Post here and other anons will tell you whether to bulk or cut.

What should I do? Been on keto for a while now, but I still feel tiny. Maybe continue with keto for 4 more weeks and then switch to a bulk?

6'1 185lbs

Other urls found in this thread:


Why is this so hard for you guys? eat a lot of calories and workout. Literaly that's it, why tf would you cut? you're still pretty skinny

you should try lifting.

There is literally no reason for you to cut

You would be deeply saddened if I told you how long I have been lifting.

You look like me before I started

this is you now or when you started?

how long?

I have been lifting on and off for two years.

My diet for the past 7 months has been incredibly bad - lots of ramen and shit due to mild depression and high workload.

My lifts aren't horrible, though. rough 1rm's are 215 bench, 385 dead, 290 squat, 155 ohp

Due to the fact that I'm on keto and have no carbs I am really really flat right now. Just worried about my gut, kind of want to shed it first...

Just got done with my first cut, was "skinnyfat". How do I look now? Am I ready to bulk?

Did you lift during your cut?

Anyways, you should definitely clean bulk now. Don't go too fast though so that you can bulk for a year or so before considering cutting again.

he's trolling almost 100%

gonna take it from these that the answer to everyone posting is going to be "bulk, obviously"

>tfw too scared to cut because afraid I might have gyno

you have gyno faggot, its absolutely certain

Time to permabulk then

eh? EH?


>215 bench, 385 dead, 290 squat, 155 ohp
I can't even lift half as much (though 5 rep, don't know 1rep maxes) and still look about the same as you... Are you very tall or something?

Kek your tan line makes you look fat af

I'd guess I'm at ~15-16% bf, should I cut till 10-12% and THEN bulk or just bulk as is cause by then I'll be skellie?
(6ft1 176)

forgot pic related

Cut because i'm a fat fuck (kek that rhymes)

I'm new to the gym and was on the abdominal machine and after using it the day after i find it hard to stand up, could i have pulled something it's painful?

6'1. I also don't think that's a very good pic. Here's another.

Bulk user

I'd cut in your position. Doesnt matter If you have gyno, fat wont help it mate

Did you lose a fuckton of weight?

You look awesome gorilanon. Go fuck some pussies

Id bulk user

Fucking big pic with shit resolution. Congrats on me.

Here is another. Not too much better

Been cutting for around 5 months now. Continue?

i'd say bulk, you're lean and could use more mass. you look good though

Whaddya think anons?
18, 6 foot, ~155lbs

Another pic

help me anons ;-;

Cut user

We can see there is some muscle mass, but you dont have any definition even when flexing...

Cut or bulk? Wanted to be leaner by now but had to take the last month off to move and find a job. End goal is 250 and lean.

Thank you
My only worry is I'm already really lightweight at 155lbs for 6 foot but thanks a lot!

If end goal is 250 and lean then bulk as cleanly as possible, you could reach that very very easily. How long have you been training?

One more question
I have gyno and really wide hips
Is this low test or bad genetics?
Since I"m 18 what are the chances it'd even out?

work your fucking core

You tell me. I also have gyno and wide hips.
Me: For it is a matter of getting the better version of myself.
But yeah, if your dream is to be a Calvin Klein underwear model you are screwed...

Currently cutting, do I keep going to

I can hold an L sit for 15 seconds and I can do 5 dragon flags in a row. Tuck front lever and tuck back lever 10s each.

Thanks user, at least you're honest.

Lean bulk. Emphasise chest.

Lookin great breh.

Thanks bruh, my chest is pretty stubborn but I'll definitely add some extra volume in the coming weeks.

Mirin your happiness

Just do squats and add some accessories and you should be fine. SQUATS AND OATS! GLUTES FOR THE SLOOTS

As others said great and also mirin happiness. My Simon's judgment is thicker core to go with your back, chest is good but if you're looking for something....

>That profile pic...

Fuck, that used to be me, kind of hits you right in the feels.

Liar, liar, pants on fire. There is no way you look like that and can pull those numbers. Quit shitting everyone.

2.5 years then a 6 month injury, 9 months back it. Shit progress but I started at 165 so not too upset about it. Was at 255 over last winter but holding too much fat.

i'm similar, I think it's low test, or at least low test for a while during puberty maybe

I do mainly calisthenics and truth be told I neglected legs a crapton.
Started doing 3x8 squats using my 56lb weighted vest and will slowly up it to a max of 80lb 3x8 along with deep step ups 3x8 which I also do. Going to learn how to do 1 leg step up and then pistol squat eventually.
Regardless, I have definitely 100% neglected my legs and I'm hoping that will help me out a lot.
Thanks user.

I haven't gotten my full beard and I have tiny woman's wrists (which I weirdly quite like). Honestly, if there's 2 things I could fix about myself right now I'd pick my wide hips and gyno over my acne to be honest.

If you can work with a barbell it works a bunch of stuff better than the vest, mainly for the stabilizing muscles and weight distribution (not to mention weight capacity, if you want good legs and better core 80 lbs is unfortunately not enough). If you only have a vest wear it and do normal ab exercises. I believe in you; We're all gonna make it

become a trap

Need to be in my prime for mid September. Currently bulking, should I cut, if so, when?

Is there hope boys to get a good bod with my shitty proportions and small bones ?
I'm 18 years old | 6ft2 | 78kg , btw a scale that calculate bodyfat at the pharmacy say that i'm 20% bodyfat with 14kg of fat in total ( i need to lose 7kgs of fat to get to 10%) is it legit or am i just underestmating my bodyfat ? ( most of the fat that i can pull is in my boobs , thights and lowerback )
Also gonna start the gym tomorrow what routine and diet do you recommend to a weak fag like me ?
Last question , do i have gyno ?

I stay around 7% year round

> 7%
I think you're a bit confused friend, that's closer to 12%.

when you can't stand yourself. Always bulk unless you need to be shredded for a reason. cutting takes a fraction of the time

Its not a 7% but who cares you look awesome!

why dont u try lifting and eating skelly boy

Everybody want bulk/cut advice but ain't no body want to lift heavy ass weights.

Me currently. Don't know what to do with my body to get a aesthetic physique. 6 ft 3 200 lbs. Can any user recommend me a routine/diet plan?

5'9'' 165lbs an a BF% check would be great!

5'7, 149 lbs. Been losing weight since January & started off at 193.
How many more lbs do I have to lose before I lose these love handles & remaining stomach fat? I (think I) want to have a lean base before I start a lean bulk.
I am hoping I can hit close to 1/2/3/4 for reps by next May and at least look normalfag muscular/fit.

pls i just want to eat pizza all day like chad

Lol - thanks for the honest feedback. I live in FL so the tan line is pretty much year-round. I haven't lost a ton of weight, but I've gained a TON of strength.

My machine numbers are something like:
Incline Press - 295 (machine maximum)
Overhead Press - 325 (machine maximum)

Lat pulldown - 200 (machine max is 200)
Row Pull - 200 (machine max 250)

Squat - 400 (machine maximum)
outward kick - 200 (machine maximum)

I can freestanding L-sit-to-handstand-pushup (youtube.com/watch?v=8Ag3qzsi1Bw), ring muscle up, back lever, etc.

Why do you ask if I lost weight?

Yeah before I started

Few months later


Help me Veeky Forums you're my only hope

Could go either way. If I were you, I'd probably bulk - but depends on your goals.

That said - mind a comment on me?

6'4" 205. Bulk or cut? Could someone give me an estimate of my BF%



kill yourself. you are the ugliest thing i have ever seen & there is no hope for you

too little muscle to cut, do a bulk with not too much excess. You seem new so you can just start with the main 4 and accessories fitted for every session

Keep bulking and i hope you do squats

P-pls respond guys

Should I bulk?
Plus tips on bulking and keeping aesthetics

looking for advice

Anyone know what bf%?

Bulk. I found good results from the Occam Protocol + shitton of protein (~1.5g/# daily) + creatine (one teaspoon daily). Real results set in after ~20 days after fully creatine dosed in the system. Went from 165 to 188.

(I suck at cut, however)

I got ya, bro. If I were you, I'd probably bulk (strength is important to me).

Do you mind me?

you should try lifting

I use navy body calc and it says 17% and from the times I've posted before,everyone has said 15-17% Neither of us are 20%+ lol

Thanks friendo.
Maybe cut for 2 - 3 months then bulk for infinity

What would you say my bf% in each of these pics?

I swear 90% of all people asking this are skinnyfat beginners who could still make gains at maintenance.

40 on the left, 30 on the right

30 on the left, 40 on the right

bulk of course, and do some chest. Lookin good brah

16% and 12%

the pics were taken literally 10 seconds apart.

Lighting, posing and flexing all makes a difference. I would still say those numbers as what they look like. If your point was to trick me, well done i suppose

Lifting for a year now, eating at maintenance. Just been cutting out processed shit and increased protein to 120g minimum. Not really tracking anything else. 5'10, 180. Cut or bulk and how many lbs do I need to lose to see those fucking abs?

i would bulk to around 200 and then cut but tell us about those scars on your chest and shoulders

I this a troll post? Why the fuk would you want to lose weight. Start actually lifting and not just showing up and the gym and maybe you'll see some results, faggot.

Got attacked by a bear cub when I was little. That's what i tell everyone haha, I just used to be pretty fat. Man bulking seems scary bro I never want to be fat again.

you seem to have ok arms behind the fat but chest and shoulders need more mass.
bulk until you disgust yourself and then cut?

i feel like that pic makes me look skinnier than I am. See this post

Bulk until February then cut and you'll be in good shape for next beach season.

Maybe I'll do that. What bf% am I? I'm thinking like 15?