Why are some people in the fitness community obsessed with thin waists on men? It looks fucking gay...

Why are some people in the fitness community obsessed with thin waists on men? It looks fucking gay. Thick waists look better.

Who the fuck has ever shilled thin wrists for men? You couldn't strawman harder even if you were sitting in a cornfield right now.


All the "muh V-taper" faggots who won't train obliques because they're scared of "looking like a fridge".

You're a loser on Veeky Forums. I don't give a fuck what you think looks better.

Anyone with eyes should notice that thin waists make men look like effeminate fags.

Not all of us have wide hip mountain dew genetics

In Spain we say "ancho de espaldas, estrecho de culo, maricón seguro". The literal translation is wide back, narrow ass, faggot for sure.

nah bro, all body types are beautiful.

except for fat people, they should fuck off.

u no read english so good?

Small waist and hips, wide shoulders master race.

this. this is slso a product of low test, so if a dude with small hips is jacked they obv are unnatural, where as the big hip guy can be natty and big. big hips are masculine as long as your shoulders are broader

because of the v-taper meme that arnold created. for me klokov has better physique than arnold ever did and he is also insanely strong.

Good luck reaching me with your short arms, fridge boy. Lanky master race.

Big hips are a feminine trait looked for in men as an indication of ability to have many children easily. Small hips are a manly trait, simple fact. I'm just going to post ugly hips for a while. But really you just need to look in the mirror.

The width of your hips says nothing about your appearance by itself, it's all relative to the width of your shoulders and waist.

Broad hips, broad waits, broad chest and broad shoulders are synonymous with strength and masculinity.
Narrow little girl waists on a jacked dude looks fucking guh-hay.

you are retarded, that dude has kleinfelters. post a big guy with big hips like klokov, stop cherry picking you dyel loser




that is ugly bro

Arnold looks okay because his waist has some decent thickness, but this right here looks ridiculous:

>Arnold looks ok
>decent thickness
You kids are fucking retarded

I know women like wider waists.

small hips + small waist = god tier
wide hips + thick waist = acceptable
wide hips + small waist = kill yourself

it's all in the proportions, but a smaller midsection makes the upper body musculature and limbs look bigger. The same is also true will smaller joints.

This isn't even debatable. Sure, thick joints and fridge-mode is more imposing, but it is far less aesthetic.

It's all about the X-look:
a high head set on broad shoulders tapering into a narrow waist and then broadening into the hips and lower thighs set on trim knees and well-shaped calves

because most men have average or narrow shoulders and a naturally small upper chest, they look terrible if they have a thick core with a small upper body

U jelly about much 28 inch waist brah?

that fucker, I want to beat his face to a bloody mess with a lead filled wooden baseball bat ... umm, oh yeah, topic .... Stop shitposting about men.

>cropping out your pencil neck

his face looks like shit. he has nigger cocksucking lips

nice wrists fag

You could make a fucking fortune doing g4p

skeleton,fuck outta here
eat some food god damnit

>where as the big hip guy can be natty and big.

Literally the opposite.

My neck slightly pencil u right
I'm bulking chill

You are wrong and homophobic

with that face your body doesn't matter but something tells me you are a power bottom

U projecting brah

You look like the only muscles you hit are pecs, shoulders, and lats with isolation exercises. Where the fuck are your traps, mid back, erectors, forearms, quads, glutes, hammies, and calves? You aren't otter mode, you're fucking flying squarrel mode. Go deadlift and hit your back or something, you seriously look weird as shit without traps, forearms, and a mid back.!

I wasn't on a routine until just this week brodie. Hitting deads on pull day

Wide hips are literally a feminine trait.

Niiice. There's a lot of videos out there on deadlifting without snapping your shit up if you haven't really deadlifted before.

Yeah I was looking at a few of David Laids videos for form but he pulls sumo and I like conventional better, doesn't feel as easy

Aesthetics, not even once

Tbh I don't regret lifting the way I did for 2 years. Really good cardio with supersetting everything helped me cut from fatfuck and I got the proportions I wanted.