Anyone here ever do a hair transplant?

Anyone here ever do a hair transplant?

Is it worth it?

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ive seen great results


>taking issue with people trying to improve themselves

Now that is pathetic

Double dubs don't lie

So hair transplant improves you? Makes you better somehow? We are all doomed.

But getting a hair transplant is not improving yourself. Improving yourself in such a situation would be accepting the natural characteristics of your mortal body.

Only a fool tries to fight nature at every turn. It's better to accept nature and work with it to make your life better.

My dad got one like 10 years ago. It turned out pretty good. You would never guess he was ever bald. He looked fifteen years younger almost instantly. I don't even want to know how much it cost him though.

Try Finasteride + Minoxidil + Nizoral combo first and see what you can regrow. I thought I needed a hair transplant, but I was able to grow back most of what I had lost (then again, I didn't wait as long as that guy).

it makes you look better, yes. Attractive people are perceived better than ugly people.

You have to go through multiple procedures to get your hair thick looking and it the mean time you are gonna look like absolutely shit. And your new hair is probably gonna fall off again. So unless you have a nonexistant or terrible chin/jaw or a very fucked up head shape, both of which make would make you look goofy bald, then no , its not worh it.
Just shave your head and bear mode yourself up.

>tfw thick head of hair with perfect hairline

Don't bother responding hairlets

Just own it by going cueball or Jason Statham buzzcut.

No clue.

I got a shitton of hair. Too much desu.

>Implying women who inject themselves with silicone aren't pathetic

Only works beacause his head is shaped nicely and he has a strong jaw with a good beardline.

My cranium is a bit odd and I have lmaonojaw and lmaonobeard

If he had a skull like that, he wouldn't be needing to make a thread about hair loss.

>heh, my right leg has a flesh eating virus in it, but it's cool bro, i'll just accept nature and work with it, heh

If my nigga right here got himself a decent set of eyebrows, got jacked, and MAYBE grew a beard, he'd be swimming in pussy.
If only the hair I have almost everywhere relocated to my head, I'd be fucking Rapunzel.

>comparing something that happends to many men and in no way affects health, to something that kills you

not an argument, retard.

No, I don't heva beta genetics.

>got a decent set of eyebrows

I would do it.
ive made it to 31 with a nice full head of hair. But my hairline is starting to go back.
Hopefully within the next 5 years I have enough money to get it done.

Remember, you are only as old as your hairline

this only looks uncanny due to the lack of eyebrows

the best thing you can do for it, as well as fin. Ignore the 15-18 year old kids here insecure enough to think there is anything at all wrong with a hair transplant. Attractive people make more money, are treated better, and attract the opposite sex better

>Anyone here ever do a hair transplant?
>Is it worth it?

fuck off you insecure, bald cunt

I heard you lose everything in a few years after the transplant so what is the point? I also heard that the japanese are really close to find the cure for baldness.

let's just hope brothers.


I have good hair but I am telling everyone that if I go bald I would do it. Just do it.

There are only two people who can rock baldness Jason Statham and Bruce Willis, they are also bad ass actors, who dress sharp so stop giving them as examples.

Bald is unattractive

I was waiting for the classic Jason Statham post. That took a bit longer than expected.

What the fuck is this dumb shit? Hairlets that can't afford a hairtransplant of their own?

>tfw nicely shaped head
>tfw strong jaw with good beard genetics
>tfw full head of hair and no sign of balding


>he doesn't know the joy of being attractive
>he hasn't realized people treat attractive people differently

bluepilled as fuck my nigga

>Only a fool tries to fight nature at every turn. It's better to accept nature and work with it to make your life better.

Better stop lifting those big artificial weights to stop catabolism.

Lifting is not improving yourself. Improving yourself in such a situation would be accepting the natural characteristics of your dyel body.

Only a fool tries to fight nature at every turn. It's better to accept nature and work with it to make your life better.

>Being bald is a disease/birth defect

Few things are more unmanly that blatant vanity and insecurity.

Nice strawman, as explains.

Lifting is nothing like a hair transplant. In the lifting example, synthol would be equivalent to a hair transplant and lifting would be the "working with nature" option.


Pathetic is an heterosexual trying to impress heterosexual men.

Also, hair transplant looks awful, doctors aren't quite there yet. It's pretty easy to tell and makes you look insecure as fuck.

>Jewpilled as fuck

You pathetic insecure retards. By that logic getting that leg surgery that makes you higher by a couple inches is also improving yourself which is goddamn hilarious. Someone please post that webm because I don't have it and lets start convincing manlets to "improve" themselves.

If leg surgery didn't come with all the debilitating side effects, would you say it isnt an improvement?

Probably seeing as how you're a moron

in what way/world/reality did he imply that?

not an argument, stupid ass faggot. enjoy your retardation.

But it comes and so does hair transplant. Those side effects are not on the same level but it still counts, and it costs a lot of money.
>inb4 poorfag

You think that strawman was an argument then?

im losing hair and going white + white hair in beard, im 28 what do

>being this vain
Getting Veeky Forums serves a purpose. Hair plugs don't. Just shave your head, pussy.

I have been going white since 20. Im 25 and yeah, not getting better. whatever

enjoy balding, faggot.

>projecting THIS hard

the fuck? he still has a receded fucking hairline

hello lean ice

What sun glasses are these?


That doesn't count as dubs, summer

you're cute dude, any from the back?
jelly hard elsewhere faggot

>Gluing people's pubes on your head

Man you guys are fucking retarded.

It does improve you. It's a cosmetic thing that you dislike about yourself and you can change it to make yourself look better, which in turn is going to make you feel better in the long run. Looking as presentable as possible is great for your social and professional life.

By your logic you shouldn't try getting good haircuts or buying nice clothes because "It doesn't improve you".

It's all about maxing out your appearance and being the best person you can be. You faggots can do whatever you want but I'll get lasik, hair transplants, TRT and all the other shit and when I'm 50 I'll still be shredded, have a good head of hair and perfect vision an my quality of life is going to be significantly better than yours.

>gets hair transplant
>still has temple recession
hes had it hard

you retarded? they literally glue hairs from wherever is left to another part of the cranium
it's not like they can make you have a 3-head with however little hair you have left

Oh god the autistic fantasies are real

Im gonna post this image and any post after me should result in ban. All of those faggots that never lost a hair in their lfie screaming "just shave it brah" and those obligatory Jason posts (literally they ony guy they post)

same little faggot desperately fishing for someone to say nice things about his post LMFAO.

I'm a 23 year old guy who started balding around 17-18

Just shave your head and grow a beard

>I'm a 23 year old guy who started balding around 17-18
Im sure you are

will probably be getting hair transplants in 5 years

18 days to turn 35 ?
no shit that's you're age. Holy shit, I feel better about my hair, thanks!

I'm 19. It's all downhill from where you are man. Stop putting shit in you hair to slow it down a bit.

it's ok brah just shave it off and embrace being an ugly fuck like me

my started to thin at 19 first month of uni was pretty shitty

i also just found out im very vitamin D deficient from a blood test i got. try to see if you are too

r e p l i c e l

Get your blood tested to make sure you're not lacking in some sort of vitamin that could cause balding. If it comes back okay, get a prescription for finasteride and enjoy keeping your hair.

just let it go jfc

weak fags

Bald and stubble. Chinlets and Jawlets are fucked

Hairlet detected lmao

lmao at these gross looking faggots with their decrepit old fart "hair". since you losers are screwed, how will you be killing yourselves?

please share in explicit detail so that i may most aggressively masturbate.

do hair hypnosis m8. it works 100% just takes time. lots of videos on youtube.

Just go Prometheus mode, buzz that shit and get jacked

Shaved only looks bad if you're fat desu

I don't even mind my appearance, I'm ugly, hair or not.

I just hate the feeling of bare scalp. It drives me crazy feeling the cold or hot or breeze on my head

I will outlive you out of spite

>already balding in high school
>thinks he's living a long time

LMAO guess again, shit for brains/genetics.

Early baldness means you're heavily at risk for prostate cancer, so probably not.

what a poorfag

user, does your dad know that you post so aggressively on the internet?

Yeah I'll probably die at an early age. That's why I plan to die of unnatural causes. I'm thinking when I inevitably get diabetes, cancer, heart problems, or alzheimer's, I'll just go fight a bear at a zoo or something. That or a shotgun. We'll see how things go.

>little butt hurt bitch whining because he doesn't know which one of his whore mother's customers sired him

>Muh ebbin Statham meme

Fucking hairlets when will they ever learn?

The results suck. Only like 10% increase in hair density

I'll just leave this here.

Does anyone think there's any truth to something like Shiseido? The hair loss industry is so large, that there will eventually be a breakthrough. Hair cloning, or something. Or, is this just the classic "Hair cure around the corner" attitude? Either way... You will be dead one day. So, fuck it.

hey guys this is my thread here
if you do mma you won't have to worry about being bald trust me you can just kick their asses and women will see that you are stronger than you really are

don't be such pussies balding is natural

Balding will never be cured because it's merely the symptom of a much larger genetic disorder (DHT).

we re actually extremely close to a cure

I thought it was worth it and all for it until I got better educated and landed a job where I could easily afford it.

I would not consider it until they come up with a better regimen of drugs that prevent the transplants from falling out. This probably isn't possible due to the fact that you either need to modulate your hormone balance or immune system.

21 and started accepting my fate this year

can't lie to yourself forever, faggots

No. Unless they identify a unique subtype of DHT receptor found only on hair follicles there will never be a cure without drastic systemic side effects. Even then, the chances of developing an antagonist for those specific unique receptors with little to no affinity for others in the body is extremely unlikely, because that's just not how modern pharmaceuticals work. Every 2-3 years you see someone hyping a cure "around the corner," because they are trying to raise funding for the company and need media attention to attract investors.

How weak. I am ashamed of fit. Are you really like this?

Daily reminder that if you're bald don't even bother lifting because bald heads subtract 70% from your overall aesthetic.