AHAHAHAHAHA Alan Thrall just DESTROYED the high squat. How does it feel to get demolished you high bar FAGGOTS?

AHAHAHAHAHA Alan Thrall just DESTROYED the high squat. How does it feel to get demolished you high bar FAGGOTS?


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alan thrall and markus rippetoe are both fat retards lol

I hate how this faggot lowers his voice when he talks like a kid trying to talk like his dad

Also he's weak as fuck

>Alan Thrall

Isn't that the guy who's been lifting for over a decade and still can't bench 3plate despite being fat as fuck?

>dedicates a decade of his life to lifting weights and being a "strong" man
>can bench 135 kg

bottom kek

jokes on you I don't squat

kek this

This is the last guy I'd ever listen to.
>Lifting for a decade
>Has a youtube channel and desperately tries to perfect form and figure out how to lift better
>STILL can't get anywhere admirable despite being a fatfuck with a beard

I didn't count a single squat that video. But good for him for being able to half squat 300lbs.

It's funny, he used to say high bar was better but then he started sucking down the rippletits coolaid.

>don't go past parallel
Stoped watching there

I don't understand anyone who has a hard on for this guy or guys like omar isurf, nick wright, max chewing, brandon campbell, etc

Why does anyone give a shit about what this guy says if
1) he is being coached himself because he is not smart enough to fix his problems on his own
2) his lifts are pretty middle of the road
3) he often is word for word regurgitating information from other sources
4) he is not doing anything innovative or new

They are for beginners, there's no reason to watch them if you are even intermediate

>let me tell you how to work out


Not defending Thrall, but you're retarded if you believe this. I've taught guitar for 20+ years and there's shitty players on youtube who are great teachers, and super elite players who are total shit teachers.

Olympic gold medalists all have multiple coaches. Form decay and a neutral perspective are real.

Post bodies & timestamp

He's really neither.

>Olympic gold medalists all have multiple coaches

yeah and those coaches either have their own professional experience, or they've trained successful athletes or a combination of both. These people have intermediate-advanced lifts and have trained pretty much no one who has gone on to do great things. It's really telling how the strongest people on youtube are really apprehensive about giving advice while the intermediates have the biggest mouths.

I listen to literally everyone because I am not a petty arrogant dicklet, as long as:
1) he squats more than me (in Wilks)
2) he hasn't been injured
3) he isn't sixpackshortcuts or someone of the general "ONE WEIRD TRICK FOR IMMEDIATE RESULTS" clickbait cult
4) is natural

you might listen to people who have credentials and theoretical background but not necessarily practice what they preach. you might listen to people who have no educational background in the field but have achieved excellence by trial and error, granting them experience worth sharing.
why would you listen to somebody who is neither of these? he's been living and breathing fitness for decade and a half. its literally all he does and he's still incredibly mediocre lifter with laughable bench. id rather listen to a guy who first squatted 1000lbs and claimed LB squats are subpar variant for developing general strength and athleticism and, in fact, reccomended that powerlifters should exclusively practice HB squat and only switch to low bar shortly prior to meet.

>id rather listen to a guy who first squatted 1000lbs and claimed LB squats are subpar variant for developing general strength and athleticism and, in fact, reccomended that powerlifters should exclusively practice HB squat and only switch to low bar shortly prior to meet.


Fred Hatfield (rip)

>literally benis pains level cringey video with gay little sketches

meanwhile anyone involved in an actual sport (not fat powerlifter retards) understands the following:


If you believe Greg Nuckols (or rather the studies that he cites) then hip and knee emg activity is roughly the same high bar vs low bar and the thing that makes most people squat less high bar is the increased amount of work your back must do to keep your torso more vertical.

It further stands to reason that a low bar squatter will eventually run into the same problem of back strength limiting the lift.

The highbar squatter will probably run into this wall later as they've been training the weakest part of the chain for longer (rather than using leverage to move bigger numbers).

TL:DR: Rip, and by extension Alan, incorrectly define strength as moving the most weight rather than as producing the most torque at a given joint and thus make poor exercise selection decisions.

Is this fag trying to make his voice sound manly?

honestly, he's one of the most hideous people ive seen. look at his sparse, overgrown mustache hair curling right into his mouth. imagine him eating and getting and chewing on his mustache hair in the process. jesus christ

>I listen to literally everyone
lol if you listened to everyone you would listen to what the post was saying you brainlet

>1) he squats more than me (in Wilks)
You must be 18 or older to post

>2) he hasn't been injured
Does not mean he is the good source of information, he follows other's programs

>3) he isn't sixpackshortcuts or someone of the general "ONE WEIRD TRICK FOR IMMEDIATE RESULTS" clickbait cult
Is that seriously your yardstick for success? He isn't horrible but there are loads of better sources on the same information

>4) is natural
Really? Is being natty considered innovative or new to you? Are you that much of a beginner?

You're being too harsh user, the youtubers you mentioned are pretty good for gym normies.

Definitely much better for a gym normie to listen to Omar Isuf than how people would listen to jeff seids-tier advice.

I know there are worse people to listen to, but what grinds my gears about these guys is that they make content using the information and programs which they did not create and do not contribute to.

Also their fanbases have a light crossfit mentality about these guys


I don't watch too much of Omar's stuff but he seems to use his success to highlight more knowledgeable but lesser known people and seems like a reasonably unpretentious dude.

>Does not mean he is the good source of information, he follows other's programs

How new are you that you think that there is anything genuinely new in programming? Everyone is building variations and amalgamations of a couple of fundamental principles (who even knows how old the concept of progressive overload is?).

Not that I'm excusing Alan for regurgitating Starting Strength and construing his coach's advice that he needs to stop divebombing his squats as some general principle that squatting south of parallel is bad for everyone.

>Wordpress as a source

>if you make a blog on wordpress that immediately invalidates anything you say

You know there's hundreds to thousands of academics all over the world with wordpress blogs, right?

Holy shit I've never seen such a large number if butthurt high bar squatters. I'm sorry to break it to you, your 135lb atg squat is not impressive.

Neither is your 400lb obesity squat

Try writing any sort of academic paper and using a fucking Wordpress citation for a source
You'll get laughed out of your program

This. Why even follow """fitness youtubers"""? I wasn't aware that the Squat & Bench form changes every week, or that calorie counting and basic thermodynamics aren't "The secret trick to losing weight!" that everyone says. Literally nothing innovative, creative, or even funny.

You know not everything has to be a scientific paper and can be an opinion piece, right?

You know what user
I'm not really sure why I tried arguing with you in the first place
I hate lowbar squatting so not sure why I took offense to you posting that blog, and then doubled down on trying to make you feel bad
I'm sorry and I hope you can forgive me

>why do beginners watch short, easy to digest videos that explain the basics of the sport they are trying to enter

Gee I don't know, what a brainbuster

>I don't watch too much of Omar's stuff but he seems to use his success to highlight more knowledgeable but lesser known people
Ironically the best content on his channel comes from people with better lifts and experience.
Omar here to enlighten you on shit I copied directly out of a book which has way better info

>and seems like a reasonably unpretentious dude.
Really? How these guys throw around excuses for their injuries, bad benches, and program hopping?
At least nick wright had the honesty to say he was not at the level where he could coach anyone yet.

>How new are you that you think that there is anything genuinely new in programming? Everyone is building variations and amalgamations of a couple of fundamental principles (who even knows how old the concept of progressive overload is?).

Why would I not want to listen to the guy who invented the program vs the guy who follows the program? Why should I give a shit about alan thralls starting strength when I could go right to the source of riptits?

It's not my blog and I'm not even the person who made that post.

Besides, it's a blog by a US weightlifting senior international coach, certainly has much more weight(no pun intended) to his words than Alan Thrall or fucking Rippletits.

>Why would I not want to listen to the guy who invented the program vs the guy who follows the program? Why should I give a shit about alan thralls starting strength when I could go right to the source of riptits?

And riptits just ripped off Bill Starr who probably ripped off some other dude.

I'm not advocating listening to anyone in particular with regard to programming (certainly not Alan). The one exception might be JTS's Scientific Principles of Strength Training because it outlines the fundamental principles (which as far as I know are uncontroversial) from which one can construct an appropriate program.

incredible, an actual on-topic comment that ain't a shitfest.

Wake up gramps, alot of their fanbase(and youtube) is dumb kids.
These kids actually find these nu lifter fags interesting, and then they buy the strength camp or alphalete merch with their mom's husband's credit card.

Rip's program != Bill Starr's program, similar yes but still different.

There's nothing wrong with changing an existing program in an attempt to improve it, but these guys don't do that.

Eric Bugenhagen and Massthetics are both examples of youtube guys who have built off of other people's programs and have been very successful.
Candito has grabbed elements of different programs to create something unique to himself and has been very successful.

You're missing the forest for the trees here man.

You don't like fitness youtubers. I don't give a shit about them. We should move on.

>mad because he plagiarizes
He references Rippetoe and others
>mad because he's not a professional coach
It's fucking youtube.
>mad because he's not elite enough for you
lifting is an exercise and exercises are for everybody, including beginners and elites.
>Mad because he's hasn't progressed quickly enough
There is more to life than lifting and as long as there's progress there's at least some time put into it.

He seems best for beginners and casuals but your not that, right user? So why are you so mad? Try to understand that he does want you as a fan.

I like Alan, his cues on deadlifts actually helped me a lot

Yeah, the only fitness youtubers that I watch anymore are people like calum that create videos more for entertainment.

you right

fitoobers are youtubers with nothing interesting to say
>repeated technique tutorials
>look what I ate guys
>I've scammed enough views to open my own hole in a wall called a gym, check it out
>Jason Blaha says what?

>lol if you listened to everyone you would listen to what the post was saying
5/10, made me reply. You're clearly taking me out of context
> you brainlet
Double STEM MSc, probably smarter than you. At least academically.
>You must be 18 or older to post
Everyone who squats less than someone else is underage? Anyway I'm 25, fuck off
>Does not mean he is the good source of information, he follows other's programs
No, but if he's been injured his personal experience is not to be taken into account. See below in natural, not typing it twice.
>Is that seriously your yardstick for success?
That, and the other 3. Good enough combination. Nice second strawman
>He isn't horrible but there are loads of better sources on the same information
Post one. Also post body. Also post ID and timestamp, something tells me you're 16
>Really? Is being natty considered innovative or new to you? Are you that much of a beginner?
No, but being on gear means that his personal experience with recovery will be night and day compared to mine so he is not a good source to listen to. Not natural => not good source of advice doesn't mean that natural => good source of advice, but rather that good source of advice => natural. Can you tell the difference? You would if you were above 18 and had the corresponding proper educational background.

TLDR you are underage and stupid and post body

The worst part is how they're all the same with minor differences in gimmicks and physique.

highbar for training, low bar for meets. what's the problem?

>So which is the ‘right’ way to squat? That’s a question with no answer. For most, either the high-bar style of squatting or generic power squat (low bar) is going to be the better choice than the geared power squat (unless they are planning to compete in a geared federation).

To really do a high-bar squat right usually requires Olympic shoes (especially if the goal is to hit depth without getting up on the toes); if a lifter doesn’t have those I’d tend to teach the generic power squat (low bar) with the lifter sitting both back and down and aiming to hit parallel if they can do it without tucking their butt.


So.. it doesn't matter that much. Do what you do best.

The whole high bar vs lowbar thing isn't even a topic of dicussion in real life.

Put the bar where it feels comfortable and go. Who gives a fuck.

We dont have 2 daily threads about if you bench above or below nipple, or if you incline at 45° or 60°, yet that makes much more of a difference and people naturally vary much more in that regard.

They're the same fucking lift. If you think one way is significantly better in general you need to leave the internet, experience real life and real lifting.

Tl;Dr just find what feels best for you and don't be a pretentious elitist douche about a slight, slight variation in form.

>That, and the other 3. Good enough combination. Nice second strawman
Literally a contradiction. It's not a strawman if you said that is your yardstick.

>claims to not be petty
>replies to frogposter
>can't argue the points
>resorts to ad hominem

I don't squat. Deadlifts and walking lunges are enough for me.

Bill Starr was basically the last American to do anything meaningful in weightlifting. The people he mentored personally have some credibility, I think.

I have a couple questions about Tom Platz.

1. is there guides on his form? It seems so simple but it's hard to pull off.

2. He doesn't break parallel, though with the form he's using, it's kind of hard. Which flows into, is his form, if done impeccable, hard on your knees?

God you are an insufferable faggot. And yes you are a brainlet, most of us here are STEM majors, take your high and mighty attitude out of here.