
Eric is the true alpha male. I want him to plant his seeds into my wife.

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this coming from a guy who had to change his yt channel name from "metal n iron" to his name irl to appear more professional. conformists are fucking lame.

>giving a shit about this autistic faggot who yells like a retard while doing his meme lifts in his basement because he's too autistic to go out in public

oh wow really showing us all lmao

>abandoning the convenience of a homegym to keep up social status
You're retarded, bro.

In all fairness to eric that is literally all his videos have metal and iron, not some fag tier hookup advice

i'd love to see you lift even 30% of his lifts faggot

I don't do autistic meme lifts so he has me beat there. I'll smoke him in conventional deadlift or squat any day though.

and alphadestiny is just trying to give alpha destined advice. besides this he also has a lightning bolt imbued "metal n iron" banner and a sword in his home gym. that's some edgelord shit if i ever seen it.

He's like 38 years old and he still screams like a retard during lifting. He is truly one of the ultimate edgelords.

he's 28

also i don't see how he would be able to lift that insane weight if he wasn't actively trying to hype himself up

>benches 4pl8 for reps
>squatted 3pl8 ass to grass for 20 reps
>deadlifts 6pl8


>ass to grass
why do people still say this gay shit?

yeah hyping yourself up works but he still has no right to criticize others when he makes the ultimate edgelord yt page then changes it because it's too edgy for his conformist overlords

>I can't lift anywhere close to his numbers

Because SS neophytes think altered good mornings are squats so we have to distinguish between real squats and backwards ass good mornings.

Just means going all the way down when you squat retard. No one's putting any extra merit behind going atg

cant we just call it a squat?

Lowbar is not a squat.

AlphaDestiny wants to learn a combat sport

if he gets into boxing he will get depressed as fuck, guaranteed he will get smoked and get ashamed of himself

im talking about what you call ATG squats

would love to knock that retarded manlet the fuck out lmfao

One he got knocked out i wouldn't stop hitting him either, I'd just keep punching him until he died.

Nigger, he benches your deadlift max.

I went to boxing being a Veeky Forums guy, even if i was already humble my start was rough as fuck, i got my ass handled a lot of times by guys who wanted to spar the "big guy"

In the end I learned their respect and started to train normal but holy fuck it was like 3 months of pure psychological hell, it was worth it though

>decline bench press
>That fucking arch

lol okay


BetaDestiny called out for being an overcompensating manlet by the man he looks up to like a God.

Eric is the WWE world heavyweight champion, watch your mouth

>cuckold Eric BTFO anyone

>this horrible fucking music
I saw a video of him listening to Korn as well.

>He links a BELTED, DECLINE, literal 2 inch room bench press to "btfo" someone