Draw a line Veeky Forums

Draw a line Veeky Forums.

Also mark the point on the line where you joined Veeky Forums pls

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audibly kekked

>TFW diddly finally broke 200kg



is that.... a bar chart?

a classic





2017 has been pretty fucking great so far

you know nothing. The fact that you drew such a huge varying line in what looks to be the span of 1 year proves what a young, naive dolt you are. Enjoy your looming failure, stemming from the perfectly valid reasons you were so depressed not even a month before your "epic road trip!" Wow, you got accepted to college. Congratulations on completing the most basic task that literally millions of other people have also done, and by a much better margin than you. You are nothing. You will fail. Fuck you.



Things are going well for me lately.


Fuck off, faggots.

sad fat fuck here
its only gonna get better from now

what was the surgery?

thanks bro, i forgot for a moment that i'm not allowed to be depressed about getting my mom to relapse, almost killing someone in a car crash, and acting like a shithead to everyone near me. just because i felt happy in that one moment it meant nothing because it wasn't really all that impressive compared to everyone else's accomplishments. also thanks for letting me know how little i matter because for a moment i was thinking i was hot shit spending all my time on a fitness related anime board.

>implying I'm not coasting through life while wanting to kill myself

I don't miss my first two schools at all. Thank fuck I moved to a school that made me get Veeky Forums through rowing. It was the most important change in my life.


I know right? 2016 seemed like a shit year personally and globally, but 2017? Damn, at least personally I have been loving it


Is rowing a team sport or are you doing it solo

Impressive art tbqh famalam. You're still a fgt tho

Team sport, that's what's being so helpful.

yo mate. Life can be harsh. So you keep the bad things to yourself, so you don't burden the people around you. Even when people come at you for no reason at all, you control your emotions and don't let is show. It is hard for you, but the people around you will see that you are emotionally stable in tough situations. They will feel calm around you and they will count on you in tough situations (for emotional support).

yeah it's good that you found a way out of the depressive mood. I guess team sports and group activities are the best cure for it. Explains the two humps when you did rowing. Are you in a relationship? It's hard to see from that life chart.

No but I am going on a date tomorrow night.

A-am I making it anons?

>all those anons being/becoming slowly happy

feels good man


Damn are you me?
