Signed up on some weeb shiy

I joined the Army infantry on some weeb shit and somehow fell thru the cracks at basic and now Im getting BTFO by my unit and PT on the daily.
I went full super tengen toppa gurren lagann channeling my power spiral into doing the ultimate trial, being an infantryman. Even if it meant dying along the way. I had to go second gear, sometimes even third, 4th gear to get through some of the training, I finally made it and now I hate life and dont know what to do. Im tired of training, tired of the pain.. my Guts-like desire for vegeance and power is gone.
I am a lonely shell and Ive fucked up. I dont want to do more time in the field. I dont want to do more pushups or be ridiculed for my chikasumi no tate.
wtf do I do


You need to channel the power of the waifu instead my man

I know you're on an anime image board but Jesus Christ dude...

>lost motivation

Motivation is a false god.
What you require is discipline. A simple google of the words "how do I train and attain discipline" will be a good place to start.

Other than that, keep fucking going. Keep fucking trying. Go until you pass out. Until you no longer can keep going, then keep going. Feel cracking in your joints? Keep going. Think you're going to die? Keep fucking going.

Then go to the infirmary whenever you have time off and see what you broke. You're only human after all.

Seriously though, you don't even have to believe in yourself for fucks sake! Believe in me, user, because I believe in you! Treat every day like you're in a fight for your life! Let me see you grit those fucking teeth, and don't give up just because you're "tired" or have "lost motivation". BE A FUCKING MAN.

>Believe in me, Onii-Chan, because I believe in you! Treat every day like you're in a fight for your life!

Should've joined the Marines, senpai

Should've joined the navy

>not enlisting in AF or Navy

Yeah, you fucked up big time. Only meatheads and retards join infantry.

Not him but I'm terrified of underwater. Does the Navy have a swimming test?

Yeah but all you have to do to pass is jump from a diving board and swim a few yards, the only people who fail are black

Oh I could do that. I'd be terrified but I could do it.
As long as they're not pushing me under water and shit.

Should have joined the marines. You get crayons AND you can eat them too.

Don't be such a bitch, you'll be fine. I believe they also make you tread water for a few minutes. Besides, they've got lifeguards if you go under, but if you can't pass the swim test, then they'll just send you back home.

When my dad was in San Francisco doing basic in the navy, He said they took them 50ft underwater in a huge swimming pool, on the way down they had oxygen but they had to swim to the top without any, he said some people passed out but there were life guards. He told me this when I was 11 so it may have been one of those back in my day stories, but I have no reason to believe its false.

this was in the 80s btw

Pretty sure he was memeing you because I don't think they ever had basic training in San Francisco in the first place. Maybe he trained for his rate or something there.

stop being a pussy

may have been san Diego have not heard that story in a while

Was he a seal or diver? I'd believe it then

I want to say he was a radar technician, he was telling me how he would go in and clean it, and he told about how they detected a U.S stealth submarine.

Might have been telling me that what they do there. (pulling all of this from memory that happened like 8 years ago)

Just asked him he said it was the USS Miller.

Thank you, nakama.

Literally in the navy. You get pushed off a diving platform 10 ft up, swim like 50 ft anyway you want and tread water for 5 mins. All of which they teach you. It's a joke.

I was taught how to swim at 23 from a co-worker and I could do that pretty quickly, is that seriously all you have to do?

First is best.

OP, nut up, eat as much as you can at chow, really shovel it in there, and keep going, the whole point of this is to make you push through and complete the training. they didn't design it to fail, they designed to make you tougher than you were

Does that chemical shit in your uniform actually work.? I often hear the orange shit rarely shows up when it makes contact with salinity.