How do you survive a cut?

How do you survive a cut?
I ate my 1950 calories and feel like climbing up the walls...

im on 1,100 calories a day. you get used to it faggot

Discipline. Something it sees you don't have you faggot. KYS now!!!!!!

Are you a >5' sedentary woman? If so hmu womanless are my fetish.


Bulking now and would much rather cut and resist food than have to cram food in my mouth until I gag because I'm not hungry.

Bulks going well tho

5'10 male


Topkek, you're fucking up so hard. Congratulations on losing all your muscles.

I'm cutting 700 grams/week (about 1lbs) by simply eating 40 grams of protein 5 times per day. I don't count fats or carbs.

I eat pork a lot so I get fat, I have some veggies and I try to keep carbs on the down low except for my pre-workout meal.

I fall asleep with an empty stomach but I'm not hungry.

>muh muscle

Do you know what board this is?

how do you guys decide the number of calories to eat on a cut?

All the calculators online tell me I need 3,500/day to maintain my weight and like 2700 for a cut, but I'm pretty sure that's way too high

health and fitness yes?
do you?

Read the sticky

Start at 2700, go for 10 days with that.
Didn't lose weight? Lower by 200 cals, re-do until satisfied with rate of weightloss.

10x my weight in kcals.

1250 cals as a 5'10" male is fucking retarded regardless if you want muscle or not.
Pls gtfo, we don't need your anorexia here.

just did my blood test and my doctor said im in the best shape of my life.
ran a mile under 4mins just last night. have fun fattie with your soft "muscle"

>soft "muscle"
cant make this shit up

>feel like climbing up the walls
>somehow a bad thing?

>ran a mile under 4mins just last night.
No you didnt. The world record is 3:43. You did not come close to that.

i did

Just fast faggot. Don't eat anything.

i didn't. when did i say that?