The last picture you saved is now your new body, how do you cope?

The last picture you saved is now your new body, how do you cope?

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I'm a crying cartoon frog now?

how do you cope

Kill myself

I pick chad

very badly

>The Virgin attempt



the last pic i saved was me. your spells don't affect me witch

confirmed im protected by dubs

Pretty good i guess. Although i saved that screenshot ironically

I don't hate it

lemmec cancel that.

Not sure how this works

d-do i get to be the elf?

>tfw not a modern Helen of Troy

Hmmm, Id be fine i guess


Some instagram slut, dont remember her name

Not bad desu


Not bad at all

Does this mean I get the fame and wealth of being Alison Brie too?



I'm never leaving home.

I choose piccolo desu

I thought arnoldino was fat, he is 3% of having a legit 8 pack

im fukin zeez brah

I'm CIA mode I guess

Pretty neat

Checked. Was becoming CIA always a part of your plan?

I wanted the iron throne

shutup thot

I'm completely okay with this

Yo I found the sauce

Finally removed the earbuds?

Are you fucking retarded? It's in the picture. I need to leave this fucking site.

Fuck this has literally happened to me

I'm late 80s early 90s charlie sheen, well no HIV yet at least.

This is actually a pretty terrifying scenario since your identity would no longer be your own, assuming you don't turn into something nonhuman like Pepe in which case you'd be fucked pretty quick from the getgo. Unless you could somehow replace the person you mimicked you'd basically be a stateless nonentity that nobody recognizes, destined to be locked up and interrogated as some kind of advanced spy, alien infiltrator, or something similar. And if they found out that you had shapeshifted they'd probably experiment on you endlessly to find out how you did it and you'd waste away in a cell between blood drawings and vivisections. Best case scenarios, you get deported somewhere, or get labeled as an unregistered twin with a strange form of amnesia, though your duplicate and/or their family would probably lose their shit when the government forces you into their custodianship while they work out just what the heck your deal is. And you could easily be locked up again if the government determines that you weren't naturally born to your duplicate's parents, who would undoubtedly be very vocally denying that possibility.

In any case things would likely be hell after a maximum of maybe a few months depending on your situation. Maybe you could find a life for yourself if you took off into the wilderness.

>How do you cope

I'd do this as much as I can

>Wear the tightiest clothes that can showoff my boobs/hips/butt
>See a guy at work/uni/wherever that seems like a nice kid
>Strike a conversation with him, but keep myself mysterious
>Add him on social media, send him random "deep thoughts" and strike up really demanding conversation while I leave for 20 minutes after each text while he replies instantly
>Lead a conversation where he'd tell me he loves me
>Drain him
>Crush him, eat his soul and devour his life
>Tease him with even more provocative clothes and never let him have any of it in the promise that it'll all be his in the future
>"I'm a really troubled girl haha, I don't want to drag you into my mess, I'm really sorry I can't live with myself knowing I'm causing you all this trouble"
>Wait for him to respond and come back and apologize and feel like it's all his fault
>Go for 4 months being completely dry with him while meeting up with new people and enjoying my life, but sucking up his at the same time, it drives this satisfying feeling doing so for some odd reason
>He ends up having balls to say "We need to talk"
>Go in there, say same shit again
>See if he's still willing to die for me
>If not, oh well, time to move on to the next victim, I'm really bored
>If yes, cut him off even more and deprive him even more till he reaches a point in his life where he forgets all his ambitions, goals, and future in the hopes of having me as a partner of his in the scheme i convinced him of "exploring the universe"
>kek, sure was fun
rinse and repeat till I get old and no-one desires me and settle with some beta that'd do anything I say and wouldn't mind going sexless for a few months at a time while I'm enjoying myself in my own way

Sheesh, sure is hard coping

Fuck yes, I've become superior 2D.


I cope by retiring in my winery estate with my waifu Yen


user what the fuck

It's okay

Triss is better

Veeky Forums won't let me post it because the last image I saved is someone else's fictional goal body in the active thread right now.

I'd be pretty fucking happy with it and would confidently slay forever

it's this blonde chad elf

That's not how you do it.

mate... i do sometimes think what a stunner i would have been, if i were born a female.

this is pretty much the body i'd go for. assuming i still had my skinny bitch metabolism, i'd piss off all of my girlfriends by eating like a tank to maintain my muscle and curves, while they starve themselves, get depressed over it, and therefore look like shit.

being a female (especially of this calibre) makes you an automatic target, shit you don't think about when you're a 6'2" male with moderate gains. i would dedicate my life to becoming the master of all martial arts. you'd know better than to fuck with me.

>I am now Allison Brie naked

fire my agent for casting me in Glow, try to get in marvel universe movies somehow

I feel it relates to me in a way, so I want to inflict the same damage on a guy and see why I would do it in hopes of understanding what my last 3 relationships were about. Each went on for 2+ years. Last one for 4 years and ended up the same way. Something wrong with me, but I want to see it from a females perspective and the girl I posted represents the type of body that kept me hanging around the girls I've been with. It cuts really deep inside me and I feel really hurt, I'm working on myself and hopefully I make it, but fuck user, nothing can do me good like a good getting wasted with some friends every weekend.




big as fuck strong as fuck

youre 12



mirin forearms

It's ok.

Well at least ill be better at running


im ok with this

Not too bad

at least i escaped manlethood

yes boys

Seriously considering lifting to secular chanting like some user suggested in another thread.

I will lift and Jesu will lift through me.


There you go

I am okay with this.

I'm now the milfiest milf in here.

thanks, Moe, we can be buddies

Have fun user, I really like these two

thanks asshole now im fired

I'm a magic faggot and had a friend bring to my attention, as a joke, about utilizing energies (read: ki) in lifting, I'm definitely going to attempt to combine these with listening to hymns today.

>not medieval French hymns
Together with Augustine they almost make you want to become a Catholic.

Thank you for this user

I fucking hated middle school though.

who dis? she's smoking

could be worse

omg is this for real

looks a bit like that House MD boss doctor grill, good choice

im having trouble imagining my life

oh shit

i became the boy next door


>mfw this is actually my body


Im ok with this

i say wow

0% bf at least

never imagined I'd find myself in SNAP CITY


Who would actually buy one of those?


What does this even mean


Mah Buddhist niggha