
literally have been searching the internet for hours on end, i can not find one good calisthenic mass routine. i ended up getting that C-Mass book and just finished reading through it, makes no fucking sense at all.

has anyone stumbled upon any sort of mass routine that makes sense?

Calisthenics is not for gaining mass, thats why.

>I can not find one good calisthenic mass routine.

I wonder why

>mass routine
imagine being such a dyel to fall for these things

>gaining mass on calisthenics

there's not much difference between training for strength and training for mass, especially for a beginner. if you find a good routine it will make you grow if you eat enough at the same time. the main problem is that calisthenics just isn't that good for strength/mass.

True, but make no mistake, you will gain respectable strength and some mass with a good calisthenics program.

Calisthenics is best for acquiring skills more than anything.

Do the hardest variation possible for these movements until you reach 3-5 sets of 12
>Push up
>Pull up
>Handstand push-ups
>L sit
For extra volume you could do the previous progressions for reps or just do assistance exercise like
>Bodyweight curls or extension
>Reverse ring fly's or face pull
>Ring chest fly's
>Back extensions or glut ham raise
You should start implementing planche/ lever work as well but I'll leave it to you to figure out when and how. Hope I helped you mang.


yes, but people underestimate how hard gaining a decent amount of strength/mass really is, even using proper equipment. in theory you can do calisthenics and make gains, but in practice you're just spinning your wheels forever. I think calisthenics is really cool, and if you enjoy the activity then yes, after some years you'll have made some good gains as a side effect, but for people looking specifically for an aesthetic body they'll become disillusioned by how agonizingly slow the process is. if your goal is to become good at calisthenics and just really want to do the moves then it's awesome, though.

Which takes years. You can obtain same strength just from a month or two in the gym weight lifting. And lets not forget how calisthenics does fuck all for legs.

But if you need to be able to do some physical activity gymnastics related, its best to go with calisthenics.

You're absolutely right. Calisthenics is the wrong approach for anybody with aesthetics as their main goal, but most people who ask about calisthenics for mass are typically poorfags or children who have no access to gym equipment, so for them, it's better than nothing.

Definitely not disputing that. I just hate for people to think that calisthenics does NOTHING for strength/aesthetics

Okay buddy let me just tell you...

calisthenics do not work for mass. It doesn't matter what you do because nobody on this whole board has put as much work into calisthenics as I have.

I've been working out hard/serious for about 8 years now, and because of my line of work I only had gym access for about half of it, sometimes would go 6+ months without gym.

I am very good at calisthenics, I know everybody else's routines like the back of my hand and I've basically done all of them, plus my own experiments by the assload, and NONE of them will get you big. Doesn't matter if you do it weighted, unweighted, high rep, low rep, high intensity moves, low intensity for a lot of volume, some mix of all of the above.
Doesn't matter your diet, doesn't matter unless you take steroids.

At best you can maintain strength/endurance but you will never look like more than an overdeveloped teenager on calisthenics.

Anyone who is all ripped to shreds on calisthenics, including that green faggot Frank Medrano, they are DEFINITELY on gear. 100%. No question at all in my mind.

I mean stop and think about what it must be like to try to cut and get ripped while doing calisthenics - as you cut you get lighter, and the calisthenics moves get EASIER, leading to less muscle mass. Being lean and muscular at the same time on calisthenics doesn't make sense worth a fuck unless you are frauding hard.

The ONLY person in the calisthenics world who MIGHT be natty is D300, because that nigga is puffy as fuck and only looks buff because he does this shit for high volume at 300 pounds.

Just go to the gym if you're able. If you want to do muscle ups and shit, work on them as a skill, but just lift dude. Seriously. Listen to your elders.

There is one on /r/bodyweightfitness wiki. One of the advanced routines which has high volume of pretty much everything. It's what I'm doing now with my own variations and I'm seeing results. It's not as good as weightlifting but it works.

Do high intenisity work
Do a movement that you can only complete between 3 and 10 times at most.

High rep pullups/chinups and advanced movements always leads to mass no matter what.

Anyone who tells you that you can't get aesthetic, especially if you're starting as an absolute fat ass is either fucking retarded or a complete shill.


A wall of text from an anonymous faggot =/= definitive proof of anything.

I saw your post you fucking idiot.
It means nothing.

Go take a look at the natural guys who only ate well and did calisthenics in the CBT threads.

is he training to be able to suck his own dick?

> ran low dose gear
> "natty"


While ignoring the fact that 99% of the "I did PPL/SS for only a year and got swole and cut bruh! GO TO DA GYM" are all obvious gear heads.

it's 100% true, they probably did use gear

most obvious is calisthenics kids with big traps. I bet they got that from doing pull ups, and not from having anabolics in them. yep.

Calisthenics wont help you gain mass because you dont need to eat all that much to progress.
Just do any routine and eat more.
Pic related, did calisthenics for 2 years while staying the same weight.
I do it for fun though, not for mass or even strength.

Handstand work, a staple it bw training, work your traps. Fucking retard

Calisthenics does do nothing for strength and aesthetics retard. Calisthenics is basically a version of cardio where you stay in the same spot

The only halfway decent bodyweight exercises are ones you can progressive overload. IE dips and chinups

The fact that there are people who use gear doesn't mean that everyone who gets gains does.

Are you fucking retarded?

Look, stupid. I know you desperately want to believe that your 245lb squat is going to lead to huge wagon wheels and automagically gain massive 21 inch pythons from all of the test that's being released.

But you're a fucking dumbass.

The sticky is shitty gymbitch/powerlifting shilling fucktardation filled with 404'd links that lead fucking nowhere.

>Calisthenics wont help you gain mass because you dont need to eat all that much to progress.
Are you fucking stupid?

I squat 4 plates.

Not that much. I mean they do, but it's like how squats work your calves - more of an academic discussion than something you'll see in progress pics.

Well If its worth anything, I got tired of searching routines, made my own based ONLY on calisthenics for 2 months and got some decent strenght gains, and some mass gains.

So yeah they arent useless. They are fun to do, and can get you some gainz. Specially useful to impress normies

>"Doesn't matter if you do it weighted"

>"I mean stop and think about what it must be like to try to cut and get ripped while doing calisthenics - as you cut you get lighter, and the calisthenics moves get EASIER, leading to less muscle mass. Being lean and muscular at the same time on calisthenics doesn't make sense worth a fuck unless you are frauding hard."

Just use weights man. Without weights it will take forever to put on decent mass.

What I do:

Chin up/Pull UP


Push up