Get in here lads. We need to balance out the /fat/ threads.

I weigh 1 pl8, gonna go for the DL PR of 1 plate tomorrow. What about you guys?

how much is that in stone?

you can search that in 10 seconds you lazy bastard

6"2 and 165 pounds. I'm mostly skinny, but I have lovehandles and a belly.

I'm shooting for 140 pounds. Is this too skeletal/anorexic?


140 is way the fuck too skinny for your height, I'd maintain and try to recomp, or even lean bulk, but of you cut down that low you'll just have to gain it all back anyway.

I'm 6'2" 200, maybe like 8-9% bf and I feel skinny as fuck. probably because I started at like 165 0.001% bf

120lb / 58kg
5'10 / 178cm
am I too skinny?

If you're skinny do you literally just need to eat a lot? Is that really it? Are you supposed to eat as much as you can for a few months and then start turning it into fat? Sorry if I sound stupid Im just a brainlet, I dont understand.

Are you me? I know the struggle bro

Will I ever make it :(

Clean your fucking toilet.

Sorta, you have to keep track of what you eat. TDEE + 500 and .8-1g of protein per lb.

Im mirin dem shoulders

I want to gain, but I hate having belly fat.

Toilet is yellow not dirty, it's an old house and meant to match the beige walls and yellow shower

T-thanks user, almost at a pl8 ohp (which is sad considering my BP is just over a pl8

150 lbs
Bench 1pl8 and a half.
Squat just under 2 pl8
DL 2 pl8
Pretty good?

Nice forearm gainz.

oh fuck no. /fat/ is acceptable, you guys are just retarded fags with your 'pls help I don't know how to properly calculate calories with the correct types of food, why can't I gain weight'. stop being pussies and just eat fucking christ

Why do fatties get this upset at people trying to gain weight? Is it because they have no self control and are jealous? Jeez

Yes. You need to actually put on some muscle if you want to be that lean.

>implying I'm a fatty
gaining weight is literally the easiest part of dieting and the fact that you fail at that is beyond pathetic. your excuses are on par with fatties excuses
>'hurr I count calories and eat what I'm suppose to but my weight won't change, muh genetics'

>I don't know how to properly calculate calories with the correct types of food
that actually goes both ways
skinny fags and you fat fucker could achieve something by following that you dumb cunt bait faggot

Not only are you mad but you're projecting. Calm down bud, we're all gonna make it. Might take a bit longer for you though, having to cut and all ;)

What do you guys eat to gain weight? I've been making a lot of mashed potatoes lately.

literally this, you guys are like the inverse fatties with your 'I try everything and can't gain weight' bullshit. how retarded are you guys?

why are you guys upset? kek and not cutting bud, just maintaining. but I know how to actually count calories and macros, so it's not a challenge :) good luck friend-os :)

>'I try everything and can't gain weight'
Where is that posted in this thread?

we have nearly the same frame

my photos are a year apart

This. Gaining weight is easy, we know.

We don't just want to get fat and ugly like you disgusting slobs. We want to make gains while staying lean and aesthetic. Now fuck off back to your butterball containment thread

I'm 180 cm tall and 72 kg. Everywhere it says I have a good weight but I look lanky and am skinny as fuck. Having pectus doesn't help...

Today is my second day to the gym. Doing Veeky Forums's GSLP.

Work your legs dude

62kg/140lbs and 182cm/ 5'11 skelly here. Im just scared if I gain weight ill look like a fat fuck and it'll all go to my face and stomach.

Eat clean and lift. You can't gain muscles without gaining some fat. Don't eat like a pig and not lift. I've gained 20lbs and I can still see my abs.

>tfw hit 1.25 pl8 DL yesterday

>tfw 6'5 210lbs skelly

We do lmao, Your second photo gives me hope about my chest

Weigh about 145 lbs

Currently squatting/deadlifting 2pl8
Benching 160
OHP 105

Feel like a little bitch every day at the gym but whatever

Why do so many 6'5+ guys on this board look so narrow

It's incredibly hard to look 'big' when you're tall.

were you anorexic? srs question

> escaped skely mode
> entered ayy lmao mode

>5' 11"
>weighed self with clothes on yesterday
>under 130 lb for the first time in years
I'm just going to stay this way for the rest of my life, huh

been back in the gym for a full month today

142 lbs @ 5'9
working sets 5x5
ohp 75
bench 115
squat 135 (can do more but don't want to go trexmode)
dl 155 (can definitely do more but doing LP)


think it's like 1 rock, 3 stones and 11 pebbles


Skellyfat brehs who decided to cut before putting on mass, how long did you do it?

My arms are already twigs, this cut is getting me into Ethiopian mode.

You will if you keep being a little bitch about it. Your weight is a choice, if you don't like it then change it.

I'm a fucking skelly, not anorexic, I just don't have much of an appetite. What do to gain weight also which exercises can I do?

>finally achieved dyel mode
thank you jesus


Reading the sticky 1xf

Well this picture was like a year ago, and I was about 6 months in at the time.

I haven't changed much since I feel, bigger chest I guess.

But before any of this I was super twig.


Am I skinny or not lads

I'm 6'2'' 150. Started at 165 skinny fat Aiming for 135-140 so my bits of back fat to disappear. I'm now pretty Skelly. I prefer the cut down to nothing approach but alot of people disagree with me. If your comfortable with the fat you have and just want to get bigger, consider Lean bulking or recomping. If you are like me and you are not comfortable with it then cut. If you are not comfortable with your fat any form of putting on mass is going to make you feel like a fat piece of shit. But on the other hand cutting down to body fat levels that low without a good amount of lean muscle to boost your TDEE isn't fun to say the least. I hope this comment was helpful to you. Here of some pictures of my progress to maybe sway you in either direction depending on if you find my Skelly form disgusting or not.

Note : this picture does contain decent lighting and I was flexing and fasted

>can finally squat 1plate
feels good man, this has taken me 3 fucking months



What should I do? 6"3 and 177lbs

You're skinnyfat. That being said I'd cut. Don't forget to lift.
Recomping might also be good for you but it does take forever

>I'd cut. Don't forget to lift.
>Recomping might also be good

The fuck bro?

weird ass anatomy, are you sure you are human

This. You look like an octopus.

Protip, get some nuts to snack on (no homo)
/fat/s always sit and eat stuff, if you wanna stop being skinny af snacking on nuts regularly when sitting and playing games for example is great. You should easily be able to snack down like 100-150 grams in an hour, and that's a free 500-750 calories right there. Plus it's decent protein too.

The ULTIMATE snack for skinny boys

I support /S T I C C/ general

just started lifting last week after wanting out of skinny-fat mode and have been trying to gain weight by eating around 6 eggs a day on top of my usual food
i'm 6'4" and 160 lbs btw
>will i ever make it lads?

also i got minor pectus excavatum if you haven't noticed

i've been underweight my whole life, probably maintaining a 16 bmi. especially the last few years, eating has been difficult for me, partly from stress/anxiety and partly possible stomach ulcers or something.

what's the easiest food to eat for gains when your stomach hates you? the morning is especially difficult and shakes are hard to keep up on.

I eat 6 eggs for breakfast at 6'1, my roommate is 6'4 he eats 8-9 eggs for breakfast.

Milk, peanut butter, oatmeal, and mashed potatoes are my go to foods

How when your lifts are the same as mine
Am I a gde

What's the issue?

I was a skelly at 5'9" 140, shit dude don't do that to yourself

Took Vyvanse and it killed my appetite, so not by choice but kinda.

Something that resembles a human

Ay skellington broes, lemme know how you deadlift with them long bony knees in the way, is sumo optimal?

yez. try to get to at least 78kg.

you are looking better. keep going at it!

u perfect

Haha thank you user

6'2" probably around 175lbs

tfw stuck at 145lb bench because not eating enough for the past few weeks


Welp, turns out I'm down to 57kg. I can't stop losing it but I can't stomach more food. I'm going to a doctor.

6'1 136 lbs~

a-user my bench is higher than urs :$

Wanna sum coffee?

I propose these guys as thread mascots.

Core looks too bony, gain some obliques

Always thought they would get a spin off

My Trensformation

Goal body desu

Just started working out again after 6 months of being a slob
Am I skinnyfat? Cut/bulk?

you seem really young, hopping on roids that early is dangerous

Im 26 bro
But i appreciate your concern man

damn, could've sworn you were like 19-21. Yeah that's a lot better, very unlikely to fuck up natural hormonal production

Yea i get that a Lot should have Seen my Baby Face before roids

Yes but im in it for life anyway b&c

Am I still skelly Veeky Forums? How long till ottermode? 178 cm, ~63 kg.

Damn, all you guys are bigger than me. Except these guys

When you eat.
you have low bf% so you look toned but you dont have a whole lot of muscle underneath. A good bulk and focus on chest and you'd look bretty good desu