Fph thread

>no FPH thread

delusional women edition


I too hate fat people. This string cheese is to you, fellow like-minded fit brother




Reminder that any political shitposting is from fatties trying to derail the thread.
Report and ignore when you see it.

This I believe some HAES person thinks.

Reads like satire.

It's not satire, sadly.
The guy in question is a literal cult leader. Ironically he's obsessed with immortality and absolutely terrified of death.

They are an offence to Sigmar


I want to punch this pretentious cunt behind his hear




>absolutely terrified of death
haha what a fag

>actually believing being fat is superior
is this bait


>mobility scooter
>chocolate milk
>cheese wheels

Surely the OP here was baiting for a stupid response

>intentional weight loss itself may have negative health effects
u wot m8

I don't read tabloids but one of the stories on the cover yesterday was along the lines of:
"Emma, 26, learnt to stop trying to lose weight before it killed her".
I was half-triggered.

>we don't know exactly what makes kids fat
really makes you think

We don't know how to make fat people into this people or thin people into fat people.

There was a story rolling in brazilian media this week about two fatasses, one made a diet while on vacation and got 20kg thinner in two months, the other got jealous and tried to murder her with a machete, which didn't work since she was a fatass and could barely swing the weapon.



The best thing about /fph/ is that it reminds me why I don't have any social media account anymore. The echo chamber made these people completely delusional.

this is retarded, but I also dont get why people remove the fat in milk. ive been personally told how im going to die from heart disease becasue I dont drink semi-skimmed milk while the person telling me is drinking a coke. semi skimmed has like 2g less fat than whole milk per glass, and its somehow less healthy than 20g of sugar?

Ive also been told by a fat girl going out with one of my friends that I probably have diabetes because she always sees me eat a lot, and eat lots of junk food but I keep loosing weight (which I do, im skinny fat on a cut but I manage my calories so that I dont have to be autistic about it when in social eating situations like parties). Another symptom is that I drink too much water (about 3L a day), drinking water instead of frapachinoes apparently is a warning sign. Shes probably an expert ion diabetes though so maybe I should listen to her.

a fat guy has also given me an hour long lecture about how I shouldnt eat after 6pm because it will make me fat because I eat my main meal at 7pm, this is after I lost 15kg in my cut.

As an ex-fatty, this makes me really fucking angry. I refuse to believe that people this mentally ill exist.

>he says while posting on Veeky Forums
Joking aside I get your point, I deleted all social media in 2012 myself.


I don't understand. How can she be fat when she obviously drinks mostly zero calorie Pepsi Max? That's *diet*. She should be thin.

yeah sure only women are fat and delusional, no obese man said he was just strong and all his extra weight was "just muscle"

genetics, obviously

>not using social media
you guys are retarded, SM is very powerful now, I spend at least 1h a day on it (the time I used to spend on it anyway) making fake accounts and fake posts, I usaly make a group of friends, start infiltrating some community with it then subtly start changing it from the inside, one group on facebook has over 50 followers who are fake accounts I made, I use these to mainly insult liberals and fat people but I also like the trig-and-turn. One account with a very offensive profile will say something racist or insulting, a small group of people get triggered and start insulting that account based on the content of its profile (oh, of course your a republican, I knew you were from hick country before I checked your profile, and so on), at that point ill use 20 accounts with very libral and PC profiles, usually a couple of gays and muslims, to turn their insults against them, tell then to respect other people, dont judge people based on their place of birth, and so on. They dont know how the fuck to respond and usually end up saying something about internalized misogyny and internalized racism. Although I usualu do it with political topics, I suggest you guys do it with HAES shit too.


Luckily Veeky Forums can actually help you as long as you don't fall for the inferiority memes.


>tfw born without nipples so I have to glue pepperoni slices to my chest

Notice how they HAVE to mention that they eat well and are healthy before mentioning that they're fat. Really activates my almonds

You have too much time on your hands and are probably a sociopathic narcissist



I didn't read all the way through your post but I had a time when I enjoyed provoking people online with dumb shit. Then I grew up. I don't mean that with a sense of superiority, I mean that literally. I don't get any satisfaction from it anymore.

I try to steer away even from article comment sections, the closest thing to social media I use is Veeky Forums and even this shit I should stop. I'm stuck on the "hmm maybe I should ask this one very specific thing from Veeky Forums" and spending the next 6 hours refreshing threads.


Of course they eat healthy SHITLORD. We all know that getting fat is a magical process that no one understands. One day you're a normal person and the next thing you know you're on a mobility scooter with condishuns. It could happen to you at any time.

name this shape


That looks like a gastrointestinal disorder.

"I'm mentally ill"
You sure are

>implying fat people aren't normal
>implying those without thin privilege ever got to experience life without their fat genetics

No way this is real


fuck I only got maybe 2 hours of sleep last night and had to concentrate a lot but now I am not tired, I just feel like fucking shit

I really want to go to the gym but looks like I will have to wait for tomorrow. damnit. all I can do now is sit around doing nothing and wait till the day is over. meanwhile I still look like shit

life can be really fucking annoying

go ahead hate on me for being a useless failure. maybe it will motivate me to take better care of myself in the future

amazing how the facial expression changes

almost like she's happier

outer and inner beauty mirror each other

judging people at first glance is very accurate for a reason. it's not just whether they're fat or not. it's their gesture, the details in their facial expression, that reveals their true nature

>bar barque
You'd think a food connoisseur like her would know the correct spelling to barbecue.
>tfw dogs rolling their eyes at your body isn't enough of a wake up call to lose weight
You know she's a fatty for lyfe, which isn't going to be much longer

>all I can do now is sit around doing nothing and wait till the day is over
ehh, go to bed early, make sure you get a good night's sleep and hit the gym early since you woke up earlier than usual?


Holy shit, thanks for explaining that.

I thought it was a trendy bar that encouraged people to bring their dogs, called "Barque", with a big green space out back for them to run around.

Fucking retarded fats.


Looks comfy.

That man is clearly suffering big boned syndrome, lay off.

Nobody told him he wasn't supposed to actually drink a gallon of milk a day.

Fresh from facebook.


Is America so far gone that they actually use fat people in advertising? We have fat people too of course but NEVER in an ad.

Food companies know who keeps them afloat. Market to the fatties.

They know their market.
She was getting btfo in comments though. HAES/fat promotion seems to still be limited to tumblr and marketers trying to virtue signal, thankfully.




How do they stand like that, is it only possible from their fucked up knees.

does that actually happen to fat dudes?

No abs

You should if you're a skeleton.


>Last name Thore

Well at least she has his appetite.

Keep fighting the good fight, user.


You sound fat and delusional.

This is clearly bait.

won't be so sure at this point

honestly you will never make it fatso. Don't take this as motivation, seriously just giving you the facts



Privilege is being a fat fucking whale and thinking it's other people who are fucked up



pregnant spielberg alien mode



Hold the fucking phone, Netflix send out DVDs?

"I'm cute as fuck" uses a camera filter that slims your face and contours your nonexistent cheekbones

I hope this really happened.

>bar barque
Maybe the dogs knew she was retarded


Mirin those b8 skills m8

Yes, that's how they started their business, I heard they still do it in the US, but can't confirm

Ask Boogie

I am disgusted