Depression and weight gain

Sup Veeky Forums

Got down to 170lb ish, was lean, felt amazing.

Met a girl I let ruin my life and gained A FUCK TON of weight. Up to about 250lb

It's been 2 years since I embarrassed myself to the point of suicide with said girl. Online catfished, parents and psych got involved, was so retarded I wanted to off myself.

>Be me 23
>Want to be lean again

Any guys on here let themselves go majorly or struggle to get fit again after a personal/emotional fuckup in their life?

Pic related: me as a normy 2 years ago

Go to the gym and lift hard man. The depression will take care of itself if you want to get healthy again.

/thread, cheers mate.

Also have pretty bad gyne and have always wanted to get it fixed. Pic related.

Yea, I experienced basically the same situation, catfished by a good female friend of mine who turned out to be insane. although a labrum tear played a big part in it also. I let 5 years of lifting slip away. I gave up a 365 bench press, 550 squat 350 power clean. Getting back into it like 4 years later is the best thing ive done since. I would give anything ot go back and not give it up. Injuries and being 25 are making progress slow for me now.

How many weeks did it take you to get back into working out?

Uh, the first few months I wasn't very serious, I was mostly just testing my limits because of said injuries, I was still consistent though. After that I started a modified push pull routine.

currently been out for like a month because my elbows started to hurt a lot. I think lifting on adderall is a bad idea. Makes me push to hard

>Any guys on here let themselves go majorly or struggle to get fit again after a personal/emotional fuckup in their life?

oi m8 i literally just went through this. was ~180 lean and felt great about myself and life, met a girl, dated, turned out she had BPD and completely messed me up m8. put me into a deep depression and blew up to ~235lbs mostly ebcause i drank all day every day for 8 months straight kek!
not sure what to tell you of how to start working out again other than just force yourself to. i forced myself to go a couple times a week, and then slowly i started to feel awesome working out again and watching my gains go back up, and started to dive back into it hard. im ~198lbs now.

That's sick man.

same position except going in the other direction
met a girl i let ruin my life and im losing weight
i started out as a skelly to get to ottermode
i posted in the other thread earlier but it got deleted
i just want to die right now

wtf is wrogn with me

Is the girl still in your life? Nothing's wrong with you, the human mind is complex.

yea she is
she used to be fwb with my roommate
then i started dating her
i feel like she doesnt try as hard iwth me
somethigns worng with me for feeling like this
ive already started drinking and since i got home
i go to school and dont work
so i started at like 430 ish
i just want to stop feeling like this

Value yourself 1000000% user. If she doesn't try as hard then focus on yourself, commit to being busy and bettering yourself. If she's serious about being together she'll want to put in more effort, especially if she sees how much shit you're getting done with your life.

i have no motivation
i just want to stop
why am i so stupid for faling for her
how do i better myself
i only know the gym and giving it my 110%
i just want to stop

im crying right now wtf is wrong with me
i just want to stop feeling like shit
its just a reminder of how weak i am and shitty

i dont know what love is
can you tell me what it is

I don't know what love is, I got catfished online, and what I fell in love with never existed outside anything other than a figment of my own desperate imagination.

Nothing's wrong with you, if she doesn't love you back then drop her and focus on yourself and prioritise yourself because 100% nobody else will.

Lead by example and work on your own issues, go to the gym and give it 110%, only do things you like doing, focus on school or if you find something better focus on that.

Find what you want to do in life; I've wasted the past 2 years with being depressed and lusting after the thought of suicide. The sooner you get over this girl and live the life you want and know you deserve, the sooner you'll stop feeling like shit and be in control.

sorry hear about your catfish experiejce
she dated my roommate before and she was giving 110% but with she she doesnt ry as hard
and it makes me realize how much less im worth
i odnt know how to focus on myself
i try to focus on school but i cant get my mind off of it
its jsut a reminder of how much lesser im worth
i dont know what i want to do in life
i wanted to enlist in the army when i was 18 adn just leave everytthing behind
i would just have the mission objective to focus on and nothign else
no room for love or family
but i hurt my back a while ago in a car accident and i cant enlist anymore
im 27
i just want to die
i want to stop feeling this shitty
wtf is wrong with me
why am i so weak
why can soemone break me so easily
i thought i was strogn until this

sorry op didnt mean to hijack your thread

Don't base your self worth on how a girl treats you mate, ever. Just stop. Be above that shit.

Sorry to hear about your accident. In my opinion you need some time to yourself to sort out what you want from life, then you commit to achieving that, 27 is nothing man I've got friends that are 30's and don't know what they want to do besides work shitty jobs.

My laptop's about to die so I've gotta go but stay strong mate, everything happens for a reason and this girl shouldn't dictate your happiness or how you feel about yourself.

I wish you all the best mate.

i cant help but think in dating world my worth is less
thanks for the help anopn

Long is the way, and hard, that out of hell leads up to light.

>be fit 18 year old, 2002
>1/2/3/4 easy af
>hand-stand pushups to make dyels feel like shit on purpose
>popular, social, etc... still get heart crushed by qt, slaying pussy tho, gets boring
>go into I.T. stem degree, be smart as fuck... measured 130+ on several occasions
>adopt sedentary life unintentionally, start out studying hard
>realize I'm burned out and overachieved too hard in highschool
>get addicted to EQ and WoW
>eat like I was still lifting and active
>fail out of college to main tank world firsts in 05/06
>literally a meme spending literal days straight playing vidya
>go from 180 to 250 overnight
>family tries to help with tough love but I spiral into depression after accepting what I've done to my life
>be NEET for a year then go into massive debt to retry college
>parents say fuck that get a job, not exactly encouraging
>little brother no longer looks up to me, visibly disgusted
>no social life because I'm too ashamed and filled with self hate, feel underving of love.

Turned it around, but I lost a lot of time that I can't get back.

>2006 Land career transition job, large company, part time.
>No social life cuz fat, very different experience from being Veeky Forums and sexually attractive
>nose to the grind stone, like 1 friend
>2011 graduate, B.S. Info Tech
>2012 move away from home state, fresh start, promotion
>2015 promotion, quit playing vidya for 8+ hours a day cold turkey
>kill it through 2016, still fat as fuck tho, hovering 240lbs+
>promotion, Financial gains are staggering (average 7% a year)
>corporate america rewards its slaves handsomly, even the fat ones
>enjoy validation of getting recognized
>no social life.
>2017, down to 220 lbs, lifting again, another promotion.

The only way out is through. It's supposed to be hard, and there are no valid excuses. I'm using the fat hate threads and the crippling loneliness as motivation, and it's very much appreciated.

>value yourself
This is honestly where it begins. When you have a high self worth people perceive it and reflect it back at you with respect and interest. It is cliche as fuck but try it for a day or week... fake it till you make it... even if you don't believe it. You'll notice people treat you differently and you'll "ease into" a new mode of basing your decision making around things that actually benefit you.

It becomes a positive feedback loop that you can cultivate with every micro-decision you make and every relationship you grow or squelch.

Also, if you want a good book... "The Virtue of Selfishness" is a very fast read.

sorry i fell asleep
i dont read mcuh im a dumnb ass
i treid tatht but i fall into a loop where when im with a girl ig ive it my alla nd end up feelign liek shit