Does anyone here lift for Jesus? Ever since that Russian Orthodox Lifting thread, every time I go to the gym...

Does anyone here lift for Jesus? Ever since that Russian Orthodox Lifting thread, every time I go to the gym, I listen only to chants and feel the power of the Lord within me. It's a beautiful experience and when I get home, I pray as a post-workout

Other urls found in this thread:

Not religious but sometimes I wish I could feel the power of the Lord during my sets

>Cuck religion

I lift for Satan.

>religion that preaches the endurance of suffering for a higher purpose
>not the most Veeky Forums religion
Jesus is waiting for you user

Fuck off, you spastic autist

The best lifting is religious rage induced lifting. Google Kaganovich.

The amount of people I see constantly attacking Christianity and calling it a cuck religion makes me feel like the JIDF is actually still terrified of it and doing everything they can to turn people away.

I tell myself that I do but I have doubts. I lift for vanity; if I was doing it to improve my physical health I wouldn't be pushing my muscles and joints past their limits in the pursuit of new numbers or constantly considering steroids to make myself more sexually attractive
Feels weird man

I lift for my waifu

They never give an argument other than "hurr Jew religion kike on a stick amirite?"
Then when you ask them to explain they'll say they're "pagan" because it's the "white religion" and "muh honor and glory
/pol/ is well and good until you let its shitposts alter your religious beliefs

Resist the temptation. Lifting for God is wholesome, lifting and falling under the sin of vanity with the use of steroids is not.

my priest got addicted to painkillers after knee surgery and was thrown out of the church. he was a good guy. help me pray for him bros

Why'd he get thrown out, unless he came to mass high or something?
Shit sucks though, they can keep pedos around then kick people out for actual problems

Best of luck to him

Put your burka back on and leave, Trudeau

>jc does crossfit, too


Religious cuck, lol. Who here /fedoratipper/? I unironically lift for cthulhu tho

Sometimes i listen to johnny cash when i bench and if i feel like i'm gonna drop a set i close my eyes and think of jesus and how he would want me to be strong and healthy

Works every time, Corinthians 15:55 is my favourite song for this technique

Amen brother

>and hope springs eternal from over the rise, when i see my redeemer beckoning me


1 Tim 4:8
>For bodily exercise profiteth little: but godliness is profitable unto all things, having promise of the life that now is, and of that which is to come
Our body is a type of the temple of God, so it is sinful to destroy it by vice. Yet, as this board shows, physical exercise can lead to vanity, hatred of other, and apparently sodomy

You're forgetting that this board is full of mentally ill rejects

I lift for all the dead jews, not just jesus

>lifting for a manlet

I ain't religious but I have to admit that Christianity is pretty much the most baller religion out there. The fact that the jews killed a guy right after he did a farmers walk with 200 punds on his back for miles is just straight out blasphemy

>only 8 reps

good taste user

Was /pol/ always this religious?

Take your delusional rage and let us lift in peace.

Disgusting pagans, vikings were the Isis of their time, except they were shit barbarians and ISIS haven't been beaten despite half the world being against them

And? We don't live in a nordic war-mongering society, we don't live in the past. I'm a pagan for myself, for my friends and for my family, because I have a life and I'm happy with it, so I don't have to LARP as a crusader or something so edgy and cringy to feel something that isn't boredom. It must be hard not having a social life and being obsessed with religion so much that you can't be a functional member of society... I pity you

Anything I do I try to do it with Christ on my mind. It's hard to do all the time, but when I see posts like this on fit, pol, or any other board I get a ray of hope and it legitimately helps me, despite how sometimes these Christian posts come across as memey.

I like to listen scriptures put to song when lifting. The International House of Prayer does a good job with it.


>implying religion all isn't just a bunch of bullshit

If you were thinking in that way, wouldn't ancient Greek religion and mythology be baller?

Bad bait

Le angry atheist using le green meme arrows

Says the one using the word "le" unironically.

>he thinks I did it unironically
You like this "Veeky Forums" thing so long, newfriend? :^)

Idk, are you enjoying your summer?

What do you mean they come across memey?

Gotta love being ostracized by your brothers and sisters when you are in a time of need in your life. Just what Jesus would do huh.

How so? I don't even believe in God but it's probably one of the least cucked religions out there.

I just realized that Joseph got cucked by God

Bad term I guess. Sometimes I don't know whether the posts are made in good faith or just people trying to troll. Either way, it doesn't matter as long as it encourages me.

All religion is cucked. Having to base your morals off a fairy tale book seems absurd to me.


While I agree it's best to lift for Jesus, when I'm struggling on a rep, I actually think of him.

Check out this chant

it profiteth little, but its still profitable

/pol/ claims to be christian, but they in fact go against christianity with their sinful and bigoted beliefs.

We are made in the image and likeness of God and our bodies are Temples of the Holy Spirit. As Christians we are called to strive for perfection in every way. By lifting we are also sharing in Christ's suffering on the Cross and can offer it as prayer.

I'm a Muslim so I lift for Islam.

Russian orthodox master race reporting in. Homosexuals and trannies can all kill themselves before we get to them.

Your waifu is wholesome and pure, I hope you have a great lifting session today

stop being a schismatic

I'm not a Muslim but I do get pumped up by nasheeds while I lift, Al Qawlu Qawlu Sawarim is pretty good



>and apparently sodomy
my sides!

idk if this is is posted ironically or not, but in case not, you do know that there is a difference between willful giving and state mandated theft... you do right? It isn't a minor detail.

Bless up OP

I'm actually really glad I'm not the only one who still thinks about that thread

All these heresies in this thread.
Jesus Christ is Lord, and only by his grace and faith in him alone, are you saved.

the man in the Shroud of Turin is 5'10", don't trust those fake pictures of Jesus.

Not really, he was old af and already had kids and Mary was really young, she was basically someone he married to tend to his house

sauce on this thread?

also link to music?

That is possibly the gayest thing I have ever read, jesus christ.

>tips fedora

Posting a good Christian girl in a Christian thread. I'd love to hit the gym with her

All of you faggots and delusional losers. Seriously, go off yourselves you pathetic excuses of human beings... I lift for Allah. For Islam only rewards the bold warrior alone!

Will post it in about 6 hours when I get back home

Christians and Muslims have the same God you know, Allah is just the Arabic way to say it

please do user, I couldn't find it in the catalog

It was a translation error you fuck

Translated from German
Junge Frau = Young Woman
Jungfrau = Virgin

Is lifting a sin?

You are wrong in every possible way

Don't put cockroaches on the same side as Christians

Matthew 5:11-12

>"Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me.
>Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.

Being ridiculed by atheists and jews means that you're on the right path. Let the haters give you strength.

Any other inspirational quotes?

More than that, it's also our duty to make our temples beautiful and functional. It's your temple, and the only one you'll ever have. Why not make it as strong and aesthetic as possible?

Hebrews 12:5-14

>And you have forgotten that word of encouragement that addresses you as sons: "My son, do not make light of the Lord's discipline, and do not lose heart when he rebukes you,
>because the Lord disciplines those he loves, and he punishes everyone he accepts as a son."
>Endure hardship as discipline; God is treating you as sons. For what son is not disciplined by his father?
>If you are not disciplined (and everyone undergoes discipline), then you are illegitimate children and not true sons.
>Moreover, we have all had human fathers who disciplined us and we respected them for it. How much more should we submit to the Father of our spirits and live!
>Our fathers disciplined us for a little while as they thought best; but God disciplines us for our good, that we may share in his holiness.
>No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.
>Therefore, strengthen your feeble arms and weak knees.
>"Make level paths for your feet," so that the lame may not be disabled, but rather healed.
>Make every effort to live in peace with all men and to be holy; without holiness no one will see the Lord.

Our body is a gift from God, but to worship it is idolatry. If lifting for you is a means to commit fornication then, yes it is a sin. If it is to glorify Christ and His creation then, no.
1 Cor 6:15
>Know ye not that your bodies are the members of Christ? shall I then take the members of Christ, and make them the members of an harlot? God forbid.

"The more proof given to disprove your position, the more right it makes you!" Wow what a convenient belief.

That's not what that line means at all, you're stretching pretty far, dude.

if its so great why is the worst religious leader in the world right now Christian (the pope)?

checkmate atheists

I'm pretty sure the leader of ISIS is way worse than the pope

incorrect. you can disagree with him but i bet he actually likes and respects his religion and followers

>Christians and Muslims have the same God
You must think the Jews have the same God.
"Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son.
23 Whosoever denieth the Son, the same hath not the Father: (but) he that acknowledgeth the Son hath the Father also." (John 2:22-23)

Islam was started by the (((Catholic))) church, they are both satanic. The Jewish Messiah and the Islam saviour are exact descriptions of the Christian AntiChrist

>le christianity is communist because one early community lived in common maymay


>Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee. (Revelation 3:9)
Jews hate true Christianity because it vihemly exposes them. The modern Jews are not real jews from Judea, they are all converts. The real Jew are Christians, we are the chosen people.

Our body is a temple, we must lift it is holy, not for harlots but for the Glory of God.

Modern Christians aren't good Jews, either. Our holidays are cucked beyond belief. Christmas and Easter are about consumerism, gorging ourselves on pork, and telling our children that imaginary characters are going to bring them presents (Santa Claus / Easter Bunny). We don't fast anymore. At church, we only go through the motions. I've been to a few different churches, but I hardly ever see anything close to what could be described as learning or open discourse. The priest says his prepared bit, the congregation does their call and response, we say the Lord's prayer, eat a wafer and take a sip of wine, then the priest tries to guilt us into giving more money to the church's new roof fund that's been ongoing for a decade without any sign of progress.

We're all fucked. This has nothing to do with fitness.

Christmas is a pagan religion. Most churches are a scam. The vatican is the Whore of Babylon. Read the Bible(King James Version) with the holy ghost and it will guide you.
I lifted for vanity before, didn't make me happy, now with Christ I ignore harlots and lifting just makes me feel better now. Also,take time to repent and beleive, 9/23 is coming soon.
How much could Jesus deadlift?

Good taste, I'd also lift for her

The Antichrist in Islam is said to be one eyed (blind in his right eye), while for Al Mahdi's physical description is totally different. And they're both supposed to exist as the same time, Al Mahdi will be guiding the Muslims while The Antichrist will be guiding the unbelievers.

That picture is rubbish.

Here you go user

thanks bud

No probs, my man

What did he mean by this?