So THIS is the power of animal products

So THIS is the power of animal products

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If you ate a diet of vegetable oil you'd be worse and still vegan

That's the results of consuming too much cholesterol.

Obesity is a huge risk factor.

oh boy here we go again...

So THIS is the power of veganism


Most of my family lives on a diet of tendies and cigarettes, yet we have no family history of heart attacks, strokes or atherosclerotic disease.

Maybe your inferior retard genes make you die if you even look at a piece of meat, but speak for yourself.

If its so great just do it and shut up about it. Stop trying to drag others into your lentil eating misery.

>polyunsaturated fats cause heart disease

heart disease is caused mostly by vegan products

>man-made trans fats
>highly processed grains

Yeah, I'll just sit here and watch as this blows up to 300 replies.

>roiding and only eating celery for that

What's with all the veganposting lately?

Chester just died. Toon soon man.

sorry, but the worst foods for you are vegan:
transfats - hydrogenated vegetable oils
HFCS - high fructose corn syrup

Sure, let's worry about eggs and steak when shit like pictured exists and enjoyed by many every other day.

latest growing health fad, blame YouTube

So stop eating trans fats, HFCS, and meat, right?

So you'll die with cleaner arteries. But you'll still die eventually.

About as credible as saturated fats cause heart disease


You are aware that the studies on "meat" actually show a marked difference between processed meat, red meat, poultry, fish etc. right?

Even if vegans are right in the studies they cite, people eating non-fried chicken, fish and eggs will probably be fine unless they have some weird genetic predisposition, in which case they'd still have gotten clogged arteries no matter what they ate. Those things aren't associated with cancer either. I swear it's like you people don't even read the papers you post.

> paper shows processed/smoked red meat causes cancer

"...And that's why if you eat even a TINY bit of fish or chicken, you WILL die! >:("

Yeah I'm sure being burdened with high inflammation, diabetes and high pressure is just as fun as living disease-free except it's shorter !

How come those arteries are empty?

Here, let me fix that for you.

Yeah. In order of unhealthiness:

Processed meat > red meat > poultry > fish

You acknowledge that white meat can be bad for the heart too, but the data on cancer isn't clear enough to say they don't cause cancer. When studies look at white meat consumption, they're studying a population of meat eaters. White meat may appear neutral because people eating more white meat are eating less red meat, while it could be that both cause cancer, just to different degrees. That's the problem with trying to find trends in a homogenous population.

Degeneracy rises as lives become easier.

I don't know but I love it. Nothing is more effective at triggering people on this board.

The only real overlap there is california and [portland]

Did you also hear the ice cream consumption is linked to murders!

Niggers are generally lactose intolerant, so I doubt it.

Here come hoards of itsnotthemeats white knighting for animal products.

Gonna eat some cherries and drink my beet smoothie.

No, that's the power of dietary memes.
>Yeah. In order of unhealthiness:
>Processed meat>red meat
Both are completely fine.
> >

>Here come hoards of itsnotthemeats white knighting for animal products.
>Actually being intelligent is whiteknighting

>vegans will try to dispute this

i wonder if the human body has some kind of switch where it will crave vegetables, so as to save protein for the alpha males