Body, Mind, and Spirit-building is the Key my brothers and sisters

Body, Mind, and Spirit-building is the Key my brothers and sisters.

>outdated body
>outdated religion
>some white guy

>not Frank Zane
>not Buddhism
>not George Lincoln Rockwell

wow OP it's like you don't even want to reach enlightenment while restoring the prosperous culture of the west all while being a model of physical perfection.

When man does not learn from the past he repeats the same mistakes ad infinitum.

I always thought that you're not suppose to want or desire anything if you're Buddhist?

Roman Catholicism is to Gymnasium as Buddhism is to sitting in the shade of a tree wishing things were better.
>A nazi
(Losers of the greatest war on the planet)

If I wanted to reach enlightenment I'd pay my electricity bill.

>Rabbi Yeshua
>some other kike
Both will corrupt your mind and spirit, not build it.
You will never make it in all three fields if you don't see the light and become a National Socialist.

why germanics dont praise their religion?

>Losers of the greatest war on the planet, where they were alone against dozens of Jew controlled countries that ganged up on them in order to destroy the self sufficient nation that was not indebted to international banks
Fixed that for you cuck boy.
You will literally never make it as long as you remain a puppet of the Jewry.

I wouldn't know, I'm American not German.

you're right but that doesn't mean you can't study spiritualism

christianity is a failed religion. their holiest people ass rape children and they don't even observe the ten commandments. it's better than nothing but just as a shit sandwich is slightly better than pure shit.

and winners don't decide who is right, only who was more powerful.

>European has existed for at least 30,000 years
>we better follow this Jesus guy we've only heard about for the last 1000 years
>What part of Europe is he from? England? Germany? Greece? Russia?
>He has a message of strength? That we must kill our enemies?
>No, he teaches that if you kill your enemies, they win.
>Who was his wife? How many children did he have?
>Look man, you better start praying to Jesus.

when i say germanic, i mean all the people that came from north europe
see pic related

if you have pale skin, light hair and you are caucasian, these are your ancestors

Negative. A holy person does not rape, only a corrupt person. I beseech you to consider that there are MANY that would seek to destroy Christianity by any means.

Christianity begs to be destroyed. It's a religion of pity and masochism that teaches suffering makes you holy.

Islam teaches you to make others suffer until they submit to your will.

Guess which one is a cuck strategy, and which one is an alpha strategy.

Sacrificing yourself for the greater good of others is righteous. Being evil to others is wicked. One method begets life and good things. The other begets death and bad things. You are free to make a choice. This is not rocket science.

The best way to be a christian, is to apply it's principles to those in your tribe. Be nice to non tribe members, but don't let them overtake you. Jesus himself was a Jewish nationalist in a sense. He believed jews were his people, and he owed them more than outsiders. He would of never said "let all the samarians flood in"

That's what people forget. God obviously made us to be tribal creatures. So be tribal. But you can defend what's your as well

When jesus saw merchants in his father's temple, he literally whipped them till they ran away. So we also can defend what we value as long as it's not idolism for materials. Properating your own people is fine

It's stunning how people including those ITT think christianity outlaws everything that doesn't consist of praying. Maybe if they actually read the Bible instead of fanboying nupagan websites they'd have an a ounce of competence

>being evil never wins
You have a lot to learn about what, or WHO, lies beyond good and evil.

T. Cucked white boi. Lmfao! Go back to your college and study islamic enrichment Cameron. Meanwhile us real men will read Charlemagnes biography (;


Never read a single religious text so if anything answers my question just let me know and I'll look it up myself, but what's the deal with the Jews killing Jesus? Always see the same things being said about how Jews are gods chosen people and Jesus was one of them, so what's the deal with the betrayal?

The Charlamagne who spent all of time fighting the pagan Saons and his fellow Christian (though Arian, not Catholic) Lombards, but was impotent against the Muslims who controlled Spain?

That Charlemagne, who teamed up with the Muslim Saracens to conquer Italy?

I would personally surmise that a Rabbi would desire to retain his power over his followers instead of setting them free.

Jews practice ritual slaughter of animals. The most important animal to slaughter is the lamb, because it's considered the most pure, innocent animal. This is why lamb's blood is smeared on a Jew's door on Passover. Jews believe that sin can be transferred to the dying animal, absolving them, so when the lamb dies, the Jew gains the lamb's innocence, and the Jew's sins are transferred to the dying lamb.

Human sacrifice was also practiced by the Hebrews, which is why Jews believed that 6 million Jews would have to be sacrificed to Moloch before their kingdom would be restored.

Jesus believed the Jews must be purified. Jewish mythical history is full of cases of Jews being sinners: Jacob stole Esau's birthright, for example, and all Jews descend from him. King david committed adultry, and of course Adam and Eve were the original sinners.

So Jesus, who is actually a representative of the House of Hillel, and therefore a rabbi and Pharisee, taught that he is the lamb who must be sacrificed, and his blood will cleanse the Jews. That's why during the crucifixion, the Jews in attendance say a prayer "may his blood be upon us and our children", as they believed his blood would heal them. The Roman pagan Pontius Pilate had no concept of "sin-cleansing blood", as most Europeans believe that "blood on the hands" is itself a sin, so Pilate "washes his hands".

Also, notice the mythological/numerological significance:
>Jesus was 33 years old
>it was on Passover, then he resurrects 3 days later

Jesus also made a reference at one point to the Seraphim snake, which Moses nailed to a post so that if anyone gazed on the snake, they would be healed. Similarly, the Jews who looked on Jesus would be cured and saved.

Jesus said over and over that he only came for the lost sheep of Israel, not the goyim.

Why are you portraying kike of nazareth as a white man when he litterally was a palestinian semitic jew, if you really want to be a white nationalist become a pagan like your ancestors were and stop worshipping those jew-made religions that only detach you from true reality and who you REALLY are