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arguably most of the time was spent in the sauna, especially postmortem

That was Aziz having his butt anesthetized before playing pivot-butt in at a14 man homosexual orgy.

He probably did spend that much time at the gym, but I'd say a good 75% of that time was spent dicking around, using the sauna and dealing steroids.

Zyzz's routine, without the pinning or saunas.

Protip: 80% of results come from pinning.

Man that's a fucking garbage routine...



Whats wrong with 21s? Gives me a fucking killer pump.

steroids my dear innocent child

Too bad none of those hours were spent doing cardio.

>no cardio
>died of heart attack at 22

really activates my almonds desu

did NO CARDIO... died from a heart failure... BRILLIANT!

>hurr everything that is not 5 reps with an olympic barbell is garbage.

Easy to tell who has been lifting less than a year.

>being surprised a model who's job is to look good for money and is on gear with no other job spends too much time in gym

>I have never done cardio
>I have never needed to incorporate it into my training

Did vaccines kill him?

>sweating in a sauna puts no strain on your heart
>running around is healthy for your heart, just ask James Fixx

>fixx was genetically predisposed to heart attacks and was a smoker

>Zyzz had an undiagnosed heart condition
>This didn't matter, he should've been doing HIIT 12 times per wek

Anyone else never really like Zyzz even when he was alive?

>Shot all his footage with zero videographic skills, blurry and verticle shots
>Repetitive fake persona
>Basically a drug receptical with brosplits
>Brown immigrant and seems to have inspired that sort of "Gym Pajeet" crowd
>Before lifting was the typical gym pajeet in polo if you see the early photos
>Lied constantly about drugs
>Insecure about eye colour, wore blue contacts
>Hilarious fuckup trying to montetize his fame online with a plagiarized fitness guide
>Starts ruining his only asset, his body, with trashy tattoos, gets gyno surgery because he was retarded with pct
>Was getting a roid/hgh/insulin gut months before he died, would have been BIG LENNY tier by 26
>So retarded he died in a few years of drug abuse, while even the dumbest roidbeast bodybuilders at least manage to hold off liver/heart failure till 40

shortly before death


>tfw no personal child steroid butt injector

why even live

>what is bulking

Also in at least two of those photos he's intentionally bloating out his stomach

Stop being a jelly monster

>no running
Lmao people who train for aesthetics are funny

i look like that every day after i start eating food

This is top kek

I'm jelly of a aesthetic bros like calum or connor, but not zyzz


You don't get it.

Think of it as satire, or sort of fucked up underdog story, twinky faggy kid no one would give two shits about gets shredded, looks aesthetic af even if he was on roids, earns $$$ showing off his gains, goes out clubbing and doing stupid shit with his bros, and gets girls sperging and dropping panties around him to the point he just fucks with them and mocks them.

Tell me this isn't making it.

if you want the PG 13 fairy tale version without Veeky Forums and autism, here.

As for Zyzz, people will get more from the idea he represented, than from the jelly bean he actually was.

>>Lied constantly about drugs

This isn't true at all, were you even around when he was alive?That's the reason he was respected on BB and Veeky Forums in the first place - he pretty much openly discussed using tren, clen and test and posted constantly in steroid threads.

>Think of it as satire, or sort of fucked up underdog story, twinky faggy kid no one would give two shits about gets shredded, looks aesthetic af even if he was on roids, earns $$$ showing off his gains, goes out clubbing and doing stupid shit with his bros, and gets girls sperging and dropping panties around him to the point he just fucks with them and mocks them.

Same story with Connor except he's actually alive and not a retard with drugs, and with the tattoos, and later roidgut he was mediocre compared to even Joff's un-tatted body

Every gym in the west has Zyzzes at them, those immigrant cliques of pakis and arabs who hog the bench in packs and inject each others butts with dirty roids. Nothing to relate to

just flu shots brah

He was heavily on roids, he could train 10 hours 7 days a week to gain 4 times as much muscle than a natural lifter, or could do absolutely nothing and gaining the double amount of muscles than a natural lifter.
On roids you literally don't need one single break because they are, in fact, magic pills who let your muscles grow without any form of input. That's why you, as a natural, should never ever follow the advice or routine from a person who roids ever.

It's true that roids massively reduce muscular/CNS recovery time, but for me (even when I was natural) the limiting factor has always been how much fast my joints recover/adapt rather than muscular recovery.
Granted that gear makes this muscular recovery a lot faster/lets me gain muscle a lot easier, but test won't let you bench heavy 4 times a week if your elbows don't want you to for example.

He was one of us though

is this shooped?

He was a personal trainer so I'm sure he had time to kill at the gym

Moron, that's an adult on their knees.

Just a vitamin shot tho




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