the point of that shit to get you in the gym doing a routine everyday?

Most people just switch when they plateau anyways I figured.

>blah blah psychological benefits blah
>blah failure an dwhat it feels like blah blah blah

what a bunch of reddit cancer, SS+GOMAD 4 lyfe m80

You admit yo coming here to shitpost? Are you 12 or retarded?

He is right.

I've browsed this site since before /v/ existed and I regularly visit both sites since they offer different things.

>SS+GOMAD 4 lyfe m80


Congratulations. So youre still a beginner trying to figure out how to lift weights after all this time???

I never understood this hatred. People in reddit and Veeky Forums are almost equally retarded. Reddit just has more users.

I've never been on their fitness forum, I go there for obscure game communities, programming and game dev forums while I go to places like this to have a laugh. I don't trust either website for fitness advice honestly.

GSLP is by far the best full body/beginner/simple routine I've ever done.
>Didnt do SS
>SL is for people that want to be powerlifters or people who have NEVER and I mean NEVER touched a weight or done a sport in their entire lives. Most young men with any athletic background at all will be able to to do GSLP easily.

Reddit actually got it right for once.

muh normies

muh reeeeeee memes

This proves my point again. Youre a casual normie who is a tourist here and you don't even lift weights. Youre part of the problem.

he didn't go hard enough with the training.

This. So much this.

Edit: wow!! Thanks for the gold kind stranger

make him leave retard. you can't. kys

Why you gotta hate on a green man, I'll be yellow eventually

>Is Mr. Reddit man right?
Yes, but only because people don't read SS.

>calls me retard
How mad are you exactly?
I just don't get it that's all, anytime I go to reddit I see how normie it is and I want to leave.

Too complicated. Seriously, fitness and lifting noobs are absolutely fucking moronic. Half of them will see the acronym AMRAP, be confused and just decide to put it off for another year.

>How mad are you exactly?
steam is coming out of my ears. my point is, why shit up board with anti-reddit posts when you don't like shit posters

I know it's a radical concept but you can enjoy more than one thing at a time, pretty crazy I know

I feel that since SS/SL were popularized 10 years ago online, and the really great sticky was written by a Something Awful goon back then and we've just sort have accepted it as a gold standard and continue to follow it verbatim years later. The issue here is that almost 100% of people here read the sticky and 75% of people have been lifting for less than a year, making this whole board more of a roundtable discussion over either how great the sticky is, or trolling by contradicting it.

This makes this board resistant to change since so few of us know anything else.

Why shit up the board with SS SL GSLP arguments? Fact is tehres almost no difference as long as you stick to the routine and eat enough youll make progress. I gurantee you if youre still weak after a year of lifting it isn't SS's fault.

Ya, you enjoy your dads dick and his butthole. Makes sense.

>Edit: Wow! I didn't expect this comment to be so popular. Thanks for the upboats everyone!! xD

>you enjoy your dads dick and his butthole
...which one's Veeky Forums and which one's Reddit?

I don't see why people suddenly hate SS, I did it for around half a year while not eating like a retard, gained a good amount of muscle, and got my lifts (3x5) to 135/200/305/345.

can some1 pls tell me if I should switch 2 GSLP from SS/SL instead of being retards about what websites u go 2

>Coming to Veeky Forums for anything but shitposting
Come on senpai, i dont even use reddit

Who cares
Shit thread

Heck off.


hahaha got em XDDDD

source on pic

*emerges from a fiery pit of memes*
the Veeky Forums army will descend upon all of you leddit plebeians and end your miserable lives. the darkness will overcome you. we are legion.

*adjusts cloak and returns to the flames*

It used to not the be standard. The world didn't start in 2009. The standard going back to 1970 was 5-day split. Before that you had Charles Atlas and Jack Lalane doing dips between dining room chairs.

SS is not the pinnacle of natural lifting, it's a program for turning 99lb 14-year-old boys into linebackers and wrestlers.

The sticky needs a serious overhaul. I'm not a redditor, but r/fitness has a much better collection of information on their sticky than Veeky Forums has.

Who is even in charge here? Last I heard it was Tinytrip.

Symmetric Strength website

>muh sekrit club

I'm 8th week SL and I've stalled twice on 2pl8 squat, since ur the ppl that actually seem to be discussing the topic. Would it be beneficial for me to swap into this GSLP routine. My goal was to hit 1/2/3/4 on a beginner routine before I swapped to cool cicadas ppl.
6 foot
Squat: deloaded today to 205 5x5
Bench: 185 5x5
The press: 125 5x5
Diddlie: 245 3x5
Eating around 2300 cals a day and gettin all my protons. Bout 160g on avg.

kys yourself

It's not the program holding you back, there's some other factors. The difference between beginner routines is tiny really and they all get you strong

Beautiful numerals.

My god kek speaks truth, alright then wtf is this AMRAP shit?


As many reps as you can do

AMRAP only seems useful when you're starting with baby weights which you can far outpace with noob gains. As you start to get into the novice level and above you might struggle to even complete your sets whereby it's just becomes a SS variant with less compound exercises.

Those digits...

nice digits

fuck off back to plebbit.

>AMRAP only seems useful when you're starting with baby weights
Which is pretty much why GSLP is superior among the class of beginner programs. Which is why SS & SL are only for a very select group of people.

>SS: still the best choice if you're a high school athlete. The low volume is made up for by going to your sport practice 5 times a week.
>SL: still the best choice if you have absolutely zero clue what you're doing, are extremely weak, and you're thinking you might want to become a powerlifter all of a sudden in two year's time. You're also probably 14-20 years old and a guy.

>it's just becomes a SS variant with less compound exercises.
Less? How is GSLP less compound with all the plugins and villain challenges he talks about mixing in?

I can't believe I'm autistic enough to quote everyone
>Muh reddit bogeyman
>Not discussing the actual OP
>Not giving arguments on anything
Literally as bad as Tumblr. Fuck off to somewhere else, I fucking hate your mentality
Go back to /b/ if you don't intend to offer anything and just want to autistically screech about things you hate with no rhyme or reason. There is no need to post if you don't want to help, ask for help, share progress or contribute to board quality in general
If you really hate Reddit this much then just hide, filter and ignore
Preface: you SHOULD read the SS book. That said, Phrak's GSLP in particular has many more advantages over SS and SL. Minute details, sure, anything will get you strong. But it's the little things that count.
>Reasons why Phrak's GSLP is better:
Allows a tiny bit of autoregulation to take advantage of bad days while not punishing bad days
Treats chins and rows as equally important as OHP + the powerlifts, as it should. It is essentially a "full body PPL"
On that note, more balanced in general. You train two presses, two pulls and two leg lifts with equal frequency
Handles deloads way better than SL as explained in the OP image
Provides better squat frequency than both
Provides better and comfier deadlift potential to grow by not shoving it after 3/5 sets of squats but giving it it's own day as it should
"Better" than SS in the sense that it does not force you to clean without a coach, which you shouldn't.
>Other good novice programs ignored by the bucket of crabs mob and the sticky:
If you want a powerlifting specific one, Izzy's beginner routine from PTW dot com is better

Reddit just sucks, unless you get into the extremely specific communities it's just people acting so phony and bland so they can bask in precious upvotes. The "humor" is facebook tier puns and Star Wars references, which is mixed with a healthy amount of circlejerking over dumb shit, with no banter allowed.
Fuck reddit, unless you're looking for something very serious like roid sources this place is infinitely better because you can at least have a real conversation that's not just "how true, hahaha! showed this to the hubby and he agreed!! edit: thanks for the gold you magnificent bastard, someone give this man a cookie XDDD".

here, forgot: for rows, do chest supported or seal rows to keep erectors fresh for squats and deadlifts

That's the point. As you get stronger you're forced to deload more often so a week-to-week periodisation ends up being built into the programme.

The way Greyskull works is honestly pretty beautiful. The programme grows with the lifter based on just a few simple parametres.

Thé autismo

Getting form, intensity, eating and sleeping right >>>>>>>> differences between these programs.

Stop masturbating about program minutiae and spend the time thinking about how to get better at what matters.

Bang on m8

>SS is the standard for a reason.
And that reason is spam and marketing. SS is shit but Americans will believe anything.

>set rep PRs when deloading has psychological benefits
((who the fuck cares))
>adds volume to a DELOAD
((who the fuck cares))
>makes it clear when the weight you're using is too easy
((im literally retarded))
>promotes a mentality of working hard
((you fucking wot))
>it helps you become familiar with failure and what it feels like

Who the fuck cares

Seems like these armchair fitness gurus think this incredibly uninventive re-skin of SS has fucking revitalized the fitness industry, with no evidence for any of the ((extremely minor)) shit they're spewing.

In classic Reddit fashion I imagine none of the mods have even read Starting Strength, but I can absolutely guarantee that the content tied to Rippetoe's program vastly outweighs any potential benefits of taking your last set to failure.

The programs are virtually identical, this isn't the kind of shit that beginners should be sweating over. Here are the common sense reasons why just featuring SS instead of this are better:

1. Failure != good. Brand new lifters should not be taking any lifts to failure, nevermind deliberately taking squats to failure every single working.

2. Resources. Rippetoe has cultivated an incredibly helpful beginner-oriented community, complete with books, videos, and forums... knowing you are doing "Starting Strength" and sampling from that knowledge is invaluable for a beginner

3. Over-complication. The entire basis for Starting Strength is that a literal caveman could do it. The beauty of all of these beginner programs is that beginners will make incredible gains doing nothing but 3 compound exercises 3 days/week. Why make it more complicated than that? What the fuck is an AMRAP and how is it necessary for a total beginner?

This is really not an issue for consumers of the content; beginners will do great on both programs. But holy fuck is it infuriatingly disrespectful to timeless fitness professionals.

>spam and marketing

SS is what quashed spam and marketing. Fuck your bro splits, fuck your over-complicated deloading, isolation, and creatine bull-shit. If you're a beginner, squat every fucking workout, put more weight on the bar, and eat your oats and you will succeed.

What the fuck would this be spam/marketing for? The 10 dollar book you have to buy once in your life? The whole milk industry?

Completely agree with this guy. SS works because of its simplicity. It's literally a starting program you do for 6-9 months at most, before moving on to something more advanced. It's for literal skellies and DYELs who have never seen the inside of a gym to gain some noob gains and experience.

Fuck oof yer coont


So SL is the best then? Why only for powerlifting?

Isn't that saying its the best for building base strength in an acceptable amount of time?

T. 27 year old wageslave who started out using just the bar for everything except diddly and squat

Slowly making my way to le blue man lads.

The sticky never was made by anyone from Veeky Forums, it was made over at Something Awful forums. There was like a secondary sticky made by Harsh, but he didn't even even lift or diet, he was just a fitaboo that made assumptions about fitness from things he read online.

SL is garbage for powerlifting. He's saying SL is good for retards who don't know what they want out of their training. You just download the app and move weights around, no effort required and you barely have to work hard since you're in and out of the gym in like 45 minutes to an hour.

If you want to powerlift you should do candito/sheiko/nuckols novice programs, or something else powerlifting oriented. Sheiko in particular has a fantastic $15 or so app which even contains videos for every lift/accessory, bar path analysis and programs for every level of lifter barring world class. You'll actually have to work hard doing Sheiko though, and it won't give you a balanced physique like SL would unless you add your own accessories for back/biceps/shoulders, so you have to prefer being strong and big as fuck to being symmetrical and aesthetic. The problem with doing these 3 programs is that they all require you to be somewhat informed about programming (proper programming, not just Veeky Forums programming where you throw a bunch of set and rep ranges together and hope to god you continue to progress without modifying volume or utilising training cycles), have good form and leave your ego at the door. You need to know when to add accessories, when you're too tired to add them, when to prioritise certain muscles over others because you're never going to be able to train back, shoulders and biceps hard all at the same time doing a heavy load Sheiko program.

Candito's novice program is perhaps the easiest one to get into simply because of how well he explains the basics and how he gives you a few templates so that you can autistically slot in accessories depending on your goals + it'll let you keep a decently symmetrical physique until you move on to the 6 week intermediate/advanced program.

tinytrip was never in charge, he left because he got bullied so much.

i think the most competent trip we have now is isley, which shows just how fucking far we've fallen. no offence meant obviously

>I'm not a racist but kikes should be gassed
I mean they *should* be gassed, but why say "no offense" when you absolutely mean to offend?

>I'm a great catch
>everyone else except me is a douchebag
>I'll treat her right!
>I have a weight problem but I refuse to do anything about it

Gee, I wonder why he hasn't had a girlfriend.

>it's just people acting so phony and bland so they can bask in precious upvotes.
Doesn't sound any different from Veeky Forums to be honest.

>check out my edgy meta-ironic meme xD
>niggers! do i fit in yet???
>please give me (you)s

who gives a shit both programs will actually work if you put your mind to it. also i dont really like ss that much but it builds strength like a motherfucker apparently

you'll never bea pure yellowman desu. you need 10+ years of tranining


>kek xdddd
fuck off norman


y'know, I always kinda hoped that all the redditposting was a joke, and that we were all collectively overreacting to what was probably just a handful of underageb&s being retarded. seeing all the retards defending shit in here is fucking cancer though. I'm not even mad at this point, just sad that we let this happen. 4chins really does just get worse and worse
also, checked

No you're all just fucking gay now leave

Stoner quints. Nice.

why does GSLP do squats last? I never really knew why it mattered for it to be first in SL/SS

Can we not scrap the sticky and yell everyone to just do 5/3/1? You cannot fuck it up and it always works. I mean fuck sake really, it doesn't have to be complicated.

Monthly progress is too slow
Though N-suns weekly lp 531 is pretty sick, I'll start it as soon as I finish my thesis
Rip has them first because they "derve as a total body warmup"
Mehdi rips off Rip so he says the same thing
GSLP has them last because pressing does not cause fatigue that would lead to systemic fatigue enough to cause performance loss at squats, while the opposite is true.

I like GSLP more

Thanks for proving my point.

>The 10 dollar book you have to buy once

Oh look, yet another reddit thread.

>That said, Phrak's GSLP in particular has many more advantages over SS and SL. Minute details, sure, anything will get you strong. But it's the little things that count.
Irrelevant. We talk about an introductory routine.
>not punishing bad days
the premise of SS/SL is that you'll constantly adding weight on the bar. That single fact outweighs any hypothetical "psychological" or "emotional" distress for a bad day. Quite the contrary, it's constantly seen as pretty rewarding. So rewarding that newbies can't let SS go and so they slowly move in T-Rex territory.
I can already see you're parroting here the position of the redditor in charge doing it for free, a position which not only seems illogical but despicable. He gives too much weight to "training to failure" since day one, that's definitively something an untrained individual shouldn't care.

Btw no one has ever seen a single pic of this purplespengler faggot afaik

Only valid point is that increased volume can get you out of a plateau. Everything else is conjecture and armchair psychology.

Nothing wrong with picking one program if you have three competing ones though. But who cares its fucking reddit.

Reddit is okay and gives better advice than Veeky Forums

Get redpilled fag