Wtf happened to Elliott Hulse

He's always been a bit crazy but I kinda liked him, I came back to his channel after two years and see this shit

I can't stop laughing, wtf happened?

He slowly went downhill, Elgin took him apart, had a break down and now is back being a fag again

he started his own cult

He actually helped with me with some advice desu, like his advice on how to not give a fuck made sense to me.

Yeah he helped me a few times too I was just wondering wtf happened

Watched the video and yeah, shit he lost it senpai.

the thing with the bird?

> oh you sing so beautifully
bird doesn't give a fuck
> shut up you stupid bird
bird doesn't give a fuck

this is retarded. is this the start of some cult?
- man buns are still around?

Unfortunately, yes and yes

So what is his ideology
Videos were too cringy for me to watch
What is he suggesting?

Do you have to be at least 7/10 do be accepted?


Shit like this is why I never stop into self help section at bookshops.

This, I used to be into some of that stuff and then after meeting some of the people that followed these ideals and realizing how fucking crazy they are and how its mostly fantasy bullshit I backed off. The video started off cool and seemed like he was gonna be a motivational speaker talking about meditation which I was digging and then it showed everyone dancing around like african tribesman and yelling at eachother and I busted out laughing. Wtf elliot? Tone it down a bit man cool idea but your taking it a bit far with the theatrics.

This is what happens when you don't stop reading self-help books once you've made it.
Sooner or later you end up in the esoteric section and everything goes downhill.

I work in the psychiatric field and I swear he is starting to have the body language and speech patterns of a psychotic/manic.
This was especially pronounced, once his strength camp thing got rebranded as "tribe" or whatever. Had to unsubscribe then, because his ravings became crazier by each video.

He found out that society has been actively discouraging men from being masculine, which is the only trait that can propel a man into success in life. This has created a generation of men who are bitter, carpet-stomping failures without a direction in life. Unsurprisingly, these young men love it when someone like Elliot Hulse (or Jordan "Bee" Peterson) comes around and tells them, that they've been served a raw deal, but they also have the power to make lemon juice.

As I've understood it, Hulse's method of "bioenergetics" is supposed to get your over-rationalized brain to chillax and teach you to follow your five senses more. In essence: stop giving a fuck about others' opinions. I have no doubt that it works -- no matter how cringey it looks. In fact, I think the cringe-factor is what makes it work; if you overcome the cringe, you overcome society's judgment.

tl;dr: Elliot found a way to make money by turning sissybois into men.

>literally spouting Freudian esoterics

M8, his argument for men not caring about dicksize was that no dick is as big as a baby and how his wife had mad birthing orgasms.
He's nuts.

Old-Hulse was fine. But he's gone over the edge years ago.

Judgements can change your way of thinking. I.e making you more anxious, but maybe he's trying to say that their image of your in their mind doesnt have to be the same as your image of yourself, and to live free from restraint. Judgements wont have such a monumental impact on yourself as before

But that's so basic, it's almost a truism.
Literally mindfulness 101. Heck, literally just shit you mom told you when you were upset about kids nagging you.

And again: This is all old-Hulse.
Now he's teaching you how to clean your chakras so you can penetrate your spiritual arm dick (illustrated by fisting the air) into the universal femininity. And don't forget to cry like a madman after babbling like we used to to when we still climbed trees.

Speaking of which: Whatever happened to his weird business (scam) thing?

I dislike the way he talks. I sometimes talk to myself in the mirror and act like I'm some god emperor of the universe and I am all powerful and shit just for shits and giggles.
This dude though, he genuinely thinks he's onto some deeper truth the world has hidden or something.
That's why I stopped watching him; it all felt a little too cult-y and too new age for my taste.

Except his 'conversion' method is more of the hippie touchy feely bullshit men/boys are fed nowadays anyway.
I mean, just act on that inner motivation you have for the shit you want and don't feel that you owe anything to anyone on this earth.
There, you're at least right of the bell curve of 'being alpha'.

too many scoops and sips

childhood sexual abuse

Looks pretty fucking cool desu. He's building a tribe. I would join

who/what is elgin

>you will never show off your talent in front of a room of your friends
>you will never dance like a primitive tribal with hot bitches to jungle beats
>you will never get down on the floor and scream with a woman like a caveman who grabbd a bitch and is about to bust his first nut


Elliot is just capitalizing on the pussification of today's males. It's brilliant to be honest because it's a good way to make money. His lifting stuff was better though. If you want actually good advice that will change your life, listen to Jordan Peterson

He got ZEROd

This MO is some classic cult bull shit.

Wonder how much these people payed for this camp?

Stay away anons.

You would think a board dedicated to expression would be more intuitively understanding of what Hulse is doing in that video.

Seriously, have you insecure and stiff fuckers ever actually tried to do what's being showcased here? It's about total openness with yourself and others, in other words transcending social and self-repression, and this is just one of the many ways of doing so. Look a-fucking-around you. There's no expression or honest "letting go" anywhere. Everyone's so fucking rigid and they think they're so fucking sophisticated, and we wonder why depression and anxiety rates are skyrocketing. Why do you think people miss their childhoods so much? Do you guys even remember the last time you cried?

The mulatto genes kicked in. This is why you dont race mix fellas.

>shilling this hard

You're free to provide a counterargument anytime.

nice point user

I honestly would go to his camp, depending on the price (ain't paying a ridiculous sum for it.) When I was a young boy I was very rambunctious and so during pre-school and my earling elementary school days I was relentlessly bullied by teachers and people in authority. I remember having emotional melt downs from the stress and shame. During kindergarten, curling up in a ball and putting my head in my bookbag to "hide." In 1st grade slamming my head against a cement wall repeatedly because I was so frustrated and angry. Eventually I "matured" out of that shit and become a quiet, introverted beta because now I constantly over-rationalize everything and am always second guessing whether what I'm doing is appropriate enough. My inner alpha only comes out in stressful situations now, and when it does I turn into a fucking animal

I think what Elliot is doing is DEPROGRAMMING all of us sissified men. He's got people crawling around and shouting like animals BECAUSE IT IS RIDICULOUS. Stop worrying about other people judging you and do WHATEVER THE FUCK YOU WANNA DO

Once you overcome that stigma, within the confines of the camp, you can obviously get out and live a better life. There obviously should be restraints in our lives, and we should have self-control and discipline, but excessively second-guessing one's self is feminine and gay

What was that called again? Bioenergetic catharsis or something?

You all need to watch the Holy Hell Documentary before you explore this any further.

Stay away Anons.

I agree wholeheartedly, and thank you for sharing your story.

Make absolutely no mistake, there is a time and a place for everything. You can't just start crying and screaming and flailing your body around and shit in church or wherever, but the average person doesn't do SHIT with their bodies; they live in their heads their entire lives and think mechanisms like crying (among other expressions of emotion) are there to suppress and depress. Horseshit.

I'm no Hulse shill -- he has great videos and some duds too. But if you're into fitness and health and all that and you see anything wrong with the vid in the OP, you're a dishonest moron who's totally missing the point.

He's basically trying to become the Tony Robbins of fitness. It's a good career move for him, the self-help seminar business model works because rich people are willing to pay thousands for this kind of stuff, and get their friends into it too. He can also turn it into a MLM scheme if he wants to, because his hokum is so amorphous.

Also, gj to Elliott for achieving multiple nigger dreams
>have blue eyes
>acquire drugs (roids in his case)
>marry and breed a white woman
>make money without actually working
>make white people get on their hands and knees and bark like dogs at each other while they pay you money

Would hate to know what you're compensating for if race is your focal point here.

I'm honestly shocked by the vitriol directed at Hulse and his teachings on this board. Artists like Rick Owens and Neutral Milk Hotel are revered on their respective boards for their honesty, expression and saying "fuck you" to what's deemed normal and socially acceptable, but not for someone like Elliott Hulse here. Maybe I'm drawing false equivalencies here or something, I don't know, but it's just weird to me.

Brian Alsruhe's Neversate is the new Strength Camp

He started a cult praying on beta males

Its because hulse comes off as s try hard pseudo intellectual and his style is cringy

I respect his strength feats and his lifting advice is fine to listen to

A bun is still a bun regardless if it's on a man or woman. You don't have to specify man-bun, just calling them a faggot will do.

>Do you guys even remember the last time you cried?

Last night. My current GF is like the people you're describing and it's driving me and my emotions and mental health to the street. I used to cry at movies and shit but after being with her every week is a fucking tragedy dont know what to do.. i love her but she sees herself and her thinking as beyond all those around her. She loved me because she felt I understood her and it was fucking hard but I did it...recently she's acting like a whole new person with me and it's driving me insane.

pls help ;_;

Elliott was good up until like 2014.

Elliott was never Veeky Forums's NMH.

actual Veeky Forumslords:

Janoy Crezva, VirginGains, and Hemingway are must-sees because we want to see what retard shit they're gonna do next.

Rippletits and Jeff Nipples have their supporters and detractors. Elliott is sort of in this category, but he's getting closer to the previous one with each video. He went from being a pretty good source of real science and bro science to lying on a mat crying his eyes out like a baby.

Jeff Cavaliers, Omarisuf, ScottHermaphrodite, AlphaManelt, and Candito are well respected for the most part as giving good advice still.

This. Any time you add "man" to something, you end up making it sound more gay.

>Is that you bag?
>It's my man-bag.
>Is their a dildo inside?
>It's a man-dildo. I use it to man-fuck my man-ass until I man-cum all over my man-porn.


Sorry, I misspelled Rich Piana.

You know, if there is a NMH of Veeky Forums, it's probably Frank Yang.

So did Wieder, Rippetoe and the idiot who made Crossfit.

I get that you love her but on the outside looking in she sounds like an utter drain. I recommend weighing the positives and negatives of keeping her around and go from there, man. Good luck.

I see what you're getting at, but the point is that Elliott combines spirituality and fitness. I guess that's not your forte?

I watched that, I was cracking up when the gay guy was crying because he made custom fruit salad art for the cult leader every morning then found out it was just going in a blender

>she sounds like an utter drain

Do you think if this is actually true, there would be a situation where staying with her is viable or if you were to give me advice, you'd tell me to leave and let go?

Except that's where I learned about ejaculationless orgasms.

The other YT fitness person who does that is TGO/latsbrah. I hate them both. But at one point I had some admiration for Elliott when he was giving sound practical advice around 2012.

JBP and Varg are the only spiritual people who make sense to me.


lol no. He's a homo and also wrong about almost every single thing he's ever said about lifting. He thinks squatting is bad for your knees, gives absolutely retarded advice like skateboard squats, is in general clueless about lifting all around.

That projection. You're clearly compensating for a tiny dick because you feel a need to shill for a mentally ill mongrel like Hulse.

This is what happens with capitalism

Convince only 30 people to buy this and you make 30k over the weekend

Clearly pays better than youtube or w/e else he was doing.

What is the ooogabooga shit lmao

Kek. I remember their exchange. Was funny as fuck.


Ill never get over how big this guys arms are. Just makes me want to get on test for the rest of my life.

people pay more money for way dumber shit in los angeles

"a fool and his money.."

i mean at a base level there is some merit, but not for these upper class hipster fucks. some people need some help letting all that shit they tuck deep down inside out but this is just silly

i got tested at 22 for low test (320 nl), been blasting every since. I'm 30 now. best thing i ever did

>Brian Alsruhe's Neversate is the new Strength Camp

This. Hopefully this dude's ego doesn't grow with his sub count like "King Elliot".

>actual Veeky Forumslords:

Frank Yang was the original king of fit back in 07'

>genetically blessed with zero refractory period (srs).

I got to save $20 and 3 hours not reading that. Thanks genes!

I'm like 650 ng/dl but i can't gain strength for shit without getting fat. It sucks