What will you do fit?

A, B, C or D?

Other urls found in this thread:


D obv.

Gotta prep the bull somehow right?

let him smash [spoiler]me[/spoiler]

if you have any sense of dignity as a man it'd be take a beating. yeah youll get hurt but she'll be happy you stood up for her and take care of you kindly.

Gay or Grill?


> not calling the police and reporting the assault, him being of ethnic decent and high chances of previous charges or convictions sending the dude for easy 6months behind bars
lmao at you


A. Odds are he already fucked up twice so send him back for life.


D but if only he lets me watch. I'm white btw. Lots of people I know have this fetish.

E. ask him to slap my ass too

Can't I ask him about his routine? Dude is tight

damn that guy is hot.

and then a week later she's fucking him instead of you

Have him cosplay Doomfist and smash him.

>at a club last night
>dancing with girl, she's grinding on me and making out
>black dude rolls up and starts talking to her friend
>black dude's buddy starts trying to talk to girl i'm dancing with
>grab her hips and spin her around so she's facing me
>she starts making out with me and grabbing my dick
life goes on boyos


I'd roll for quads to defeat the giga nigga in one blow


>remember the Reddit post where the chick fantasised about the guy that beat her bf up when her bf was in hospital?


right hook

Is this a thing in america?

I mean do random niggers grope women in broad daylight?

And there really is no option than going ballistic on the nigger. You may even become bros with him.

it's a scripted instagram skit you fucking troglodyte. No, that doesn't happen in america.

Y- [Glass Him]

>No, that doesn't happen in america.

Yes it does LMAO, go to South Beach with your girlfriend.

Also happens regularly in Europe.

>implying she won't leave you for the sole fact that you got your ass kicked

Damn that guy is thicc, my goal body

E knife

I have a TS SCI clearance and the authority to kill anyone that I a presume is a threat to the national security. I would pull out my P99 and shoot him twice for invading my personal space and hindering the national security.


ask him if he got the mosquito

Do you want to land in gitmo? One fucking call to CENTCOM and they will make sure that you will get the next flight to fucking gitmo. Don't play with me kiddo, I am on completely other levels than you.

well you called dibs


why does this dog talk like the hulkster?

Sauce pls

does this really happen in countries where niggers exist?

Like not even trying to be cool, but B.

I'm at the point in my life where i'm really into my own masculinity. So if I let this slide it'd be an insult to my masculinity. At least I didn't let him slide with that shit.

Fairly sure this happens anywhere douche bags exist. I was in Jersey and some dudebro did this to my girl. When we turnt around he tried to say he was just playing but I walked up to him and pushed his chest and he said he was sorry.

I had this happen to me in a similar way, it was like this: (east euro country)

>walking with gf of 2 years going to friends birthday
>I'm dressed up, she's dressed up
>some 2 guys sitting on some stairs across the street start cat calling at her
>first time this happened in my life, knew it could happen some day and I'll have to make a choice
>only fought in self defence twice in my 22 years
>time slows down as I decide it's gonna happen
>turn 90 degrees and walk straight over to them
>they both stand up but in a slow cocky way
>by the time they're up I'm over there
>clock the smaller guy (I'm 192cm they were around 185-190)
>he goes down like a sack of bricks
>his friend jumps on me and knocks me off balance
>we fall to the ground, his friend gets back up over the next 10-15 seconds
>kicks me in the stomach while his buddy holds me pinned
>gf screaming and trying to pull him off
>apparently someone noticed
>they jump off me and run like the wind
>shit blood the next day

It was fine all in all, 4 years now with the same girl and she talked about how I "protected" her (by getting my ass beat) - moral of the story you just gotta be a man even if an ass kicking is imenent - had they had some sort of weapon I would have ran of course, no reason to get killed.

>Not powerpunching him into his jaw so he faints for the next two hours

Seems like you people have neither respect for your woman, nor for yourself.

fight the cunt
the little lad in the video must only be about 5'6 so by comparison Boxcar Billy over there is only about 6 foot, I unironically reckon I could spark him

shoot him

Is this seriously a thing that happens with non-whites?

Tbh, both A, B, and C, although I would hope that I brought my knife or gun with me. Slapping my girlfriends ass is assault and battery so you have the right to defend yourself


He's 5'5 actually.


Shoot him in the fucking face with a desert eagle. He reels back, but I intentionally miss a vital spot and just blow his jaw off. He falls, I kick him in the chest and stab him five times, fifth stab I keep the knife in. I kick his ribs in with steel toe boots and stomp his forehead in. Then I take a bone saw and cut off his right leg. I make one long incision on his other leg, and pin the wound open with rusty fucking nails, then I pour chlorine in the wound. I shove a tiny, thin piece of glass up his dick hole and then shatter it, I take a hammer and viciously beat his stomach with it, hitting so hard it busts a hole in it, getting blood everywhere. I get in my truck and run him over 100 times, then I put the two front wheels parked on his limp corpse and do a burn out directly on the body. After a full day of this, I put it in reverse so that I can get it off the corpse. I whip my dick out, and I piss on it, then I take a shit on it. I rip off his tounge and shove it in his exposed chest cavity, pour kerosene on it and then light it on fire. I perform a riverdance on the corpse to put the fire out [I'm wearing fire proof gear] then I take a knife and stab him over and over and over. Finally, I take a selfie with his corpse in the background, then jack off to his mutilated body.

Girls love this

It was proven that the account behind the posts was a guy who had a cuck fetish

Is this a new pasta?

Get in his face: "HEY, WHAT THE FUCK, DUDE!?"
Where it goes from there is entirely up to him.
If I get beat up, I get beat up. The POINT is that I stood up to someone who did something actionable.

Oh and by the way even if I get beat up? If my girlfriend there gives me shit for 'letting myself get beat up'? Then I seriously consider telling her to TAKE A WALK because if she's like that about it then maybe she's not worth my time and trouble anymore. In this situation a PROPER GIRLFRIEND would be on her phone as soon as the fight started, calling the cops. Considering that Bull over there started the whole incident, he gets arrested and charged with multiple assaults. Meanwhile I stood up to some dude bigger than I am, so I'm the HERO. He gets charged and jailed. I sue him in civil court for damages. I still have the girl. *** I WIN ***

>consider telling her to TAKE A WALK
lost it

Woman should be on the right side always otherwise I feel uncomfortable.

Tell him its ok then later take a bat and fuck him up

What would you do in his place, user? Say your girl comes up to you and gives you shit for getting your ass beat, you're not gonna tell her to fuck off?


What will most likely happen:
>Your gf watch as you get beat up.
>You get knocked the fuck out.
>She dumps you for not being able to protect her dignity.
>Several days later she is sucking Tyrone's cock.
>You get into drugs and committed suicide.

Did you know that I can always tell when someone here has never had a real girlfriend, because they post retarded-ass shit like you just posted?

This: goes for you, too.

Thread implies I have a gf, i.e. that I've made it and weigh as much as the guy.



wake up being thankful there are no niggers where i live

Some girls can leave their bf if they lost a fight in front of them

It happened to this guy while i was in school, he was walking with his gf and had problem with guy standing there, they fought and the guy with the gf lost, 1 week later and the girl broke up with him

force lightning to def

Your gf must be fugly for not giving a fuck about some guy slapping her ass and you getting beat up by that same guy.

Really? Where is that?

pic related, the best country in the world

Swede here, if I weren't non-white (half Iranian) I'd move there permanently, but I don't want to fuck up your country. Gotta be great to run or bike in the mountains, making all the gains while watching the beautiful landscape. I've lived in two German-speaking households for a week each in secondary school, it was great. The people are friendly and I remember most of the guys we interacted with being pretty Veeky Forums because of the Swiss mentality of expecting people to be able to manage themselves. Switzerland is the best country for both /pol/itics and Veeky Forumsness, and rates decently at Veeky Forumserature as well.

>Swede here
>if I weren't non-white

>Not asking him to slap your ass next
I want him to split me in half. no homo

Iran is beautiful too, ahmed

And Switzerland is just a germanic pig country, not special, just the same shit as other roman copypaste countries

Go back to your board /pol/!

If skinny fag like in vid: B
Current body: F. I'm beating the shit out of that fatty.

Why would you call the cops? Self defense ends if he continues walking. If he goes in for round two then you can defend yourself/her but only with appropriate force (I.E. not a gun/knife).

You also have to show that you were trying to get away. I think some shit changes slightly in like a stand your ground situation.

hiking and bicycling never gets old. if you love nature then coming here should be on your bucket list

lol faggot

I may not win the fight, but you'll know I was in it.

Doubt it

common sense you gullible faggots

Pretty much like every dude on Veeky Forums then. Although for some it's probably more an obsession than a fetish.


Teleports behind him, nothing personal kid.

We have a saying around here - your face is not a bottle. Run that motherfucker down, you might get lucky if not, better luck next time.

Also where's option e - not being a manlet.


>remember the Reddit post
no. fuck off

you spelled that wrong

As a black guy myself I would let it slide. My bitches are usually white and an ass pat like that would be sort of like a fist bump to me, she would understand

>Swede here

>Swede here, if I weren't non-white (half Iranian)
No offence, but you arent Swedish.
No, you go back to pol.

Is this not cuck behavior?

Maybe if I white guy did it

I know guys, but there aren't separate words for the Swedish ethnicity and the Swedish nationality. Don't worry, in all likelihood I won't breed.

Never been to Iran, been to Switzerland twice as a teenager and would like to go again. Going to Austria this fall, maybe I'll squeeze a visit in. Mountains are great terrain, my part of Sweden is really flat so I don't get enough of them. Iran has some great mountains as well, would hike/10. And neither of the countries has a lot of blacks, so I guess the situation in the OP wouldn't come up as often. Persian Veeky Forumsness seems pretty great as well: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pahlevani_and_zoorkhaneh_rituals

Dumb fuck, Persians are the original aryans. Iran literally means land of the aryans. Persians are Europeans with better tans, food and women.

>Walk by shirtless black guy
>He moves towards you even slightly
>Brandish firearm
Badabing badaboom, ez

lol pussy
>as if you're gonna find him later

family and firends that what we have in the world and need to stand out for even if it risk us.
if it was your mom would you still let it go because you afraind?

>he doesn´t know
lurk more or go back

they'll definitely catcall or try to cockblock you. Depends on where you are at- in the hood or ghetto? Definitely. They'll steal your money while they're at it.

Gets me every time