>can't eat eggs all day because cholesterol
>red meat is bad for you
>milk gives me diarrhea

im a skeleton trying to make gains but after 1,000 calories of chicken,rice potatoes, and spinach im full for the day.

is there anything tasty and full of calories i can eat without health issues?

>can't eat eggs all day because cholesterol
>red meat is bad for you
This is what happens when vegan shitposting is so rampant.

Stop being a cuck bitch and just eat eggs and red meat.

>can't eat eggs all day
Not gonna make it

>milk gives me diarrhea
Maybe you're lactose intolerant? Also eats lots of nuts you dumbass.

>>red meat is bad for you
Excuse me nigga? I been eating steak and homemade hamburgers thinking it was a clean bulk. Keep in mind i've been doing this for a good month.

>>milk gives me diarrhea
get out nigger

>Eggs have cholesterol wahhhh
Needed for testosterone, just exercise

>Red meat is bad for you!!!
No it isn't, it's great if you exercise

>Milk makes me shit
Somebody isn't of northern European descent. Sorry you weren't genetically geared to make it.

My only problem is money, but I'm a skinny dyel and even i can eat 3 chicken breasts in one sitting so that's the easiest way to bulk from what i think. Too bad i don't have money to eat 9 chicken breasts a day.

Eat some pecans or sunflower seeds, they're very high in calories and are good for you.

protein powder is cheaper protein m8.

1 chicken breast, rice, veggies is fine.

then just drink a gallon of milk brah

peanut butter and nuts

>My only problem is money, but I'm a skinny dyel and even i can eat 3 chicken breasts in one sitting so that's the easiest way to bulk from what i think. Too bad i don't have money to eat 9 chicken breasts a day.

I'm quite the opposite. I'm also a skinny DYEL but I can't eat chicken breast all day I have zero appetite to make my daily cal. requirements, but I have the right amount of money to do so.

Walnuts my dude

FUCK IT! I'm going to Mcdonalds.

I'm gonna bulk if it kills me.

>red meat is bad for you
>"Most foods, red meat included contain a mixture of different types of fats; quite in fact, while a small amount of the fat in red meat is thought to contribute towards heart disease, the majority present is actually neutral monounsatured fat with the remainder of the fats actually acting in a preventative fashion against heart disease (8).
>I should also note that some research suggests that adequate saturated fat intake is necessary to optimize testosterone levels (9); trying to eliminate all saturated fat from an athletic diet is probably a mistake in the first place".
>can't eat eggs all day because cholesterol
>"Concerns about dietary cholesterol and saturated fat and their effect on heart health have scared many people away from whole eggs (the yolk contains all of the fat and cholesterol present in the egg).
It’s important to note that the response to high intakes of dietary cholesterol in terms of changes in blood cholesterol is highly variable with most people showing no effect. Additionally, the changes which occur in blood lipid levels tend to be somewhat beneficial rather than negative, and whole eggs may contain other nutrients important for human health (10). Whole eggs appear to have received an undeservedly bad reputation nutritionally and even the American Heart Association has removed its recommendation to limit egg intake (11)".

(All taken from "The protein book" -Lyle Mcdonald.)

>le cholesterol is bad maymay

Peanut butter
There is literally nothing wrong with omitting animal corpses from your diet as long as you don't spam my board.
Also let's be honest. Right now it's ok but past a certain age, we're better off cutting down on eggs and bacon. Ask any doctor.

So, yes, what others are saying here is true: red meat and eggs aren't bad, and you probably have some lactose intolerance, just drink lactose free milk...


>olive oil

Not him but I'm whiter than snow and milk makes me so sick I throw up

>Lyle Mcdonald
" a bachelor's of science degree in Kinesiology from the University of California at Los Angeles."
>Not even a MSc
>Not a dietitian
>Not a cardiologist, a doctor with patients that suffer from the most common killer, atherosclerosis and it's related diseases, which relevant people know are caused by dietary cholesterol and saturated fat
>But his BSc had a few courses in nutrition, we should listen to him!
Would you let a 3rd year math student build you a house, or a 3rd year biology student perform an open heart surgery, just because "his degree had a few relevant courses"?


>Lyle McDonald

t. vegan weakling

>red meat is bad for you
>milk gives me diarrhea

Look, if Mcdonald says something about weightloss and body recomp you know fucking well the autistic madman spent nearly a fucking year researching it.

Why? Because he's a fucking egotist with major OCD who would rather die then be proven wrong about something. Especially when his entire sense of self is riding on it.

He's like...the Dr.House of the Fitness industry.

what is wrong about lyle mcdonald? why the fuck are you posting le epic fedora maymay?

The amounts of retards in this thread that know nothing about nutrtion triggers me. Anyways try to eat 1000calories+ the second you wake up and then when u get very hungry again you eat 1000+calorie meal again. Then you eat as much you can before you go to bed. helped me

>He is so autistic and stubborn he will never admit he was wrong.
>proof that he knows what he talks about
u wot m8

>Brown rice
>Brown pasta
>Sauted veggies
Bum, problem solved

Currently 6'4 182lbs, still trying to get to 200lbs. Ive been doing GOMAD and had some diarrhea at first but the key is just to drink little bits throughout the day.

>provides proof
> b-but he doesn't have enough degrees!

When people in his position like that talk about something with authority, there will be no end of people who will leap out of the woodwork all looking to take them down and make a name for themselves.

The fact that someone who talks that much(hilarious)shit has not been proven wrong on most things says something.

He's either able to pull a layne norton and sue them quiet or he actually knows his shit.

Just bulk on Mcdoubles.

Go to McDonald's and order cheeseless Mcdoubles.