Veeky Forums every time i see a beta fat numale my aggression levels rise 300%.

Their appearance and existence disgust me, i can't take them seriously no matter what they have achieved or do.

Pic related is what gets my blood boiling. The only emotions i feel when seeing them are pure disgust and hate.

Not even trying to be some edgelord but i'm sure many of you feel exactly the same.

Is this the price that comes with being genetically gifted?

>Letting them be worth your h8

Pity > H8

I really don't understand the fedora. Like they're never wearing a suit. It's always poorly fitted clothes.

just slap them around its pretty funny to see their reaction

That makes me rage even more.
Did that in HS nowadays it's too risky.

These people are infinitely more interesting than the average guy who only cares about women or sportsball.

You are probably devoid of personality OP, and instead you use your perceived 'masculinity' as a substitute.


Lol you're not "genetically gifted". And they could start lifting just as easily and clean up their looks

Sounds like you an immature piece of shit OP. Grow the fuck up

Boy u got some unresolved issues

where did the fedora man touch you user

>playan vidya all day is interesting
>reddit all day is interesting
>Veeky Forums all day is interesting

>These people are infinitely more interesting than the average guy who only cares about women or sportsball.
>There are two types of men: those who only care about sports and big-titted bimbos, and those who stare into the glow of their computer monitor 8-10 hours a day playing video games, shitposting on message boards and jacking off

These people are just as corny and boring as the people you're comparing them to.

I get really angry when i see a "male" with skinny arms. I just want to snap themlike twigs.

>pic related and yes I'm taking a shit at work

ITT: Roid rage is not just a meme

more interesting than talking about parties and how much they want to fuck girls all day.

Training your mind, spirituality and body are all very important to being a healthy and happy person. No one naturally upsets me by merely existing and even when I see morbidly obese people I don't look down on them. They chose a destructive path, sure, but they still have feelings, intricate lives and etc.

A Chad doesn't get upset by little things and actively not only tries to better himself in a multitude of ways, but the world and people around him.

i actually like to become friends with those .they need a big friend and i need good friends .works out for closest bud up here is 5'9 135.nicest dude i know id kill a bear for homo

Gymcels tend to hate the most what they once were themself ...

I dont hate geeks, i used to be one so i can relate to them somewhat. I hate hipsters, not geeky autists.



you can be fit and cultured at the same time, stop making excuses

The sense of disgust OP feels towards them is fear that they might resemble a version of him that he does not want to remember. Something pathetic. but that is where we all start.

>sports ball
Gimme ur address so I can beat the shit out of u

Nice bicep, work triceps more though

I get really angry when I see a manlet. I just want to snap them like twigs.

It's the price you pay for browsing Veeky Forums brah

You have literally never spoken to another man in your entire life.

I regret being an antisocial person. Now I want to socialize, but not with twerps.

>Man Chads party was crazy last night, I ended up fucking Stacy
>Thats great bro, I too, love fucking humans of the female gender. Where did you fuck her?
>In chads party, it was great
>Boy arent parties fun

>proud beta-cuck
I am aware beta-cuck who hates being beta and who will purge you betas when I become alpha. Being beta is not always genetical.

Sounds like low self esteem to me

I can't hate them myself. Everytime I see them I remember 15yo me, spending my time reading countless books, watching anime, watching fucking MLP, playing online MMOs and Pokemon. I understand young men getting caught up in that, most of the time they grow out of it. I pity the ones who never did

>Is this the price that comes with being genetically gifted?
post a pic of yourself faggot OP

Are you a recovering former beta yourself? That's the only way I could see anyone feeling strongly about these dudes

It's easy to slip into those habits because they don't rely on somebody else to entertain yourself. At least that's what it all boiled down to for me

Pity shows how vane and proud you are for something as superfluous as your temporal body

Comprehension and encouraging them to better themselves > H8 > Pity

pity is disgusting and for mental slaves. purge all weakness

I'm laughing at you because, deep down, the reason you hate them is because you see something of yourself in them - and you hate that part of yourself.

My guess is, despite your facade, you are a beta pussy. Deep down your just a little bitch pretending to be alpha and hoping to God each day no one finds you out.

Contempt for the Weak. It's a natural reaction to have. I went through basic training and I saw the physically/mentally weak people who wouldn't make it or would harm the group and distanced myself from them. You can't purge them though. Think about that emotion you have and use it to better yourself. Too tired for 5am cardio? remember the visceral feeling you have to rip and tear and direct it at yourself. Really the most healthy course of action.

>Contempt for the Weak.