Have you got your sip for the day?

Have you got your sip for the day?

no, because I'm not a manchild
I wonder how much they pay you for advertising tho

It's okay Red Bull shill. You can be a sip boy too.


I only drink coffee if I really need to, for example, if I hadn't get much sleep or I'm feeling a little sick.


Very cool story

I, too, indulge in real and natural enhancers. Hats off to you, my good sire

*sips fedora*

saged and reporting. when will monster marketing learn Veeky Forums isnt as easily manipulated as facebook? take your shilling there, guaranteed success

we dem boys

>announcing a report
>implying sipping is shilling
>implying sipping isn't already the spiciest meme of 2016-current year
Weak b8 m8

>tfw first sip before 22 2pl8 squats and 22 2pl8 deads

>wearing anti-drug abuse shirt
>riding the sip beast for ill-gotten gains
Absolute madman

Thanks my dude

>Not drinking Ultra Blue for first sip with as the sun rises.
>weak shill doesn't even sip


>tfw sips + little debbies snack cakes combo

nah i bought an off brand energy drink for 30 cents

I'm waiting for my Mom to leave the house so I can buy a 4-pack. Don't want her to see me drinking them so often.

They shouldn't be allowed but i like them so much. Remember when people drank relentless.

senpai if any of y'all have a BJ wholesale club nearby, they have sips in bulk packs. 24 of them for $32 or so ($1.33 a can). My BJs has a variety pack with 8 original, 8 red and 8 blue. It's god-tier sipping.

I don't feel like giving myself cancer so I stick to putting a bit of black coffee into my protein shakes

>Not getting paid in sips


Fuck I almost forgot thanks for reminding me

Sips were on sale this week, 1€ per can
Got myself a 2 week supply

just bought it, sippin so hard

Chad memes are the best thing going. Monster expired

Also pajeet related

Just finished mine with some kebabs. Fucking delicious.

>2 years of monster ads on Veeky Forums

This place is shit.

> this meme is an ad

I'd agree with you except it's all one specific flavor. If this was marketing it'd be more spread out.

When I'm exhausted, this is the only sip for me.
Tastes like Sunkist

It is an ad, every single day multiple times a day, don't think these "sip boys" (marketing tools) don't let us know when a new flavor is out. The people on this board are monumentally retarded tools or its back door marketing so monster doesn't have to be associated with the filth of 4chsn because it's "anonymous posters" doing it. Either way the fact that these fucking threads aren't deleted for contributing nothing in the way of health and fitness is mind boggling and shows why this board has been dead since 2011

>don't think these "sip boys" (marketing tools) don't let us know when a new flavor is out.

They're mocked when they do, though.

Thanks for sharing! I personally enjoy that first sip of Monster Energy™ Zero Ultra™ with breakfast, on the drive to work and/or school (traffic sucks lol!), or while I'm just chilling on the couch watching streaming content and checking my fantasy sports teams on my tablet device.

And did I mention Zero Ultra™ has ZERO calories but still tastes great?

Monster Energy™ Zero Ultra™ works for me. Don't you think it's time you try that first sip?

>2 years
Hey newfag. It hasn't even been a year.


> people genuinely believe this is an ad

How many of these do you guy typically drink a day

There are also sips threads on Veeky Forums and probably other boards though I never visit there.

I know! It's like they've never tried the crisp, refreshing taste of Monster Energy™ Zero Ultra.™

1 a day, but I do 2 on Fridays


Morons will think you're an ad instead of memeing.

I'm interested in green sips ad man

That's half the fun.

Thanks for the consumer feedback. I'll notify my sippervisor.


Doesn't matter this should be instantly deleted which is why I think it's backhanded marketing.

>this should be instantly deleted
>triggered by a meme

It's just a meme bro. And it has zero calories.

>backhanded marketing

Let me ask you. How do you think marketing campaigns are made? How do you think Monster marketing would calculate ROI on this type of ad? How would they check effectiveness or influence?

It's just a meme man.

>lol pretending to be advertisers of a fun meme guys!
>we're just ironically advertising

It's just hard to believe this is what Veeky Forums does now.

>he's never tried that first sip of Monster Energy™ Zero Ultra™

what is the best tasting and less caloric Monster flavor


white monster / "zero ultra" or whatever it's called

>drinking energy drinks
It's as if you don't wanna make it

I don't sip cuz it feels dirty and I don't like the sweet taste. I pop caffeine pills.

It's as if you're a newfag


Soda and Caffienated beverages in all forms are degenerate.

Water is the true drink of champions.

*sips fedora*

>not drinking both
