I fucked up

I was deadlifting relatively light weight (124kg/275 lbs) earlier today and on my fourth rep felt a really sharp pain a little bit lower than in the attached image. I stopped immediately and left the gym.

I've been experiencing some sharp pain in the area for the past half hour or so. I took 2 tylenol and have been trying to stay off my feet. Did I take a visit to snap city? Or did I pull a muscle or something? Please help me Veeky Forums lifting is the only reason I live

your form is bad. you don't stretch enough. you don't sleep or eat enough. you're lifting too much weight. you don't warm up enough. you don't drink enough water

you either have one, some, or all these problems

my form was definitely hot garbage

im gonna deload and watch some videos

is there anything I can do to relieve the pain besides just taking it easy the next couple days?

how long should I wait before seeing a doctor?

Take a few days rest and see how you feel

Depending on how bad it is you can probably still train upper body. Don't do anything that causes anymore pain though for right now.

It's hard to tell you what to do because I don't know how bad it is. You'll be ok though. I hurt my back pretty bad 3 times, and I've lost count of how many times I've strained it. The bad times took a few weeks to get back to things, the minor strains only take a few days and I never really miss any training because of them

Similar shit happened to me, I was all about the raw lift lifestyle, fucked a 3plate front squat and good morning-ed it, I took it easy for 3ish months and went back to lifting again, where I reinjured it 100x worse, and had to take 9+ months off, and take it easy for a further few months, and even now I'm afraid to do heavy stuff without a belt.

Get a referral for an MRI and figure out what's wrong before you do yourself any more harm user.

Seeing a doctor isn't needed unless you have red flag signs. Look up low back pain red flags. Basically tingling or numbness in your feet, loss of bowel control, some other things.

As far as what you can do, look up Stuart McGill. He has a book called back mechanic which is useful. Does it hurt to bend over?

Does it hurt to sit on the ground with legs straight out in front of you? Or to do an exaggerated slouch?

If yes, you have probably bulged a disc

>get an MRI

Waste of time and could potentially make things worse unless you have those red flag signs I was talking about. Something like 90% of adults have disc degeneration or bulges/herniations in their back and are asymptomatic. You see your MRI and start panicking and feeling crippled because I guarantee it will find something wrong with your spine and then you feel a lot worse then you really are

Maybe a muscle spasm.

i injured my back a year ago because of terrible form on my squats, so I visited a back specialist who said I was fine and told me to take some time off. just hoping I don't have to do that again, but if it's necessary then oh well

it definitely hurts when I sit down with my legs straight or slouch over. i can sit down in a chair or lay down without much pain but whenever I put pressure on my left leg I feel like I'm being stabbed in the back

i looked up the "red flags" and it doesn't seem like I have any of them so hopefully it's nothing major

>be me
>skip leg day and do leg press and safer leg machines
>get massive quads and calves because weight is weight
>dont fuck up my back

besides sqauts and deadlifts are for fat powerlifters, being aesthetic is more important.

>wear this belt or you will get a hernia
yeah fuck that cancerous body destroying shit exercise

Look up McKenzie extension exercises. Do those and see if they feel good. Mostly just keep moving. You'll be fine

I cracked an intervertebral disc and had 4 leaking, chronically inflamed facet joints.

It's best to know if you are injured or not. Inflammation is what they look for. They told me not to worry about the disc, since it heals itself quickly, but warned me about the joints, because it can turn into arthritis, and warned against lifting for a while. Docs aren't trying to scam you.

It's best to take your spinal health seriously user. Don't take chances.

is it sacroiliac joint disorder tiem yet?

Picking up shit off the ground is a fundamental human movement bro. Why would you be proud that you're incapable of doing it?

>mfw you didn't perfect something that is a basic mechanic of human function and will probably hurt yourself picking up a couch while moving or doing any of the thousands of other tasks that require us to squat down or bend over to pick something up

i only do the sqaut form as a act of picking weights of the ground for back protection

i understand sqaut and lifting form for everyday lifting, but needing a lifting belt and putting that strain on the back is too much

i just do loads of pullups, all these fat powerlifters can do a single one

So what did they do for you exactly besides tell you not to lift?

Pretty much all a doctor is going to do is tell you to stop lifting, give you pain meds, or recommend surgery which is a terrible option. UNLESS you have those red flag signs I talked about, it's a waste of time to see a doctor for your back pain.

Not to scare you but sounds like what I've suffered from for over a year now, feel about 90% better -
But that is blatant sciatica, caused by a disc herniation pressing on the sciatic nerve

I'm confident I could have recovered waaaay faster had I not done any squat/deadlift work until totally recovered, done lots of glute activation and spinal decompression work, and cardio.
Can go into more detail if you want, but either way don't underestimate this, it's been the worst thing in my life for a whole year now

the pain is originating from like right above my left glute, and I feel it basically throughout my lower back

i have some pain in my left knee as well, although I'm not sure what that's from (could be squats)

does this sound like sciatica? how did you come to your diagnosis and what did you do about it? I'm fine to take some time off if I have to; i just really dont want this to get any worse

They recommended I bring my results to a physiotherapist and get a treatment plan, gave me a prescription for some strong anti-inflammitories and said to use them for a while and then stop before I cook my liver, and said if it didn't improve after using the anti-inflammorites that I'll need a cortisone injection in the spinal joints.
As for the physiotherapy, there are specific ways to rehabilitate facet joint issues.
Instead I watched YouTube physiotherapy techniques for facet joint stuff. I probably would have recovered faster if I went to an actual physio, but I'm back to deadlifting 5 plates regardless.

Right, all physios will do is put you through certain movements, and that is the most important thing to keep moving. I strongly believe there's no reason to see a doctor for your back pain unless you need to in order to get a referral to a PT. That's the best thing they'll do for you and at worse they'll make you feel helpless and weak and that your only options are pain meds and surgery.

Anyway, I'm glad you're back to full strength bro. I'm only giving this advice to the OP because I've been through bad back pain like this several times and I know how crippled you feel right now and how hopeless everything seems but you WILL get better. Just keep moving that is the most important thing. Rest for a day or 2 then try body weight squats or deadlifts with a broom and go through whatever rom you can without pain for some reps. Rest, then try again with more rom. Just slowly get back to it and you'll be back to what you were doing in no time

Depends on the severity of the issue though, OP should just use discretion when deciding what to do.
When I fucked my back I knew I was in serious trouble.

I have this (or at least very similar) on my right side. My best guess is it's the sacroiliac joint. I can squat 240 for reps and feel fine, but I deadlift 150, and my back starts acting up.

You're right, that's why I've continually said unless you have red flag signs which OP doesn't have