What does Veeky Forums do about their dandruff?

What does Veeky Forums do about their dandruff?

>shower twice a day
>use dandruff shampoo and conditioner
>still have mild dandruff and it is super fucking embarrassing

>>use dandruff shampoo and conditioner

There's your problem. Massage your scalp with coconut oil. Wait for an hour, and then rinse it off in the shower.


Stop taking showers everyday. Dandruff happens when your scalp is dry, so if you keep taking off all the oils by showering twice a day, you're gonna have more dandruff

Apple cider vinegar rinsing helped mine. YMMV but the shit is cheap so it's not the end of the world.

As someone with fairly bad dandruff, I cut my shampoo/condition down to every few days and it alleviated the problem. Your scalp might be drying out.

you shouldn't shampoo more than 2, 3 times a week max

Youre washing it waaaaay too much. Scrubbiong away the natural oils that keep your hair healthy. Unless youve been heavily sweating or getting dirty in other ways, then you dont need to wash your hair daily. Water is fine for most days and only shampoo/condition twice a week.

>head and shoulders specifically 3 times a week
>shower in warm to cold water, never hot
>stay hydrated
>take multi-vitamin
>avoid sugar, go a little easier on dairy, brush your hair regularly to exfoliate.

Coal tar shampoo is very effective.
I had success with neutrogena t/gel.

nizoral or ketoconazole

THIS. Head and shoulders just dissolves some of the flakes. They will be back again within hours if you have bad dandruff. I have had dandruff since I was 10 years old and am now 27 ... I've tried everything available over the counter. The single most effective treatment is coal tar. I use it every other day and my scalp stays flake and itch free. However it smells kind of funky but if you use a conditioner it will balance that out.

Drink more water, get more sun or take vitamin d supplements, massage coconut oil in to scalp; let it set for 30~ mins then rinse out, brush yo hair mohr to exfoliate, only shampoo hair every 3 days.

Reminder: Coal tar shampoo is carcinogenic.

people actually care about dandruff? lmao

The answer to all of my hair problems was to stop washing it so often. I wash it once a week and just give it a good rinsing in my morning showers, no more dandruff and its not nearly as wiry and shitty.

Don't shampoo and condition every day. Shower daily, but don't put any shit in your hair

>cut hair short to 1.5-3 mm
>scalp receives vitamin D

No shampoo, no conditioner.

Rinse in hot water, then cold. Add several drops of jojoba oil to hair. Solves everything.

If you don't want to look like shit, you do care about it

It has an antifungal in it which prevents cells from dividing, obviously it doesn't work for everyone.

Wash your hair with cold water, i swear it works

>shower twice a day

That let alone is 90% of the reason why you get it.

Don't wash your hair everyday, or at least don't use shampoo daily. Shampoo once or twice a week with with conditionner.

Actually i don't use shampoo at all anymore, i simply shower and rince my haire everyday and sometimes use conditionner. Never had any problems since, Hair isn't greasy or anything either...

Legit advice if you suffer from seborrheic dermatitis like I did. Just use head and shoulders conditioner, fuck the shampoo. It will take 1 week max to adjust. Just use it Everytime you shower.

I tried everything from nizoral, sea salt, oils to changing my diet to a candida free diet. Nothing worked better than just using the conditioner.

Worked for my gf with mild dandruff as well cuz the shampoo was a quick fix, and not a permanent solution.

That's it

Same here, I have thick black hair though.
GF goes crazy about how fluffy it is.
Also I'm a cold shower fag and take them once a day

Don't wash your hair so much

head and shoulders works wonders senpai

Wear white upper clothes and don't scratch your hair.

I had dandruff for 8 years and what ultimately fixed it was only using shampoo once or twice a week and using conditioner twice a day.

Shower every day but only use shampoo and conditioner once every two days. This helped with mine. Also, if drying your hair with a towel, don't rub it aggressively, just dab it or let it dry naturally

Used to have BAAAAAD dandriff. Cut it back significantly by dropping my showers down to only the days I work up a real sweat and shampoo maybe once a week. Start geting the natural oils back in your hair.

inb4 it stinks

Cuz it dont.

I shave my head. Never a worry.

I can confirm this. Shampoo is a fucking load of bullshit.

I no longer wash my hair with shampoo. Maybe once a week, but this current run has been going for a month without. No dandruff. Who else /nopoo/ here?

I had severe problems with dandruff in the season changes, specially when autumn and spring came.
It turned out I was showering with hot water and it gave me the dandruffs.

I just use head and shoulders, shit does wonders for dandruff.

Also i only shampoo every 3 or four days

this. stop using shampoo OP. it will feel gross for the first two days but your hair will feel great very soon afterwards. just rinse your head with water the same way you usually would with shampoo.

listen to this OP, I swear by it

>keep doing what you are doing
>cut conditioner for a week
>avoid too-hot baths
>after EVERY single shower, when you are done washing, turn the water to ice-cold and put just your head under the water for about 1 minute, and massage your head slowly during that 1 minute
>literally 2~5 days doing this and it is gone.

Dilute it or put it in your shampoo


No joke, i just shaved my head since i am balding anyway. Before i had problems with dandruff, but now i dont care.

T Gel is all u need follow the instructions,

I use this. Dandruff now under control

i use coal tar shampoo, who cares. meat is carcinogenic

Going bald worked very well for me.

Nizoral. I wish I could go the no shampoo route but my hair smells horrible if I don't.

youre showering too fucking much retard drying your scalp out with all that product

I... dont use shampoo nor shower gel or anything, just water since many years. My dandruff are mostly gone and my skin is better too. If I would get some serious dirt on me I would consider soap of course, but for sweat and such its not necessary I think.


Use a quality shampoo that is sulfate free. Don't use dandruff shampoo. Shampoo twice in a row during the same shower. Enjoy the results.

I dont use shampoo at all and my dandruff is still severe as fuck.
The only thing that helps is rubbing olive oil into it and leaving it in.

Something else to consider is to make sure your brush/comb is clean. What I mistook for dandruff was actually old product left on the brush. As a general rule for everyone, clean that shit out about once a week and rinse with hot water.


I've battled dandruff for years but the only thing that works is apple cider vinegar. I soak my hair (back, sides, top) and then come it through my hair. Then while it's in my hair i brush my teeth or lather or something then after my the tingling from the ACV gets bad i comb and rinse all of it off. After 2 days you will be 100% dandruff free

Pro tip
Use denorex extra strength. It has shampoo and conditioner, works well and doesn't smell like tgel.

frequency is the problem, at least it was for me. Shower as often as you want, but don't overdo it on shampoo. I only shampoo my hair every third day (Unless I get it dirty with things other than sweat or gel), and I condition it once a day. If you shower in the morning and at the gym post workout, pick one of those two times and just wash your hair with conditioner. Also get moroccon oil and add a little of that in. The biggest thing is to avoid shampoos or conditioners with alcohol as an ingredient, it dries your shit out hard.

tl;dr shampoo every third day, avoid alcohol, get oil treatments for hair and anti dandruff conditioner

My mom is like this and can wash her hair like every 3 or 4 days.

Me and my dad. Our hair turns into a greasy mess overnight. Have to wash the hair every day. Truth is it is greasy in about 9hrs. Even sitting in the ac

Mine gets greasy reasonably fast too, but have you tried just washing it with conditioner? Gets rid of the grease for me but doesn't leave my hair dry afterwards
I go basic and just use head and shoulders conditioner, if that helps any

You can shower daily but you shouldn't wash your hair daily and definitely not twice a day try just washing your hair every other day. Your are drying out your scalp.

You~re gonna think im trolling but:

I always always always had dandruff, my whole fucking life, and I tried every shampoo. Then one guy said "your skin is too sensitive, just stop using chemicals on it and wash your hair only with warm water".

I haven't used a shampoo or conditioner in 6 years and haven't had dandruff in the same amount of time. If my hair gets too greasy, I just use hot water instead of warm.

Worked for me.

You're disgusting.

>All the people in this thread with stinky hair that they don't even know because they're accustomed to the stench

>dont use shampoo
>dandruff is still there
maybe you should try different types of shampoo


also cut your hair shorter nig

Is your scalp dry? And do you get dry skin on your chest and/or back? If so then you might have seborrheic dermatitis, I have a minor case myself and I just use some prescription shampoo every 2-3 days and it clears it up

You prob think women are disgusting too most of them don't wash their hair I know tons of people that do this try only washing it every other day to start and see what your limit is

Would advise maybe one shower a day max. Make sure your anti dandruff shampoo has zinc in it. Head and shoulders does. People with dry skin often have problems with a metal binding protein in their skin called psoriasin.

I shower once a day with nopoo and still get it.
>tfw hot showers

>All this advice ITT saying to shampoo less and shower less
>tfw I shower twice a day along with shampoo and conditioning every day
>if I'm particularly sweaty after working out, I'll even shampoo three times a day
>tfw don't have and never have had dandruff problems
Is it my genetics?

>shampoo three times a day

All you need to do is mix some tea tree oil and or lavender into your shampoo and let it soak into your scaly scalp. Don't listen to "your scalp is dry faggots" dandruff is from fungus/bacteria or something.

Get shampoo with selenium s

>North Americans and Europeans don't think it's necessary to shower everyday

I will try this now, thanks

What few studies have been done suggest it's safe.

Tfw i dont even use soap on my hair and there's virtually nothing wrong with it

Try not to wash it that much like everyone else said.

I can't speak for Europeans, but where have you heard this?

It's not dandruff. Use selenium sulfide. You can get extra strength shit prescribe from a doc

Only thing that worked for me. Most dandruff shampoos use something else that doesn't do shit.

Pic related. Fucking YEARS of horrible scaly dandruff, trying all kinds of different things, and this ketoconazole shampoo cleared it up 100% in only two uses.

three types of dandruff:
>dry scalp which causes skin flaking
>fungus living off the oils of your hair
>residue from hair products

Everyones hair/scalp is different and produces different levels of oil. The more you wash your hair with shampoo, the more oil your hair will produce. If anti dandruff shampoo isn't making it go away, its likely that you have dry skin instead of fungus living up there (anti dandruff shampoo actually makes dry skin worse). Experiment with shampooing once every two days, three days, etc. Find something that works for you.

>T. used to have dandruff issues

Still falling for the shampoo jew, lmao. I used to as well, the whole nine yards: shampoo, conditioner, face wash, body wash, everything.

The only thing you should use in the shower besides water is bar soap.

I work as a plant engineer in a hot plant, so I get sweaty and gross daily. My showers consist of ~2 minutes of vigorous scalp & hair scrubbing under the showerhead, followed by vigorous face & beard scrubbing under the showerhead. I then scrub my entire body vigorously under the showerhead, and then finish by using bar soap on the armpits, groin/ass, and feet.

As a result, my hair is always full & dandruff-free, skin is never dried out, and I'm saving $20/month ($200/year) on these snake-oil "personal care" products that create more problems than they solve.

just don't wash your hair as much and if you do, use a mixed conditioner so it has some level of oil in it. Blow dry your hair after you shower so there is no excess moisture for fungus to live off.


Coal tar shampoo

Wow so woke, you btfoed everyone

Use nizoral shampoo, I was struggling with it for 4 years till I found this stuff. Use it once every three days and leave it in for 5 mins before rinsing and you will be dandruff free real quick, also it will dry out your hair so use conditioner after.

i have pretty bad psoriasis, there are various things i do to make it less obvious, no shampoo, only bar soap & coconut oil in the shower.

but the best thing for me honestly is vegetable juice. i did an 11 day juice only diet and my psoriasis was completely unnoticeable. now, i just have probably about a pint of vegetable juice 3 times a week and it keeps it at bay.

"Squanorm" e3d until dandruff disappears (for me usually after ~3-5 applications).
Enjoy dandruff free time, in my case like 2 months

I had bad dandruff for years, fixed it by:
Shower every day, and rinse hair thoroughly with water only.
Anti-dandruff shampoo (something like selsun blue or sebitar, not head and shoulders though) and USE CONDITIONER afterwards.
And that's it, super simple stuff


washing your hair twice a day is WHY...

you're drying out your scalp.

do your research. washing your hair every day is bad for it, let alone twice a day.

stop doing that. let it get its natural oils back

how the fuck does this happen?
how can it not get greasy?
you wash the grease with shampoo away then it gets greasy again.
the fuck how