How does a 28 year old man attract 18-20 year olds?

How does a 28 year old man attract 18-20 year olds?

I'm sick of women my age - what exercises do I need to do?

Talk to women x a lot

Transfers of Cash

Be 18-20 years old. I matched with this but I have no idea to start the conversation

-Being good looking for the start
-having a car and respectable income

that's it

wait in front of their school and give them candys

That's easy. Women are naturally attracted to older men. Just don't be fat and have some decent income.

Have abs with big arms and chest.
Look young.
Go to clubs hit on 18-20 year olds.

>18-20 years old.


thats true for every woman

Face and personality is what you need. As long as you're not overweight no-one gives a shit. Just master acting mature

have lots of money and a wide social network to meet lots of women.


use drugs.

>you're vagoo will not be super dry anymore when u see me irl ;) :*

Have lots of male friends in the same age group, which will eventually lead to you meeting the girls they "beta orbit" around.

I am 30 and have a 17 year old girlfriend.


fuck me, it's so annoying.

>having beta orbiter friends

For what purpose?


>I'm sick of women my age
So you won't be with stupid selfie-duck-face girls.
I have news for you, bro.

To be better than them

the purpose is contained in the post you're quoting...
Chicks have ugly friends to look better by comparison, i had a loose confederacy of losers around me, while being somewhat the ring leader myself, and much more socially adept.

Long story short, fucked a girl called stephanie in the house of the friendzone guy she had on her hooked 'since the 3rd grade'.
Since it was in his bed, i always imagine he sniffed the wet spots wondering if it's the pussy of his princess or m cum.

The friendship with him wasn't even strained.... Girl started getting explicit in front of him when i was around just for the sake of seeing the hurt on his face...

Here is the tutorial you need, from a 28 years old guy to another
>lie about your age, tell you're 23 or 25
>shave your beard and get a more trendy haircut
>stick to basic clothes
>go to places 18-20 yo go
>show them how successful you are and how they can be like that in three or four years
>realize how dumb teenagers are
>fuck sluts and repeat untill you can fuck girls your age

superdry right? lets hang out and we can make it superwet amiright

>go to places 18-20 yr olds go
college? hs? where to they go?

Ignore the incels, you don't need shit besides yourself. With younger girls, make sure to keep shit light - they're usually less about finding a partner and more about just having fun, so just doing 'crazy' shit (usually, climbing on some rooftop with some drinks, crashing a random party or sneaking into the cinema or other stupid shit) is usually enough.
Obv your game should be on point, but if you're actually Veeky Forums, it shouldn't be a problem.

Source: Am 25, flat broke and in a band and fucked three different girls between 19-22 last month (along with some older ones).

>so just doing 'crazy' shit (usually, climbing on some rooftop with some drinks, crashing a random party or sneaking into the cinema or other stupid shit) is usually enough.

This stuff can also get you arrested, especially if you are ugly/unattractive.

You've never actually done any of it, have you? Swear you people need to leave your house more

is that lauren southern? who is this?

>>lie about your age, tell you're 23 or 25
This. My friend is 34 but if the girl is young he's 28.

Move roleplaying tell us more

>lauren southern
GOD I hate 16 years old polfags

hahaha who is it? it looks like her.
I'm new to Veeky Forums pls don't be mean

Amen brother.

Sure the physical thing is great, but unless you are actually a hypergalactic Chad, you will need to eventually have conversations with them.

Canada-fag here. Pretty fit / socially confident 32 year old who goes out to drink with friends most weekends and in Canada 18 is the legal drinking age so there are plenty of 18 year old girls at the pub.

Talking with them is like pic related. So, so, so fucking annoying man.

Plus a 30 year old girl who looks good is a way better catch because most 18 year olds are riding their genes to look good. Dat ass is just waiting to explode once you pop a ring on it. Trust me.

no 30 year old in their right mind actually fucking dates an 18 year old, they just fuck them. you guys are fucking retarded

>tfw asked a 17 year old out (I'm 22)
>tfw had to meet her parents first
>turns out it was a family lunch so I was eating with her older siblings and nephews/nieces
>actually went pretty well (I think)
We're meeting up today after I hit chest day and I'm going to ask her out. Whatever happens, happens.

Claire nudes?
Sauce me babe

lmaoing at your life

there are only 8 planets and I will destroy ur ass

You can hop on tinder and fuck tons of girls that age man.

Good God this petite kind of body is exactly what gets me going.

>I couldn't pull women when I was 18-22

>I can barely pull the used up hags in the 25-32 age range now

>Now that I'm older I expect to suddenly be able to pull women in the prime of their life despite not being in the physical prime of mine

>In an attraction based game I expect to earn the sexual lust of a woman by having more economic resources (which don't play into sexual attraction) and fewer signs of health and vigor

Either that, or

>I expect to earn the genuine love and loyalty of a woman by being the older gentleman (that couldn't get a girl his own age during his prime) by simply having more economic resources (that's definitely the best way to get a loyal woman! Incentivize her with money!)
Past the age of 22 your chances of finding a good mate are so small as to be meaningless (don't get me wrong-I'd still try no matter the odds).

You can pump and dump 18-22 YO grills when you're pushing 30, but it's going to be an uphill battle compared to a guy 10 years younger with the same social Couth. It's only going to seem easier because you were such a sperg in your 20's.

kek at the tan line under the ass from using tanning beds

>Works at an obscure Japanese clothing brand
>"Fancy" looking photo
>No description
>Goes to two different higher learning institutes in different locations
Probably a bot

i legitimately, not memeing, know this girl.

Did she go on vacation to Syria? shit looks horrible.

>wah I want girls that don't have fully developed brains yet
Why? It's easier to trick them into sleeping with your creepy ass? They're not as quick to notice how awful you Are? Don't have the experience to know better?
Grow up or kys you overgrown baby.

>y having more economic resources (which don't play into sexual attraction)

lmao. how autistic are you? are you equating your own male perspective of attraction to that of women? because being rich is HIGHLY sexually attractive to women

I've got bad news for you bruh. Most people remain children.
reporting in. Withered 35 year old hags who never looked after themselves try to get with me. They still choose relationships the same way a 13 year old does.

You don't understand.

Being rich is attractive to a woman in that she wants you to be her partner and the person that raises her child.

She will occasionally give up sex to secure this relationship, but there is nothing about it that gets her wet and bothered.


yeah man
this is the kinda guy who probably gets really nervous about drinking a beer in public

Fuck off faggot

So you guys fuck girls without being in relationship with them but then cry about how all girls are whores because they just fuck with chads and dont want long term relationship with you

Rolling for this...

>Being 28 and going for 18-20 year old girls

user you're mentally still in high school, you need to grow up.

Korean living in SoCal.

Make 9x,xxx.

Have 4 girls on rotation

1 doing her masters
Other three are in their mid twenties working respectable jobs.

Stay fit and don't eat like a lardass.

The fitter and older you get, the more desperate sloots become.

Sloots want to fuck tall men, I'm sorry manleetos.

how about you shut the fuck up about your height? no one cares. No one cares in real life. You're just delusional stupid virgin. Im 5'9 and I bet I can fuck your girlfriend in 15 minutes if I wanted to, because im jacked and confident and that is what matters. You're an idiot if you believe that girls care about you being 6'2

I think you are the only one complaining about that


there was a thread about how many partners in relationship you had and how many sexual partners you had, some girl posted that she had 2 partners and like 10 sexual partners, everyone called her a fucking whore, slut and so on