What do you think about this Veeky Forums? is this the truth?

What do you think about this Veeky Forums? is this the truth?

>she is vegan

Other urls found in this thread:


>arching your back, lifting your arms in the air, and generally distorting the natural position of your body parts while changing camera angles makes you look different
>this is breaking news

>words printed right on ass

when can we gas womynkind or atleast subjugate them into their rightful place of cock warmers?

>she is vegan

Yeah, it shows.

>This is what women actually believe
>thats what high reps and half reps gets you

Hmmm.... Reminds me of someone

Still cute af on the right. I don't see the problem.

>she's not as sexy when her entire body is covered in baggy clothes

Holy fuck she's moretz mode

So this is the power of veganism...

>skimpy sexy vs clothed qt

I'm very okay with this.

shes attractive in both


Can you link to the post where she said that?

they're two different people you humongous retards

8/10 and 7/10


It's like you faggots haven't even seen him before.

You know you have to be 18+ to post here right? I swear sjw's are just as annoying as

it's the same girl

Left: Man
Right: Woman

yeah and if I cut myself bald I'll become 5/10 from 7/10 while I'm still the same person, what's your point?

Are they really?

I can't even tell anymore which of these pics of her are shopped, this is a living nightmare
Link for her profile anyone?

not bad

I love this meme

You're retarded.

I know


>fat vegan


She is fucking average, you neckbeards are delusional and biased towards thick rimmed glasses "nerdy" girls.

Drop the fantasy FFS