145kg x 5 deadlift

>145kg x 5 deadlift
>72.5kg x 5 squat

What is wrong with me?

are you a lanklet?

I'd suggest you do more squats. Your bp probably sucks, too

>72.5kg bench x 5
>52.5 ohp x 1
im 6'3.
been deadlifting and squatting for the same period of time, 2 months of bulking, 7 month cut.

ill just go ham on legs when i start bulking again. 4 kg left. 21kg down.

Pretty sure he is doing something wrong regardless. 145 to 90 or something I'd understand but that squat is terrible no matter which way you spin it

you care about your squat, that's what's wrong with you

extremely weak quadraceps

or youre doing a sumo pull and youre relying on terrible ROM so your deadlift isnt actually that out of wack with normal ROM

t. manlet who thinks sumo is cheating

160kg squat x5
140kg dl x5
whats wrong with me?

Bros, how do you know if your squat form is right? I feel like I'm using too much back and it's limiting me.

Yesterday I was doing squats. I angled my feet just slightly and suddenly squatting was super easy. It felt like my entire spine aligned and my center of gravity shifted backwards.

What do I need to fix?

>70x5 strict press (kg)
>75x3 bench

You should be angling your feet during a squat, that puts much less stress on your knees as well.

Weak quads. A wider stance with feet out takes the quads out of the movement more. Easy way to diagnose weak quads is if you can't stand up without your hips shooting up at max weight. Do front squats as assistance.

it's not an unusual ratio for lanklets, there was 160lbs between my squat and DL at one point

You're afraid of progress because you've tricked yourself into thinking you're OK as you are.

And progress would shatter your identity.

You post threads like this to pretend you're normal and unhappy with the way you are, but really you just want confirmation and are deep down desperately hoping for a wake up call that will do what you should have done yourself:

Save you from yourself.


I already am cringing at op and whatever trash you tried to write.

Hips shooting up?

when you squat up out of the hole, your hips go up and you tip forward

this folding lawnchair squat is a symptom of weak quads

Are you squatting to depth?

>250kg deadlift
>235kg squat

>tfw manlet sized femurs at 188cm

1 month in:
120kg DL
110kg Squat
65kg Bench
50kg OHP

is this balanced or should i focus more on upper and less on lower to 'even it out', so to say?

oh and those are 5 rep weights, not necessarily 5x5 though (last sets i'd either would have to reduce weights or reps).

>9 months training
>70kg squat

It's pretty balanced, maybe work on your bench a bit more. Otherwise ur good.

>80kg for 8 reps bench press
>can barely squat 60kg for 5 reps

Hm... Do you have long arms, short torso and relatively long femur?

get on my level you pleb
>105kgx3 bench
>182.5kgx3 DL
>90kgx3 squat
>75kgx3 OHP
>117.5kgx3 zercher (do them cause I like them and all of you dumb conventionalists are probably weaker than me so suck it)
might be all in my head though. squats disgust me. I feel like I'm gonna go mtf every time I attempt them. they are a meme and a fad. they are litterally cosmopolitan:the lift. there is no reason for a man to do them. also I've had 27" quads for about as long as I can remember, way before I started lifting so I can't understand how people with small legs feel, but I don't particularly value having big legs. I'd be perfectly ok (in fact I'd prefer it) with them being smaller.

same press but bench 130kg x 5

fix your bench or stop bullshitting yourself on the "strict"

are you me bruv? I have 26.5" quads and need to buy e.g. XXL underwear to fit. As long as I can remember, I can just do light weight leg training and my legs grow to tumor size. God knows what would happen if we would squat heavier. Visible abs, so bf% isn't the problem


right? feels so weird to know everyone wants that shit. I'm not fond of it personally, but I know most guys are insecure about their twig legs and think big legs are manly or something. I don't see what the big deal is. I'd gladly give them away.
>in b4 "g-girls s-sure love nice big thighs and a j-juicy guy ass h-haha t-thanks R-Rip"
keep telling yourselves that. lower body musculature is not attractive. in fact, the first things humans look at to assess the threat level posed by a male is upper body musculature. look it up.
the only people who think a man with big legs and ass is attractive are gay men and disgusting sex-positive female redditors/tumblrinas in their 30s.

Jesus christ you got to that in 1 month? Were you an athlete before you started lifting?

its taken me literally 1 year to reach that

6'3 with very long legs

125kg DL
75kg squat
80kg bench
50kg OHP

All for 5, I don't know lads, I've recently fixed my DL form so I lift with my legs and ass more and less lowback, doing some leg accessories as well hoping they will help my squat.

are you a nigger by chance

Stop fucking around and do SS. Your bench should not be higher then your squat.

I did do SS, doing GSLP now. I am slightly scoliotic so that is giving me pain, moreso from squats (deadlifts dont hurt since I fixed rising hips).

After squats my right leg inner hip flexor is sore for 1-2 days, really annoying, since it means once I do my squats on Monday I am sore on wednesday and friday too.

Then you should be doing leg press to build leg strength. You should also probably be sleeping more and eating more.

I am making good gains (went from 70kg to 82kg in 6 months) but don't want to abandon squats, can they really be replaced ?

We got one of these machines in our gym as well

>3 plate 5x5 dl
>can barely do 2 plate 2x5 squat
IKTFB. I do muay thai, and my job involves lots of lifting and walking, so more than occasional leg day would literally kill me.