Is she fat?

Is she fat?

Something doesnt look right here

shes got a mike wazowski bod

yes. she's also trashy.


She has a big-ass rib cage. Unfortunately there is no exercise on Earth that can fix that.

yeah she is fat

bangable fat but still fat, she looks strange because most of the fat distribution is to her stomach and hips, her arms and legs are still skinny

i mean if she is sitting down she probably would have belly rolls, but also probably BRRAPPP from behind so looks good to me

Looks like an easy fix. Her pelvic is out of line. She just needs to do some stretchs


she's fat but fine, probably boobs look worse without the bikini, hopefully a braphog from behind but i am not sure about that

i would say shes thick, i would definitely date her.
got her instagram? more?

>i would definitely date her
you are aware she has tattoos right?

That's your biggest concern? She's built like Hitmonlee ffs.


How could you choose a hitmonlee gf over the superior hitmontop...

Most definitely thick.

She's borderline fat though - she'd look great if she simply maintained that weight.

Disgusting people say that shape is thick. It doesn't bother me so much that she has that shape as the pseudo-THICC people itt. That is not fucking thicc jesus christ she has a barrel body. Thicc has at least some fucking curves

5'4" - 5'6"
that's a whole lotta titty meat

>Women with tattoos are absolute trash
>I'd only date absolute pure aryan christian virgins
is that way fedora tipper

holy pelvic anterior tilt batman. She should only take photos from the side if she want to keep that fucked up back.


shes probably sticking her ass out like what whores do on instagram but you cant tell from the front angle.

If she were standing straight up you'd see her gut flowing over her bikini bottom.

She's basically trying to make herself look as skinny as imaginable (probably sucking in too) and she's still wide as fuck.

She's fat and gross.

creating anterior pelvic tilt also creates thigh gap, thats why most instawhores do it

She's "Irish". I'm headed back to pol, fuck this brown earth.

now this is fridgemode

keked hard


Jesus as someone who actually loves tats but doesnt have it, they look absolutely horrible on women.

That wasn't a compliment

>Turnersyndrome .jpg

she's using body angles to maximize her waist/hip ratio but she overdid it so it looks dumb. that bad pair of bolt ons ain't helping.

if she should up straight she'd be hardcore Kate Upton fridge mode