How do you guys resist cheating?


Diet sprite is good desu

masturbating a lot

eat an apple.
Gets my sugar craving done and Soda suddenly feels way less temptating.

Self hatred really helps to keep you on track

Everytime you see something sweet just tell yourself "ew, disgusting!" over and over again. If you do this enough you will believe it.

A learned dislike of food that is high in sugars and carbs during cuts.
Picture what you want of your body. Grab your belly fat. Resist the temptation. Mind over matter. Start hating those sugary foods when cutting. Remember to count calories.
Use your cheat day though.

its so hard every day I want to eat 10,000 plus calories and shovel food into my disgusting fat mouth, I love food so much and I am a fat ass...I used to be fatter though even if everyone says I`m anorexic, even if they say I`ve done good enough I haven`t, I may be less fat than before but I am still fat, your hatred of yourself must eclipse your love of food

>Grab your belly fat.

or take your shirt off and look in the mirror

There's nothing to resist. I weigh the ups and downs of eating something very unhealthy and 99% of the time end up on the side of not indulging. That 1% I live with.

Also I'm practically never hungry because I eat a proper breakfast, home cooked lunch and dinner with lots of fiber and protein. If I'm not at home I always have emergency oats and a protein bar with me. Those primarily serve to delay the hunger until I'm home again. Don't walk around starving and you won't get sudden urges.

pretty much this

every time I want to eat a pizza or stop and grab fast food I just rub my hands over my 6 pack and obliques and think "not today fat BULLSHIT"

it works ever tiem

My problem with the approaches mentioned here about how to get rid of "junk food" cravings, is that I usually just gorge on whatever carbohydrate I see. It could be lots of rice, bread, or cereal with skim milk. It doesn't sound bad, but I could easily eat between 1000-2000 calories with those foods.
Don't think I'm a fat guy, I'm actually around 15-16% bf, but trying to get to 10%.
I usually don't worry much about the binge eating and just think of it as fuel for my next workout, but It slows down a lot the rate of fat loss.

I really don't.
I can afford it because i work 12 hour shifts where i can't even sit.
I have a watch that tracks steps and i end up at around 30000 steps each day.
So i can cheat on my off days all i want.
t. 68kg, was 74 before i started working here.

Ironically it's easier to keep your abs once you get them because you finally have something to lose.

What the fuck is a cheat day? It's cheat meal, and even that's dumb.
It's perfectly ok to occasionally go over your macros because you were visiting your parents for thanksgiving or got invited to a barbeque or some other occasion pops up as long as you don't do it too often, but scheduling a day like "next tuesday is my bi-monthly cheat meal day!" screams of middle aged office worker lady.

Yeah you're right, should have said meal instead of day.

I got fat by eating home cooking, just ridiculously excessive amounts of pasta. Never had a habit of snacking or drinking soda or anything.

Then I stared weighing how much pasta or rice I make and after a while I had totally readjusted my idea of "a reasonable amount" and haven't needed a scale for a long time.

If you stop eating sugary foods for long enough the thought of gulping down carbonated syrup actually starts to repulse you and feel a deep burning hatred for the mentality of the Americans around you


cheat day is better
i eat whatever i want 1 day the other 6 im strict
works for me

Ulcerative colitis.

I can't get one girl. I can't fathom having to resist cheating. Please someone explain to me how cheating is possible?

>cheat day
>every week
posts stats

Listen to Yuri Bezmenov and be angry.

He means food, user.

Took years of slowly changing my diet to get to the point I'm at now. Before I started, I was drinking three sodas a day (dr pepper, still enjoy it very occasionally), I ate almost no vegetables, and I ate until I was nauseous at every meal, all while not exercising.
Over about four years I slowly added in exercise, eating vegetables, then I started cutting down on soda, eventually it went to just diet soda, then I started paying more attention to the nutritional value of what I ate, then I started counting calories and only eating set amounts regardless of how full it made me feel, and finally I completely cut out all diet soda so that I only drink water, tea, and coffee.
I'll still have something sugary every once in a while, but it's very rare. The most unhealthy thing I consume regularly is 2, max 3, servings of alcohol in a given week, always a glass of wine or a bottle of beer.

Basically it just comes down to practice and building up your willpower and dedication.

drink water or diet coke/diet powerade....curbs my cravings pretty gud. Also, eating fruit or eating a quest protein or any of the nicer protein bars are like candy bars to me at this point.

I take my shirt off and look in the mirror.
This guy knows what's up.

>be me
>stop drinking soda since 2016
>I guess that was my New Years resolution but it was worth it
>always had that urge
>friends didn't help tho
Cmon user you're at a party you can have one
user there's no harm in having one
>stay true to my resolution
>I did have couple the past year and a half but I got acid reflux
>always remind myself how shitty I feel when I have one
But if that wasn't enough
>keep one Dr Pepper in my fridge
>but I never drink it
>it's there to remind me how far I have come
I still have that Dr Pepper in my fridge to this day.

Burn every single paycheck on coke and healthy food. If you are addicted to coke you will prioritize coke above unhealthy food. If you feel like you´re about to buy shitty food, do a bump.

Damn I'd really love an ice cold Dr. Pepper right about now to be quite honest? Bottle or can?


That's really cool, user. It is a good reminder of you journey.

This. I'll take some berries when I'm craving candy and that basically does the trick. And yeah learn to like diet soda if you can't resist

Cans are the best. Just the thought of the condensation dripping on the side as you crack it open..


I didn't cheat for more than one month.
I would bring great shame to me and my family.

tbqh I'm drinking carbonated vichy water out of a can right now, pretty god tier drink to be honest and cheap too. Consider buying the stuff, I'm sure it'd work as a soda alternative too.


Chocolate is the difficult one for me. I could go through the remainder of my life without drinking any soda, but I've already have a piece of Kit Kat for breakfast with my coffee.

I find that it's a whole lot easier to not buy something than it is to not eat something. If I buy chocolate I already consider it eaten, never buy more than I'm ok with eating that day.

Lately I've been having pickles to combat salty cravings and a glass of chocolate almond milk to combat sweet cravings.

Yup chocolate is definitely a downfall for me too, I just have to remind myself to never buy it

I buy expensive chocolate. This shit is pretty good desu and still has about 4-8 carbs per serving/bar. But knowing that I have to spend $5/bar on expensive "diet" chocolate takes the urge to splurge out of the equation. I have to make it last.

Also I abuse quest bars like a motherfucker. Sometimes Ill fast all day just to binge on a few of those quest bars before sleeping.

Quest bars are so good there has to be some sort of trickery behind them. What's your favourite? I love rocky road and mint chocolate. I could eat them every day but I try to limit myself to only carry them around as emergency food since they're pretty expensive for 250 calories.

I found Rocky Road in Publix yesterday and it's good as fuck. Now I'm afraid because they only had 1 little box of them.

I usually whip down to walmart and buy the 4packs of mint/cookie dough.

I kind of want to spend $50 on the quest website and try out all the flavors I've never done.

Anyone tried their protein powders? I hear good things about their thickness of the peanut butter.

Nah, I've been considering buying a pack of 12 in bulk though, pretty cheap.

I cheat in small amounts where it doesn't really affect me. As long as I still hit 200g+ of protein I don't give a fuck if I happened to drink a glass of coke or ate 30g of rice for my carbs.

Girl I dated is a dietician. She really disliked Coke and other sodas. I gave it up for her and since then haven't drank a drop of it. Don't really feel the urge either.

hey guys, does fruit make you fat? like, if I eat 100g of carbs in fruit every day - that's a lot of sugar. It's like 70-80g of sugar easy. I just gotta have something sweet after dinner. I crave sweets at night, and so far, I've been eating berries and melons mostly, but I'm just worried it's going to interfere with my weightloss. Still eating at a 500cal deficit and lifting 6 days a week.

having a small square of dark chocolate from the freezer really helps cut down on sweet cravings. the darker the better because the bitter taste makes you want to stop eating.

Beating my twink brother when the cravings hit. He has to hide his soda and chips because they are a trigger

tfw drinking a coke right now.
tfw fapped 4 times in 2 hours last night

Fruits and berries have tons of health benefits but that doesn't change the fact that sugar is sugar. It's naturally occurring fructose but it's still sugar. That being said it's the best possible way to fill your sugar fix and there are countless health benefits that go beyond weight.

Some fruit does. There's the boring ass tasteless Gala apple, and there's the awesome scientifically engineered apple like Honeycrisp that has 28 fucking grams of sugar in each!

Shit's good though. I don't know anyone who can eat more than 3 apples.

I keep a cahce of sugary snacks in a locked box in the back of the shed
the box is locked with a combination padlock
the combination is on a USB drive
the USB drive is in my locker at work

by the time I'd get the box open, the temptation passes

>implying you can't open the padlock in 10 seconds with some bolt cutters

>not fat

stay delusional fatty

I'm a pink lady man myself

By the time he goes to buy bolt cutters, he temptation also passes.

Stand the fuck down nigga.

try having brazil nuts, olives and a little cheese as appetizer
drink a lot of water too

I never liked sweet nor salty food, nor fast food, so its easy for me not to cheat. Also, my diets usually have big meals but sometimes the in betweens are not enough.

My kryptonite is a little bread they sell in a specific store... God dammit... They are so good...


>Decide to quit soda
>Start drinking St Pellerino carbonated juice instead
>its even more sugary
>stick to no sugar coke
fuck this shit mang
At least I got my consumption down. Rarely drink more than half a liter a week.

Meal prep and I have a cheat meal once a week.
Also, I still drink 1 can of soda everytime I drink 64waterbottles. And everytime the can of Coke tastes like liquid sex. I normally can't finish it though.

soda tastes like fucking garbage

when I want to indulge, I just indulge weed instead.

Fuji Master Race reporting in.

by cooking delicious healthy foods and by liking water? back when I was 10 (and living in the US), I was drinking 2 liters of coke a day. now I literally only drink water at home. if you actually know how to cook and learn to enjoy water, you really have no cravings for "cheat" meals

I just make clear cut rules for myself instead of vague goals like "go out less." Every second Saturday is my fast food day, I can have whatever the fuck I want, but that's it.

It all depend on your mind, so meditation help alot

fuji apples are what that snek gave to that bitch eve. no wonder she couldn't resist.

Diet soda, caffeine, and self-hatred. Sometimes it doesn't work, though.

Sometimes I think I'm blessed with how much I love water. I've never been tired of it in my life and it's all I ever drink with the exception of alcohol once a month.

Try getting casein user. Your night sweet treat can be a casein shake.
>tfw night gains


Smoke weed or masturbate instead of eating, anything fun that will distract you helps. The munchies are just a meme, you don't lose control of your ability to think like with alcohol.

Fuck now I feel guilty for cracking open that two liter earlier :(

I don't need it

I thought it was okay to cheat every now and again. is it really that bad to cheat like once a month. how often is it sustainable to cheat. i have also heard that cheat foods are different than foods to avoid.

I have a mirror in my wallet to remind me that I'm a disgusting fat fuck

I don't, I drank a 48oz Pepsi today. I also don't lift. Don't know why I'm here.

I've lost 30 pounds in 3 weeks and I'm on a VLCD. I started at 310 and I'm at 279 right now. IF and this really low calorie diet has really strengthened my will power. I was offered cake today at work and without even thinking about it, I just turned it down. It wasn't mine, I didn't deserve it and in turn I saw it as it wasn't even there.

The more I turn down sweets and refuse temptations, the easier it gets. I turned down a candy bar mid 48-hour fast. I don't know what clicked, but it got significantly easier.

>i have also heard that cheat foods are different than foods to avoid.

its so mind boggling how people are confused about every little thing

I think in the end this is why I withdrew from the world and basically don't socialize with ask the dumbest fucking questions, constantly. all of you.

Don't be such an autist, user

fuck you i was just asking i no nothing about cheat meals

Zero carb monsters, once a day usually. Masturbating

by not being a weak little bitch
go to Veeky Forums if you want to cheat

I talk myself out of it. By that I mean talk out loud. I'll say things like, "I don't need this" or "That's too many calories". The incidents when I am weak and pick up something that is shit for me, I've used this tactic and it works.

because its downright disgusting. only kids and teenagers drink coke/"energy" drinks

I became obsessed with lifting and getting enough brotein because I want big natty muscles more than anything else I want in life

most "cheat food" has shit macros so I avoid it.

That's ok, but what you need is to realize that common sense is at the heart of all this, not something you read on Veeky Forums
>I thought it was okay to cheat every now and again.
What you consider "ok" is a personal choice. It's never benefitial to cheat but then again it might help with your motivation which benefits in the long run. And you need to remember to enjoy life too. If you're turning down invitations because you're afraid of the macros they'll serve at a restaurant or barbeque then maybe you should relax a little.
>is it really that bad to cheat like once a month.
Sounds very reasonable.
>how often is it sustainable to cheat.
You can cheat every day, you'll just get fat. It's not like labeling a meal a "cheat meal" will make its macros standard, it all depends on how you cheat and how active you are.
>i have also heard that cheat foods are different than foods to avoid.
Yes and no. The classic definition of a cheat meal is "anything goes". That's why it's called a cheat meal, it doesn't count. You're cheating.

But that doesn't mean that just because you switch your brain to cheat mode you should throw all common sense out the window. Maybe don't drink 24 beers. Maybe don't eat a second bag of chips. Refined sugar is always terrible etc.

My "cheat meals" are usually occasions where my friends are talking about a good new restaurant or something and I want to try it out. I don't schedule to have an X amount of cheat meals in Y time but I do like to try out new food. I don't go crazy with it either, no double extra large pizzas. Just a meal that maybe doesn't quite fit my macros. And remember not to even think about how much fat there is in that sauce because the cheat meal serves literally no other reason than to let you enjoy unhealthy food. Refueling etc. is a meme.


Redpill: Every 10 days the tastebuds on your tounge will have been completely replaced by newly generated tastebuds.

If you can fight a craving 10-14 days you will physically not crave that junk food anymore. It's like no fap but actually works.

Source: It was written on my gym white board once

I don't crave soda.. I have a can once in a while when eating burger or something like that..

But I also don't do the "full retard" diets, I eat like 90% clean, if I go out for a dinner I have a normal meal with few beers, increase cardio for next day.

Not buying it

well it has to be between this and two months, since that's how long it takes to develop a new habit

what do you do for work?


>I really REALLY could eat a cheeseburger right now. Okay, so I'll wait six hours, and if I still feel like cheating, then I'll get a cheeseburger, a bag of fries, a milkshake, and a jumbo beetus cola. I just have to wait six hours first.

You have to basically trick your brain into leaving you alone for a bit.