Post Stats and Time Lifting

206lbs-5'11-21 YO-4.5 years

505x3 Lowbar Squat
385lb Paused Bench
235x3 OHP TnG
605lb Conventional Dead

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Come join us at /fraud/, brother. You're more than welcome.

have fun being in HRT for the rest of your life lmao

5'10 165

Am I ready to fuck sloots?




So? Most girls are below 5'7 user

anyone can fook sluts, you cant undo your social autism user



>anyone can fook sluts, you cant undo your social autism user

Well, fair point

dont worry, just take it one step at a time.

5'11 154lbs
3 years in september if you count the first year of cutting down from obese

Haven't maxed lifts in a while besides dead stalling at 305

I prefer being in the first mode.


6 months lifting fell for the meme
Have I reached T-Rex mode?

>25" quads
>16.5" calves
>14" arms
>235/135/285 S/B/D
>170 lbs

This is why I plan on maintaining bf once I can see decent ab definition, personally I don't see much benefit of going any lower as a natty.

9 months lifting

I just do bench from the major lifts and thats 225lbs 5x5 or 275lbs one rep

What is why? IMO I look horrible on the left but the feeling was great.

Rate my upper limb
6'1, 165lbs

where did you hide your ant and post delt? cool forearm

Why even struggle bro?

Looks strong and thicc but I think it's better to dry yourself before pics, sweaty/oily cbt pics looks unaesthetic imo

Why not, you know it's not your body that's holding you back, but your autism. Good luck

Ready for mens physique tryouts after a little posing training

4 years liftinggg

80kg-5'11-21 YO
90*8 Lowbar Squat
80*8 Paused Bench
60*3 OHP TnG
120*5 Conventional Dead

Did I make it?

4 years and still on these rookie stats? you've done something very wrong

man i dont even know where to start...

why dont you just do everyone a favor and kys, i can tell exectly what kind of a fucking retard you are just by looking at your stupid beard and they way you took your picture. Not even gonna mention the rest.

what did you do the first 2 years?

Thanks senpai. The rest of the delts are hidden under the shirt, I'll get them in the pic next time

Let's see yours

To 20% bodyfat

At first sight I thought it's Jon Snow

Did you post this picture on your facebook/instagram? Because this looks like the male equivalent of posting tits for attention

I may be fat, but I'm also ugly.

You look good for 6 month of training. Don't worry too much. The real life is different from here.

ripped my thumb tendon doing MMA so couldn't lift for 8 months.

Also my fiancee cheated on, had to break up with her but I cant stop loving her even up till today. Made me go into depression.

Practically only lifted 2 of the 4 years. That pic at the waterfall is 1 year old btw. This is me now. Getting back into it after 1.5 years depression and no lifting

Cool so when do you plan on finally starting to lift?

Ups and downs breh. Should be okay, but you got a long ass neck. Trimm that beard, will look 10 times better when it is not that fuzzy but neatly trimmed.

We're all gonna make it

kek, no i dont use social media

haha i cut my hear now, see not so John Snowwy anymore

im hitting the gym 5x a week again, started 3 weeks ago.
I used to be like this before fiancee cheated, pic related

I keep my beard since im a muslim, not for fashion

Im hiding my gut and also angles.

But 5' 10" manlet
185 lbs


What bf% am I sitting on? I feel flabby as fuck.

Holy fuck please shave you terrorist

170lbs 6'0
1 year and a half lifting
My stats are shit

Come home whiteman

>rate my progress

You're trying to hide it, but you need to work on that chest, looks under developed. Give your delts a break.

Good work, keep going lesbro.

lean and mean
lean and mean - looks like ur lats are slacking
twink mode/10 will make a fine bottom one day
looking powerful
hobbit mode/10 will make a fine trap one day
you look dirty and that disgust me.
lean and mean
wonderful if thats you. Keep it up, your going to make it.

Crazy development for 6 mo.. Good genome


Real nice my man, what's your cycle like?

6'3. here's my progress so far. All my lifts are shit.

very lean and strong. natty? post more

you need to go on a really low carb diet.
You got alot of work to do.
40 pounds is no joke tho. That is significant.

But keto is a life style, and it raises test as well. It's a consistent 2-3 pounds per week and will work all the way down to 9% BF.

85 kg 5'11

OHP 65kg 5x5
diddly 135 3x5
bench 100 3x5
squat 135 3x5

now post the after pics

5'9 150lbs
180×5 bench
240x3 squat
330x3 deadlift

Picture is kinda fucked, mirror was at an angle. My legs aren't actually 2/3 of me.

Half natty

which half?

Sure thing manlet...

One day I'll be tall
I like Reddit steroids better
Only reason I've done a cycle is because I was prescribed try at 19
I sweat like a monster. This is my natural state
I promise I wasn't, but yeah my chest is shit. I've been destroying it during off seasons, but when I'm in meet prep I stop focusing on it and it shrinks. My one excuse is that it wasn't pumped in this photo.
Scripted 150mg test c a week since I turned 19. Done two cycles at test e 400mg. First one was shit cause I didn't know what I was doing. Second one made me get stretch marks everywhere. After my meet I'm gonna run 450 npp 400 test c for 20-24 weeks then back to cruising.

the natty cuck half with another half of lighting abuse ... lol been lifting for 6 years

ITT: The song you play when you need to go super saiyan to complete your set


I'm bulking ~3700kcal/day and currently 6'3" 230lbs. According to my gym's biometric measuring calculator doohickey I have a 16.1% body fat and 28.1 BMI.
I still feel pretty skinny/dyel, but I know 16.1 isn't very thin and 28.1 is a pretty high BMI. Am I compromising my health somehow? Are these stats reasonable for where I'm at/for my bulk? Should I keep bulking? I want to gain much more muscle but i'm just worried that, since I don't look super heavy, my organs are being covered in fat and shit that's going to cause me health problems down the road.
pic related, taken last week.

I would if I had the money to throw away all these carbs and oats I just bought. But finances are tight and I only just started eating more complex carbs recently.

kek ive done this too many times user

>I was prescribed try at 19
What made you get tested?
I'm 19 and have a few symptoms of low test that doctors have tried to treat with other methods but I'm worried it's more hormonal

Here's my back
>Tfw 5'7" short and stocky looking

No morning woods ever. Slept 10-14 hours and still felt tired. Gyno. No facial hair growth and very little pubic hair growth. No sex drive. Very moody.

I tested very low though.

shows us the front

How big is benis?

6" if I'm fully torqued
6.5" girth

Or maybe I'm lying and I have a good ol' micro

What was the difference between first and second cycle? Significant changes in training/diet?

pls don't

Diet first time was McDonald's. Advanced way too quickly on my lifts and developed emboe tendonitis, sprained my wrist, and fucked my groin. My joins and tendons couldn't keep up with strength gains. Took some time off,like then blasted again and went slow with the press and ate 85% clean.

I don't care about getting bigger just stronger, so I was never really tracking. Just ate enough to see strength progress.

Try out a 5-3-1 pyramid rep scheme for diddles, helped me break 315

Where do people even measure for quads? Mid thigh or upper thigh?

I'll try that next pull day good tip brodie

You're beautiful to me, bb. Forearm and 'cep look bretty good

You look very... smooth..
Pretty decent stats for your weight, keep it up friendo

Someone tell me what my bf would be bc I still can't tell I'm like 147 6'0"

Meant body fat percentage

id guess 10 but consider bulking and THEN cutting for a better aesthetic

tfw pale


5'10" 185lbs
What do I need to work on?

- Obliques
- tad more chest

Other than that pretty symmetrical and perfect.

Never trained obliques before, any suggestions?

Hanging leg raises.

But I think that you know I am criticizing on a high level.
You're aesthetic as fuck.
How long you working out and what's your split?

>stretch marks
I got them real bad on my first 500mg/wk cycle of test e. Put about .75-1 inch on my arms. Any way you've figured out to manage/remove them? Mine stretch from my upper biceps through to the outside of my pecs. Considering lasers.

Work out the lower portion of your chest. Many people forget this part of the body, even though it is critical to having a squarer and stronger chest.


What else should I work on

I believe it's upper thigh at the widest point.

You don't know how insertions work do you? You can't make you chest squarer. Appreciate the thought though.
Don't worry I take everything said on here with a grain of salt. I've just never done a single ab exercise so I was interested. And I've been working out seriously for around 5 years. I lifted a little in high school too for football but never took it seriously. I just ended up getting really fat.

>And I've been working out seriously for around 5 years.
That's what I've thought.
You need a few years in the gym to look like that.

Pic related, me after my ~ fourth year.
Still bulky, cutting down at the moment.

>tfw 2.5 years lifting and i'm hardly at 1/2/3/4 yet

>That shirt
>Those legs
You're a walking meme

>You need a few years in the gym to look like that.
Yea, don't let my body lie to you. A lot of it is honestly my frame

tfw forever a calvelet. ;_;


Here's your (you) jimmy boy