Whats best for builing a good chest when benching? 5x5 or 4x10 etc

Whats best for builing a good chest when benching? 5x5 or 4x10 etc

10x10 incline in the morning and dips in the evening

3x5 for strength, deload 15% and bang out 2x10, followed by 1x10 of only bottom half of the rep and 1x10 top half of the rep.

Hit incline DBs for 3x10 later in your workout. I usually hit bent over rows in between then finish with tricep and ab work (I do a full body routine 3x a week though).

actually working out instead on posting on imageboard scum

100x100, 10k rep 20 hour chest workout


Nigga train for 2 years and you'll see lifting, (hypertrophy or strength or both) is an art.

You can't just do art with one brush, you need all available. You can do 3 months of 5x5 and then 2 months of 4x10 or 5x10 or 6x12 with very low rest or 3x3 with huge... it just depends.

Do SS, then PPLPPLX then whatever the fuck you want.

Actually at the gym rn

Get your bench to 225 for reps to start with.
You can add all kinds of fluff to your routine and jerk off with dumbbells and cables all day, but if you're still benching babbyweights your priorities are in the wrong place.

Even just progressive overloading reps at 160-185 can produce a decent chest. Some people really struggle between 180-225. Gradually working from 3x5 at 160 up to 4x12 will produce great results while also helping break through a plateau without snapping shit up or failing reps.

Although I do agree, hitting 225 for reps is the pinnacle of having a really good chest. You could bench 225 for the rest of your life and always have a chest worth mirin'.

>Some people really struggle between 180-225
Y-yeah, who are those dyels, lol...

greg nuckols' 3x int high bench program

volumefuck your chest until it has no choice but to get big

5x5 for progression. 4 x 10 is retarded unless you're already really strong and can't progress as often anymore.

Tfw can barely do 160

I would like to point out, that I can't bench for shit between 185 and 225. I can do more reps @ 225 than 205 or 215. I have a problem stabilizing the weight when the plates are that far out. Just odd antectdote

I do Eric Helm's routine for beginners (bodybuilding one), it's a PHUL (upper-lower).
One day for bench press it's 3x5 (strength), and other day it's 3x10.

I've been doing db bench for the last 4 months or so because I don't need a spotter, will progress made carry over to bb?

Tfw can't go higher than 200

wtf is this lol, how about just 4-5 sets of as much weight as you can lift for like 5-8 reps with some drop sets youre chest will be destroyed

Does his chest look weird to anyone else?
It's too round or something, looks off to me.

Im also curious
>tfw skelly
>tfw proud of hitting 90lbs 5x5
kill me

3x5-10, hit chest 2x a week
First day 3x5-10 bench. Once you hit 10 reps with that weight, add 5 lbs and start at 3x5 again. Add in incline db press, 3-4 sets of dips to failure, and 3-4 sets of a flye movement of your choice. Second day of the week you only bench.
You need to improve your bench but also increase the workload. This is why people who only focus on strength complain about having a small chest.
Who is going to have a bigger chest, the guy who can bench 225 for 3 sets of 10 or the guy doing only something like 5x1 with 315? The stronger you are you will have a bigger chest but total tonnage also plays a big role

>First day 3x5-10 bench. Once you hit 10 reps with that weight, add 5 lbs and start at 3x5 again

>increasing reps using the same no. of sets and same weight

literally the worst progression meme there is.

no one got real strong or real big doing this

Literally the easiest thing you can do. Every retard on fit thinks they need to do smolov or something when they can't even bench 200 pounds. You don't need a retarded periodization routine to build a chest, have fun with no chest hopping from routine to routine

>Literally the easiest thing you can do
There's easier progressions that' way more efficient.

> they can't even bench 200 pounds.
Your progression scheme is not required before this weight either. What's your point?

> retarded periodization routine
No one said that.

More frequency, bench 3x a week.
Do nuckols 3x int med from 28 free programs.

You can't get easier than that lmao
Any novice routine has you adding weight to the bar or adding reps. Nobody said it was required. I said you don't need periodization to build a big chest, you can do it with a simple progression scheme. Whether you think it's bad or good is irrelevant, you don't need fancy programming to build size. If you want to get as strong as possible that's a different story entirely

DB bench is a lot harder than BB bench. The weight requires you to stabilize it, you can't cheat using more strength from you stronger arm.

What? The center of gravity should be the same