British Police: Going to the gym is a 'sign of right-wing extremism'

Fucking christ.

Other urls found in this thread:

>go to the gym
>possible right wing extremist


>getting run over by trucks and stabbed by terrorists

Guys the real enemy is right wing extremists!

You have to be fucking kidding me.

UK police need to be completely dismantled and rebuilt from nothing.

>hate niggers, spics, jews and all non whites
>all my mates are the same and are racist as fuck and built


>tfw you're a right-wing extremist and go to the gym
>tfw one of the reasons you go to the gym is to be the ideal right-wing extremist
>tfw you're a right-wing extremist of peace and it's only because you want to be the greatest you can be both physically and spiritually

They seem to be getting scared, what's brewing in England?

These "The Virgin X" "The Chad Y" memes never get old, my fucking sides.

>be britbog
>wake up
>go to gym
>walk in, greet my new gym mates Abdullah, Mahmood, and Mohammed.
>I bend over like a tolerant femininst ally cis white male

>I start lifting. Start with a hefty 6 lb barbell. Heaviest the gym has since all weights must be womyn-friendly.

>police enter
>taze me
>"lifting weights is a hate crime"
>I say "what'd I do!!?"
>"lifting weights is right wing, fatphobic, sexist, and literally violence against muslims #CrosstheLine

>I get 20 years in jail with horny Pakis

You're the scummy kind of right-wing that gives it a bad name.

I've been away from Veeky Forums a while, is this the new meme? Ahahaha

>caring about """"respectability"""", in other words kowtowing to liberal bourgeoisie sensibilities

Is this a joke? Should I be worried as a woman? I always thought that I should avoid walking outside alone at night time and avoid certain shady areas especially, but I never knew that I'm in danger at gym too.

Or does this make me a right wing threat? I go to gym at least five times a week and I also have blonde hair and a German grandmother. Should I just turn myself so police can keep an eye on me just in case? Pls anyone?

Yeah you are definitely a threat to Muhammad, Yusuf and Jamal when they are bringing peace in the streets. Fighting back is a hate crime, you know.

>hates bourgeoisie
>right wing


OK, guess I'll have to sign up as a volunteer in my nearest refugee center first thing tomorrow.

>He's not a Stasserist
Stay cucked by Jewish economics, friendo.

isn't it like a nice challenge though ?
> How far would you go ?
> C'mon show us.
> Is that all ?

You /pol/ kids should give reading a try sometime.

>claiming to be right-wing
>not being filled with aristocratic contempt for modernist bourgeois society


Will Corbyn make gyms illegal? Will you be taxed by lack of muscle mass?

Ah nvm, you're just commies who think because they're also racist they're right wing.

I consider the right-left political spectrum to be implicitly liberal anyway.

Lifting is halal desu

>tfw you're just an American who thinks revolutionary and Masonic ideology is "conservative"

>the non-scummy right-wing are the moralizing Christian businessmen who want to open the borders for cheap labor so they can send more weapons to Israel to fulfill a biblical prophecy


>/pol/ finds this funny

>the obvious /pol/fit/ synergy
>le prepping for racewar meme

It's not really out of nowhere, but it's not like any of you fags are capable of doing shit in the first place.

what is he trying to say? humans shouldnt produce things because things dont matter?

>hand isn't covered in cum
>no "I'm so fucked up"

Get in the damn gym, Shinji

>want to be the greatest you can be both physically and spiritually
That's the part they're afraid of

>I want the government to be involved in my life in any matter that is not legal, economic, or safeguarding (army, EPA, etc.)

Shiggy diggy doo, where are you?

my lifting and visitation to /pol/ do have similar overlapping timeline.

i don't hate other races, majority of nonwhite people i've interacted with socially have been cool, but i wouldn't interact socially with some sketchy person.
Its just the news and poor minorities that make me racist, and the forced "diversity is our strength, who cares if white people are a minority? oh you admit being a minority is a difficult thing and don't want to be one? HA checkmate!"

This is so stupid but for some reason "completely illiterate" made me lol

Nah nigga, you dumb. I don't even like Evola and I'm a """centrist""" but that's not what he was proposing in the least.

>being spiritual
>thinking the mortal coil someone else is tied to by no fault of their own makes them a bad person


>news and poor minorities make me racist
wow, that has so much to do with race, and nothing to do with the state of the media and socioeconomic circumstance. i agree that most niggers from the hood are troublesome, but there are social factor at play that keep them there, or at least make it more difficult for them to get out, especially when competing with people that weren't there in the first place

>British police are more concerned about gyms than mosques

Really hope them Britbongs solve the problem of men immigrating from gyms before it gets out of hand.

Wouldn't want some crazy alt-right guy to blow up with gainz and enforce Shredded Law on innocent fat bodies.

>extremist of any kind
>worthwhile human being

Pick one, your forebears knew better.

So no more roads then?

Meanwhile muslims throw acid at brits.

did you know that white americans have about the same murder rate as europeans, despite all the guns?
african americans have middle of the road murder rate when compared to african nations


where do you go to find statistics on UK hate crimes. That website links to some stuff that shows hate crimes are on the rise, but it doesn't show the races that commit the crimes?

what kind of fucking reporting is that?

how many of these attacks are interracial? thought just the few white women who tried to dump their black boyfriend,
but most have been working class white vs working class white, or paki vs paki, have they not?


>strongest person in family
>want to exterminate jews and create ethno states for every race

well i mean they're not too far off. even my friend that diddles 4 pl8's wants to have tons of white children with a blue eyed qt

Buddha would be a right wing extremist by today's standards.

oh you mean like affirmative action, that literally hands a college degree to any nigger that bothered to graduate high school? Wow must be so hard sitting on your porch smoking pot all day and cursing at your grandparents all day


mostly white people get charged with hate crimes, even if most interracial crime is commited against white people, its usually not tried as hate crime.

i suppose you could say that most crime is commited within a persons community or among their aqcuaintances, and most people racially segregate themselves. but if someone were to venture out of their community, and the victim was random, white people being most common race in UK would lead them to be the most likely victim of interracial crime.

african nations are shitholes and american blacks are impoverished and isolated in shitholes within america. that doesnt account for all of it, but its statistically significant

>buddha said "let them die, i aint payin 1% additional tax from from my 200,000 USD salary. also, fuck immigrants"

That's cute but also not wrong. Being anti-ideological is not a right wing position and only the fringes and the stupid think it is.

where are you pulling that bullshit from exactly? Most white people are committing the hate crimes in the UK?

>absolute fucking twaddle mate

you're literally the reason that affirmative action is necessary. congratulations

by news i was thinking more about Europe happenings of past few years, not so much a world star video of a bunch of people attacking a white guy.
I don't know what it is but a nonwhite attacking a white makes me more angry than a white attacking a white, or a white attacking a nonwhite.... UNLESS the victim was someone i know or from my community or something like my countryman being attacked in foreign land. or some kind of justifiable vigilante justice.
I think most people feel similar about this (change the race to your race)

Not an argument, my dude. Healthcare isn't a right.

try again nigger. Hopefully your free gibs will end soon and you'll actually have to work for what you get in life

taxation is theft you fag.

i think racially motivated crime against white people is often not added as hate crime, but it is if races were reversed.
i think there is lots of crime commited against whites due to racism, but it isn't documented as hate crime, so thats why whites have higher hate crimes "commited"

>taking pride in your race



we're all american

>inb4 "I'm not american"

and yes, "necessary" is an overstatement, but you are the reason that affirmative action makes sense to implement

what the fuck is the point of a society if not the welfare of its people? also, those are defining views of the right

im white also. any violence is wrong if you're the instigator. and /pol/ (i.e. the vocal minority(?) shitting up the rest of Veeky Forums is going to present these occurrences to you as if they happen way more often than they do. take a look at florida, where the police can release a ton of information on arrests and see how crazy you think florida is, even though its not so dissimilar rom other states

using infrastructure without paying is theft, fag

hopefully you'll realize those in power use racism to divide the poor, and then affirmative action wont have enough sway to be implemented

still not saying where your getting information from. Where do they report on what race commits it? I only see data that includes total number of crimes, not based on race.


based euron

Well, they are related. Higher testosterone = far more likely to be nationalistic. A man was meant to be a nationalist and race realist. Being a leftist is a symptom of testosterone deficiency.
But yes it is absolutely ridiculous of them to put it that way. At this rate the government in Bongistan is going to outlaw lifting a decade from now because "masculinity is right wing extremism".

you understand that affirmative action is a racist policy right? IT actively prevents blacks from rising above their station because they get a free ride and never learn to work hard. They then go to some Ivy league school where they can't cut it and fail anyway.

You know schools actively admit blacks into school just for additional scholarship funds, and these blacks are less qualified than their white counterparts?

It's as if you think calling niggers retarded, patting them on the head and giving them a participation ribbon helps them

You're a jackass. Literally 100% of our ancestors would be classified as right wing extremists by today's governments, because all of them were nationalistic and did not want foreigners in their countries.

nationalism can be tied to insecurity, or low test

or it can be tied to aggressiveness, or high test

now which do you think /pol/ embodies?

you're a fucking faggot if you aren't proud of your ancestry. You must be a complete and total disappointment to your family

there are a ton of people like you that would never hire a black no matter how qualified. lets take a look at obamas statistics; we know how many people say he was the worst president weve ever had
>Since President Barack Obama first took office:
>Homicides have dropped 13 percent, but gun sales have surged.
>The economy has added more than 9 million jobs, and the jobless rate has dropped to below the historical median.
>The number of long-term unemployed Americans has dropped by 614,000 under Obama, but it is still 761,000 higher than at the start of the Great Recession.
>Corporate profits are up 166 percent; real weekly wages are up 3.4 percent.
>There are 15 million fewer people who lack health insurance.
>Wind and solar power have nearly tripled, and now account for more than 5 percent of U.S. electricity.


No moron, he was a Fascist philosopher. His point was that instead of either the Communist way of life where everyone is a slave, or the Capitalist way of life where everyone competes against each other in a selfish race for wealth, all should work together towards goals that benefit the entire race. In other words, National Socialism.

We clearly read more than the average leftist or conservative, because you morons are fucking clueless about society. You should give Fascist intellectuals a try sometime.

>healthcare isn't a right
Only undeveloped countries think this.

Define a right.

Defending yourself and your interests is masculine. Allow people to walk all over you is effeminate.

>benefit the entire race
thats an arbitrary distinction vs true communism. both ideals being unachievable

There are no rights that exist without states and legal enforcement.

We need to build it from the ground up. Aka focusing more on grade school education. Also decreasing influence of nigger hood culture on black children.

It's really sad actually, you see these middle class black kids with upstanding parents doing dumb shit. All because that's the image they have of black culture. Not even trying to say it's white media's fault, in fact arguably rappers contribute more to the black stereotype

Equality isn't something that should be given to you. You should be given the means to take it for yourself. Equal opportunity and whatnot. This is true for women rights too, it's better to build up equality from the ground up rather than from the top.

You're honestly more likely to be recruited by anarchists and communist groups at a gay pride parade.

I was at the pride parade in New York last year and was handed a flyer or manifesto or something by some communist revolutionary group.

It talked a bunch about how gender and the LGBTQ movement and intersectional feminism or whatever is integral to the revolution, like real revolution, ceasing the means of production and all that, I think it even explicitly called for violence. I wish I had the flyer still.

But yeah, I thought all that shit was just memes until I was reading the flyer. All I could think was "wow, we just talked about class back when I was a teenage marxist" nobody focused on all the other shit because class was the understood to be the foundation of all the inequality withing capitalism.

And then I got to thinking if these mother fuckers are this stupid now, how stupid was I then?

So now I think I'm an absurdist, which I guess is like a nihilist but we laugh a lot.

Get off the internet I pay for and stop using the roads I subsidize and police I pay for you fag

There is nothing extremist about wanting to protect your race from hostile foreign races. It's just logical and normal. Anything opposed to that is extremism.

Nationalism is new, tribalism is not, and words/definitions matter. We literally "imported niggers" on purpose for hundreds of years, don't be stupid.


nationalism has nothing to do with defending yourself. if anything, you want the government to protect you from immigrants because youre a weak pussy with no skills with which to provide for your family

also, healthcare isnt a right, but its not a right to take my money and buy nukes that ideally we'll never use, among the other inflated costs we're spending on military, not including veteran benefits because those are piss poor. the US government takes way too much out of a paycheck for what they provide

He literally was not as fascist philosopher. He gave some breath to fascism but he was vehemently not a fascist

yeah fuck off shill, none of that has anything to do with what we were talking about. Your claim that black people have to compete in an unfair market is bullshit, because theyre literally given handouts. The only thing that prevents them from rising above their station is gang culture and anti-establishment and white hate nigger rhetoric. The sooner they let go of that bullshit the better.

Why were you at a gay pride parade

fuck, thats great

is that a fucking pun?i hope it is, at least then i can assume im not retarded

it has nothing to do with conservative politics. Nigger culture is self-created and self-defeating. It's no one's fault but their own for fostering a sub culture that is totally destructive to their own interests.

stop blaming white people for that bullshit

Well, they're in Veeky Forums, do you think they masturbate to anime characters, or have sex?

>nigger nigger nigger
>why cant niggers just like, get a job lmao?
>i wouldnt hire them, but, like, someone might
>implying im in a position to hire people if im insecure enough to tie my identity to my race and cling to their accomplichments by proxy

it's kind of hard to miss if you're walking around midtown

What is nationalism if not defending yourself?

There is nothing necessary about giving aid to subhumans that don't deserve it. You're supposed to make it to the top if you have the intelligence and skills to do it, not because the anti-white Jewish elite hand it out to you for free because your skin is the color of shit.

It depends on the /pol/. 4c /pol/ consists of mostly insecure and low test shitskins who LARP as nationalists, 8c /pol/ on the other hand consists of high test whites who want to fight for their race.

There is essentially zero difference between nationalism and tribalism, but mean the same thing but on a different scale. Nation is just a larger tribe.
"A nation (from Latin: natio, "people, tribe, kin, genus, class, flock") is a large group or collective of people with common characteristics attributed to them — including language, traditions, mores (customs), habitus (habits), and ethnicity."

The definition of the word nation. It literally means "tribe" or "kin", directly referring to race. A nation is a large territory of one single race.
The modern definition of a nation is incorrect, and the idea that a nation can be multiracial is insanity. It will inevitably break into several smaller nations based on the different races.