You know running is a meme right?

You know running is a meme right?

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>5. Strength training makes you more “durable,” in the sense that it makes you tougher, harder to hurt, and harder to kill.

Mental gymnastics.
"Strength athletes" will do anything they can to find ways to justify avoiding any kind of physical activity that lasts more than 30 seconds.

This is, quite simply, because enduring physical exertion for a longer time is harder than short bursts.

Hence you get "strength coaches" advocating "conditioning" which is always high intensity short bursts, sprints and such. Don't get me wrong, sprints and HIIT are awesome and everyone should be doing them, but trying to claim it as ALL you need is dumb.

And Rippetoe is a fucking retard. He's funny, but if you take his word as gospel then you're a retard too. Speaking confidently and ridiculing other ideas does not mean he is right.
>strong people are harder to kill"
No m8. not if the threat can run faster or for longer than them.

lifting more than twice a week is a meme

prehistoric men didn't have pointless, bulky muscles...those that did died out because such a physique slows you down and consumes too many resources

Yeah no

But it's 2017.we are running from nothing now senpai


do lots of low-intensity shit (walking, swimming, hiking) and occasional high-intensity shit (lifting, sprinting). everything in between should be avoided. there's a reason so many marathon runners have heart attacks.

Running is a meme because it's shit for your joints.

Cycle or walk instead.

Swimming is the ultimate. A strength training cardio extravaganza.

>5. Strength training makes you more “durable,” in the sense that it makes you tougher, harder to hurt, and harder to kill.
The fuck kind of argument is that? Humans evolved for distance running because you're sure as fuck not going to take down any prey stonger than you in CQC but you can damn well outrun them

Not doing any kind of cardio is even shittier for your joints

Football players do a lot of cardio and running.

besides you powerlifters are so fucking autistic. functional strength will never be useful in your life.

I do 4 minutes of rowing at 95% hrm after lifting.

Mostly because I'm lazy and running gives me shin splints. But now I have another excuse, thanks OP.

I believe they mainly do sprints/hill sprints not distance runs

>the only thing between high intensity cardio and super low intensity cardio is marathon training.

Mental gymnastics, as I said.

If you do only strength training or only cardio in the first place then you're a fucking moron and is more concerned with your looks than actually being fit

You believe wrong.
Have you seen the total distance some of them cover in a single game?

>cycle instead

Can you not read

Some soccer players cover more than 10km in a single match

Running is better for your joints than not doing any cardio is what I said you dipshit, the negative effect running has on your joints is vastly overstated

is that what they run for training?

>not playing a competitive sport at least once a week that serves as cardio

At least, if not more, do you think they don't do any distance running when they need to be running for 90 minutes in a match?

Lol. There is a difference between jogging for 20-30 minutes a few days a week for cardio vascular health and running marathons meant to test human limits past what we think is humanly possible.

Running is fun and feels so good. I don't know why so many avoid it

I just think most people give up before they realise they can push themselves to the kind of point that achieves a real runners high.
It makes me laugh when people claim they get a runners high from lifting

>5. Strength training makes you more “durable,” in the sense that it makes you tougher, harder to hurt, and harder to kill.
This retarded fat fuck better do some cardio to lose some fat if he doesn't want to have a heart attack.

post the before/after starting strength pics


rippletoe probably gives the worst advice of any of the board memes

Is uncle rippy /ourguy/?

GOMAD is a meme friend. The before pic shouldve cutted

>crotchety obese geologist asserts that one must choose between 'strength' and 'cardio' to encourage those who are excluded from the dominant culture to drink gallons of milk and become similarly crotchety and obese

No, we don't. Longest anyone on my varsity team ran at practice was 1.5 miles, and that was as punishment. We did sprints, drills, and lifted. Not much cardio to be found.

Your team sucks.

Ripplettits said it's for
That guy was just young.

Reminder that this is considered perfection by Rippetoe

running is good unles you are trying to bulk, in which case you should minimize running

if you aren't literally trying to gain as much weight as possible then not running is retarded and unhealthy

If I'm running just for general fitness is 5k a week enough?

5k every 2-3 days is "fine"

Hmm... I wonder what Scooby would think about that. Clearly just by looking at rippletits gut you can tell that he would benefit from doing some cardio.

One of the studies he cites is misleading, or the way he cites it is. He cites the death rate of marathoners during a race and then compares it to the death rate of people competitively lifting, saying that the death rate of marathoners is high and lifters isn't even measurable. This could obviously be a function of time and the ages of the respective populations. Time: the amount of time spent running during a marathon is measured in hours vs the time spent lifting at a meet is measured in minutes, if not seconds. Clearly a direct comparison will show more deaths for marathon than for lifting; you could take hours spent walking or driving and those would have a greater number of heart attacks than a couple minutes of lifting. Also ages: the average age of competitive marathoners is far higher than the average age of competitive lifters. Lifting and large amounts of muscle mass are a young man's game; comparing heart attacks between a youthful population and an aged population will always favor the youthful population. It would be interesting to see a study on the difference in heart attack rates between competitive marathoners and lifters of the same age.

why does he say it Veeky Forums?