I keep stalling on SS. A few weeks later and I'm still stuck on 65 for deadlifts. What do I do...

I keep stalling on SS. A few weeks later and I'm still stuck on 65 for deadlifts. What do I do? This is getting frustrating as hell because it feels like I'm making no progress.

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65? You mean 65lbs on each side? so your stuck on 175lb, Include the total weight on your lifts including the bar, or go by plates if you dont want to mention weight. Do what SS tells when you stall, i havent really looked into, but i belive it tells you to deload

Make sure you are eating enough and I think SS says to deload. If thats 65 is kgs your probably pretty new right? Don't stress it and just keep at it.

do cowboy method by juggernaut.
do 2 day first diddly for 1x1 crisp clean(warm up sets 1x1 every 5%), do ohp, do frontsquat, final thing is gluteham.
get more protons.
just check the second fit dropbox for cowboy method.


Yeh that's 65 on each side. Why mention all the weight though? Isn't that just extra math for no reason? I just record the amount I put on one side. But damn I just feel like a plan for having to reload so early on like fuuuuug

Or maybe 65kg overall? Just over a pl8

Everywhere but USA uses metric, stop thinking that the world is contained within usa

My bad guys, I mean 65lbs on each side

Maybe it's cause you have mental issues or this bait. Please be bait

So 60kg deadlift overall for those of us not using freedom units
>tfw 90kg dl but 30kg bench and ohp


Not b8 I'm just new. Idk though, doesn't make sense to add in the weight of the bar and shit if I'm only manipulating the added weight.

Those are your lifts? How has the progress been? Any visible gains or just strength?

Eat more
Sleep more
Work on your form
You are not special, unless you have some rare genetic disorder or some shit (protip you don't). Get 9 hours of sleep every night, eat at a surplus (meaning count your calories and make sure you have enough protein), and do the program. You will get stronger.


What?? Don't know where that not special sermon came from, but ty for advice. I am not sleeping as much as I should.

No, that's about 80kg.
Height and weight? Body pic? Exact routine?

Pic related is from a month ago, I think the issue is diet

Idk who you are talking to, but these plus OP have been my posts. This kinda became a mess. But I am 6'1 and 180lbs, I am doing squat 3x5 - ohp/bench 3x5 - deadlift 1x5 three times a week ABA BAB. I don't have a current pic tho

How are your legs though? Any bigger?

how long have you being going to the gym for?

You are doing a programming mistake. At this point, you add the power clean in the program and alternate it with the deadlift. Also do chin ups every other workout. Read the SS and Practically Programming books for more details.

[spoiler]one and a half years, I've restarted stronglifts three times because I keep going home for semester breaks and not having access to gym at home since in other state[/spoiler]

no...just try harder

As far as nutrition goes, you have 2 choices:
Maintain your weight and finish SS with a better body, but you will finish it earlier with smaller lifts
Slow bulk to finish SS with bigger lifts, but you will go from skinnyfat to fat.

Damn I thought it said to add in the cleans like a month in or something.

What the he'll man, both options sound like shit. I wanna get big and strong, but not fat.

>but not fat.
heh heh heh heh

Nope, you add them when deads are too hard to do every workout.
In case you will never read the books, these are the next changes you will need to do to the program:
-When you stall on squats, do 80% on the second day of the week you lift
-When you stall again on deadlifts, you add back extensions 3xF and do dl/be/pc/be etc. If your gym has the equipment, do glute ham raises. If you can't even do back extensions, do 60% stiff leg deadlifts 1x5.
-When you stall on press and bench press, microload.
Then, you deload if you stall a lift again. After the second deload, do AxxBxxAxxBxx etc:
A:Squat, Press, Power Clean, Chin ups
B:Light Squat, Bench Press, Deadlift
And after stalling again:
-For squats, increase the weight for only 1 set and do 90% on the other two sets.
-For bench press and press switch to 3x3, then 3x2 and finally 3x1.
If you stall again, congratulations, SS is over.

Dude, you are skinnyfat, which is probably the worst body type to have. You either
>lose the belly and become legit weak and skinny
>keep the belly and become not weak
>become strong and fat
Good thing with the last two options is that you can cut and lose the belly much easier when you are an intermediate lifter, so pick your poison.

>my bad life habbits,sedentary activity levels and unhealthy choices set me on a crossroad where i have to pick between two somewhat unattractive paths before, finish one and THEN start getting in shape
>I don't wanna! >:(

You stop doing SS. It's a fucking meme program.

This user and OP are different people I think

No homo but this is current progress

You don't need to gain weight to gain strength.

Increase your protein by a lot, fix your form because I guarantee it's horseshit and actually just try harder.

Also SS isn't a real program.
